Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 854 Yuan Shao Attacks Xuanyuan

Chapter 854 Yuan Shao Attacks Xuanyuan

Chapter 852: Yuan Shao Attacks Xuanyuan

"The leader of the alliance believes that the troops should be divided into three groups, and march into Luoyang from the east, southeast, and south."

As soon as Qin Hao's proposal to divide into three groups was said, the scene instantly became extremely silent, and everyone couldn't help showing a look of contemplation.

While most of them were thinking about it, Liu Xiu took the lead in figuring out the connection, and stepped forward and said: "Leader, although our army has wiped out [-] cavalrymen of the Liang army in this battle, the remaining troops of the Liang army are still strong." Sufficient, if our army is divided into three groups, won't our forces be dispersed?"

Qin Hao also showed surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that Liu Xiu would be the first to question him. It seems that the suppression on him was not enough before, and he forgot the pain just after the scar healed.

As soon as Liu Xiu said this, some of the princes also nodded subconsciously. After all, the division of troops into three groups did lead to the dispersion of troops.

However, these princes did not directly refute, but out of trust in Qin Hao, they quietly waited for Qin Hao's next words.

Liu Xiu also knew that Qin Hao's prestige was extremely high, so it could be seen that none of the princes had stepped forward. She was secretly startled and at the same time weighed, would Qin Hao target herself here because of this?
Li Shimin's fire attack failed due to the heavy rain, and Liu Xiu, who was in the sea of ​​fire, was intact, but still thought that Qin Hao was deliberately plotting against him, otherwise why would he use himself as a bait instead of others?
After the fire, Liu Xiu’s troops and horses suffered more than a thousand casualties, and Qin Hao also compensated Liu Xiu with the corresponding horse equipment. Was plotted by Qin Hao again.

Liu Xiu was not a person who was passively beaten, and he knew that Qin Hao must have follow-up means, and in order to protect himself, he had to take some action, otherwise he might be sold by Qin Hao and would have to count the money for him.

The only way Liu Xiu could think of to protect himself was to suppress Qin Hao's prestige as much as possible. As long as Qin Hao's words in the coalition army were not unambiguous, the predicament he faced would be much better. This also required the support of other princes.

And the reason why Liu Xiu questioned Qin Hao just now was also deliberately probing, but he didn't expect that so many princes agreed, but no one dared to stand up.

"Is Qin Hao's prestige already so high? It seems that if Qin Hao doesn't make a big mistake, his prestige has been severely damaged, and if this continues, I'm afraid I will die without a place to bury him." what."

Liu Xiu showed a calm face, but his heart was actually very terrified, and at this time Qin Hao gave him a meaningful look, which made Liu Xiu even more terrified.

Qin Hao didn't directly refute Liu Xiu, but walked to a simple large map, and said with a smile: "Of course the leader of this alliance knows that dividing troops will cause the dispersion of troops, but everyone should know that the Liang army still has 25 troops. Are we going to fight a war of attrition with the Liang army at Hulao Pass?
Everyone, please see that as Li Shimin's 5 cavalry were wiped out, and 8 cavalry were transferred from Luoyang to Hulao, although there are only [-] troops at Hulao Pass on the eastern front, there are still [-] troops led by Yang Jian in Luoyang. .

There are only four routes to enter Luoyang, north, east, southeast, and south. At the beginning, Xiang Yu invaded Sizhou from Mengjin in the north, so this time Li Shimin learned his lesson and specially arranged [-] troops in Mengjin and Xiaopingjin. Send general Yang Lin to guard against death.

In addition, the Xuanyuan, Guangcheng, and Yique passes in the southeast and south were also guarded by generals Yu Wenhuaji, Han Qinhu, and Yang Su with [-] troops each.

If our army only takes the front line of Hulao, it will be tantamount to fighting against the Liang army at Hulao. If the strength of Hulao Pass is insufficient, Yang Jian in Luoyang will definitely send more reinforcements.

If Luoyang's troops are not enough, the other four passes will definitely divide troops to support them. If this is the case, this battle will become a meaningless war of attrition. "

Speaking of this, Qin Hao stopped on purpose, and after looking around at the princes, he found that most of them were contemplating. After all, what he said was right. If it really turned into a war of attrition, it would be their troops that would be consumed what.

Soon all the princes figured out the key point, while Yuan Shao sighed and said in a deep voice: "The leader's words are reasonable, and it cannot be turned into a war of attrition, otherwise the casualties will be too great."

Yuan Shu retorted: "But if the troops are divided into three groups, our coalition forces will attack three strong passes. Wouldn't the casualties be greater?"

Although Yuan Shu had done a lot of stupid things before, his speech this time was recognized by many people. From their point of view, attacking only one Hulao Pass certainly did not cause as many casualties as attacking the three great passes, but fighting a war is different from settling accounts , and that's not the case at all.

"The highway is wrong."

A gleam flashed in Cao Cao's eyes, and he explained with a smile on his face: "Even if our army is divided into three groups, it does not mean that we must attack three passes by force, but the division of troops can hold more soldiers and horses of the Liang army, thus reducing the pressure of the tiger. Keep the pressure off here."

As soon as Cao Cao's words stood out, the princes suddenly realized.

That's right, as long as the coalition troops swing towards other checkpoints, the Liang army stationed will naturally not dare to move lightly. At that time, the coalition forces will only have to face the Liang army in Hulao and Luoyang.

Seeing that the princes were really led by him, Qin Hao continued with a smile in his heart, "What Cao Yanzhou said is exactly what the leader of the alliance thinks in his heart, let alone attacking a Hulao pass, an army of more than 50 people will not be able to use it at all, how about Divide the troops to frighten the Liang army in other places, so that the casualties are reduced to the greatest extent."

This time the princes finally reacted.

Yes, Hulao Heaven's Scourge is easy to defend and difficult to attack. With the terrain of Hulao Pass, it is the limit to accommodate 50 people to attack each time. A [-] army cannot be used at all, and except for a small number of attacking troops, Most of the rest of the soldiers can't be idle, right?Therefore, the division of troops can benefit and make big claims.

At this point, all the princes believed that Qin Hao was really thinking about the coalition forces, and the method he came up with was really the most beneficial to the coalition forces.

If Qin Hao knew the thoughts of the princes, he would definitely laugh. He didn't think for the princes, he just wanted to use the hands of the princes to win the Luoyang Baguan for himself.

"Everyone, it is imperative to divide the troops. Is there any objection now?"

"I am willing to listen to the leader's dispatch."

"it is good."

Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction, then the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and he said with a light smile: "I am now ordering Yuan Shao to be the chief general of the southeast route, and Yuan Shu to be the deputy general, leading an army of [-] troops, to go southeast and attack Xuanyuan Pass."

Yuan Shao apparently never expected that Qin Hao would let him be one of the three main generals, but this did not hinder the joy in his heart, and immediately stood up and responded loudly: "Thank you for your trust."

(End of this chapter)

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