Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 868 Liu Xiu's ruthlessness

Chapter 868 Liu Xiu's ruthlessness

Chapter 866: Liu Xiu's Cruelty

Yan Liangwenchou, who returned with Yu Wenhua and his head, thought he would be rewarded by Yuan Shao, but instead he was severely reprimanded.

"What did I tell you? To capture Yu Wenhuaji alive, he must be captured alive. Do you two have no ears, or did you turn your head and forget my order?"

Looking at the angry lord, Yan Liangwenchou was also very wronged in his heart.

Yan Liang stood up at this time, and said in a low voice: "My lord, how dare I forget your order, but the situation on the battlefield is changing, and anything may happen, and the final general is beyond his reach."

Yuan Shao also knew that what Yan Liang said was right, it was normal to be killed by Liu Ya on the battlefield, Yu Wenhuaji's death could only be regarded as his bad luck, and it was impossible for Yuan Shao to really pursue for a dead Yu Wenhuaji The responsibility of the two love generals.

Yuan Shao originally wanted to capture Yu Wenhuaji alive to force Yuwen Chengdu to surrender. After all, Yu Wenhuaji is Yuwen Chengdu's father, and Yuwen Chengdu is famous for his filial piety. Once Yu Wenhuaji is captured, how can Yuwen Chengdu not surrender? ?But now that Yu Wenhuaji is dead, naturally everything is impossible.

Thinking of himself and Yuwen Chengdu, the No. [-] fierce general in the martial arts list, Yuan Shao felt extremely depressed. After taking a long breath, he said lightly: "That's all..."

Seeing this, Liu Xiu below couldn't help but a strange look flashed in his eyes. He thought that Yuan Shao pursued him all night to vent his anger, but it turned out that his real intention was to subdue Yuwen Chengdu.

It seems that I still underestimated Yuan Shao, but fortunately I arranged a backup.Liu Xiu thought to himself.

After the meeting, Liu Xiu returned to her camp, where a captain in leather armor was already waiting.

When the man saw Liu Xiu, he immediately clasped his fists and said in a deep voice, "Master, the task is completed."

The corners of Liu Xiu's mouth raised slightly, and he asked, "Hasn't anyone discovered it?"

"Absolutely not. The subordinates were very careful when they struck. After one blow, they ran away without anyone noticing."

Liu Xiu patted the man on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Good job, I will definitely reward you for your great achievements this time."

"Thank you, my lord."

The man showed joy at first, and then asked hesitantly: "My lord, why do you want to..."

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."

A cold light flashed in Liu Xiu's eyes, he walked slowly to the chair and sat down, and said coldly: "You have been with me for ten years, you should know what to ask and what not to ask."

Seeing Liu Xiu's cold eyes, the man shuddered immediately, and quickly prostrated himself on the ground, tremblingly said: "This subordinate understands, this subordinate understands, this secret subordinate will definitely rot in his stomach, and there will never be a second one." Three people know."

The coldness in Liu Xiu's eyes eased slightly, and he said lightly: "It's good to know, go down and receive the reward."

"Thank you, my lord."

As if he had been pardoned, the man hurriedly got up and walked out, but he hadn't reached the door when he heard a bang, and a long sword pierced through his chest.

Looking at the long sword in front of his chest, the man showed disbelief. After turning around with difficulty, he saw Liu Xiu was maintaining this throwing posture.

The man spat out blood, and said with great difficulty: "Master, my subordinate, I have been with you for ten years, why, why?"

Liu Xiu also had cold eyes, walked behind the man slowly, and said flatly: "Only the dead can keep secrets forever."

After saying that, Liu Xiu drew out the sword directly, and the man fell to the ground staring at Liu Xiu.

Killed a loyal subordinate with his own hands, but there was no wave in Liu Xiu's eyes. Instead, he looked at the man's body and said calmly: "Don't worry, I will take care of your family and ensure that they have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives." .”

After finishing speaking, Liu Xiu walked out directly, and not long after he left, the man's eyes closed by themselves.

Outsiders thought it was Yu Wenhuaji who died under Yuan Shao's hands, but in fact the assassin was sent by Liu Xiu, and Liu Xiu's reason for doing so was the same as Yuan Shao's, because he wanted to subdue Yuwen Chengdu , but Liu Xiu's methods are much more ruthless than Yuan Shao's.

From Liu Xiu's point of view, Dong Zhuo will definitely be defeated sooner or later, and although Liu Xiu betrayed Dong Zhuo, he is also from the Liangzhou lineage after all, so he can naturally win some of the "inheritance" left by Dong Zhuo.

Liu Xiu and Yuwen Chengdu are old acquaintances. At the beginning, they joined forces to block Qin Hao in Wuguan. Now Liu Xiu sent someone to kill Yu Wenhua and blame Yuan Shao. This also blocked the way for Yuwen Chengdu to surrender to most of the allied princes. , and Liu Xiu is a good friend of Yuwen Chengdu, so the possibility of subduing him is naturally the greatest.

After Liu Xiu arrived outside the account, he raised his head and looked to the north, and said in a low voice, "Brother Chengdu, don't blame me, I was also forced to do nothing, besides, I have already avenged you, and now I really feel sorry for you." need your help."

If Qin Hao knew what Liu Xiu was thinking, he would definitely give Liu Xiu a thumbs up and say: God brain circuit.

Although the idea of ​​killing your father was on my mind, I did not do it. Besides, I also killed the killer, so I indirectly avenged your father!

It has to be said that Liu Xiu's ability to shirk responsibility for herself is really too strong to be strong, and Yuwen Chengdu has made him a friend, which can be regarded as bad luck for eight hundred lifetimes.


Yuan Shao's army was much more united than Sun Jian's army, so after taking Xuanyuanguan, he only took a short rest, and immediately reorganized his army to join Sun Jian's army.

After the two armies of the southeast and the south route joined forces, their strength was as high as 16, but at this time there were only [-] troops in Yique Pass, of which [-] were the defeated troops brought back by Wang Fang from Guangcheng Pass.

Twenty-five thousand troops is actually not a lot, and the defense of Yique Pass is not much inferior to that of Hulao Pass. As long as the guards are dispatched properly, it will not be a problem to defend Yique Pass.

However, the coalition forces broke through the two major passes, which greatly affected the morale of the Liang army. In addition, Yang Su received another [-] defeated troops, and the mood of these defeated troops also affected the defenders in the pass.

The morale of the defenders in Yique Pass had already dropped due to Li Shimin's defeat at Hulao Pass and the breach of two other fortified passes, and was also affected by the defeated army in the pass.

The guard Yang Su actually regretted it in his heart. He knew that this group of people would not only be of no help but also cause chaos. At the beginning, it would have been better to transfer this group of defeated troops to Luoyang, but it was too late to say anything now.

Yang Su tried all means to stabilize the morale problem in the pass, but it is undoubtedly very difficult to defend Yique Pass with these soldiers with low morale.

In desperation, Yang Su could only write to Yang Jian in Luoyang and Li Shimin in Hulao Pass for help.

(End of this chapter)

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