Chapter 871

Chapter 869: Relying on the Sky and Slaying the Dragon Showing His Traces

From the dialogue between the two, it is not difficult to see that they are the Fuxi of Shennong, the strong contenders for the future leader of the Nongjia and Yinyangjia.

Shennong's words are actually correct, because of Zhangjiao's appearance in the Yinyang family, after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, he was basically reduced to a street rat, so he acted very low-key.

Now Fuxi not only shows up grandiosely, but also has two conspicuous beauties by his side. Doesn't this mean telling the world that your Yin Yang family is coming back?
After hearing Shennong's words, Fuxi looked at the two daughters behind him complainingly, and said helplessly, "Boss Commander and Commander Commander both said that you don't want to follow me. Now my whereabouts are all exposed, so you are satisfied now." Bar?"

Shao Siming, who covered his face with Zisha, didn't even pay attention to Fuxi, but looked at him indifferently with doubts in his eyes, as if to say what does your whereabouts exposure have to do with us?
Seeing that Shao Si Ming didn't talk to him in front of outsiders, Fuxi couldn't help but a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

But when he thought of her ignoring the leader, Fu Xi was naturally relieved. After all, he didn't know if Shao Si Ming didn't like to talk, or he couldn't talk at all.

Da Si Ming smiled lightly at this time and said: "Senior brother Fuxi, after all, you and sister Qianlong are candidates for the next leadership of our Yinyang family. Although your strength is much stronger than ours, it doesn't mean that you don't need Protect.

Besides, most of the hundred families have already been born, and since my Yin-Yang family is ready to be born again, this person who has entered the world also represents face, so naturally we have to talk about some pomp, otherwise, won't the world despise it? "

Fuxi is not the only candidate for the leader. The Yinyang school pays attention to the harmony of yin and yang. The leader will choose between a man and a woman. Fuxi is the yang of this generation, and Ji Ruqianlong is the yin. Both of them are the leaders of the hundred schools. Any one of them is enough to support the Yin Yang family.

Fuxi was speechless at what Da Siming said, so he could only laugh dryly: "It seems to be true, hehe..."

Shen Nong's eyes lighted up when he heard the words, and he was finally sure that the Yin Yang family would be reborn. Of course, this must have been revealed to him on purpose by the other party, and so Fuxi came here for that?

Shen Nong thought to himself, then deliberately changed the topic, and said, "Brother Fuxi, I found a very strange problem. Your Yin Yang family is all handsome and beautiful. Do you also have requirements for looks? You don't accept ugly ones? No wonder there are only so few people in your Yin Yang family."

Fuxi was also stunned when he heard the words, he hadn't thought about it before, but after being reminded by Shennong, Fuxi found out that it was really the case.

Among the hundred schools of thought, the Yin Yang family only has more people than Zongheng, but without exception, all of them are elites, and the men are all handsome, such as: Fuxi.The women are beautiful and beautiful, for example: the young master ordered Yan's concubine, the moon god Ji Ruqianlong, etc.

Even Nanhua and Zou Yan, who are already old, still look like immortals now, which shows that they must have been handsome men when they were young.

So here comes the question, do you really have to look at your face when you enter Yin Yang's house?Is it true that you don't want to be ugly?

Fuxi underestimated in his heart, then quickly shook his head, frowned after dispelling distracting thoughts, and said, "Brother Shennong, don't change the topic, please? You haven't answered my question yet?"

Seeing this, Shennong sighed in his heart, knowing that he could not escape this test, so he directly said without thinking: "Of course I admire it, but it is a fetish that my farm family has struggled for a hundred years and has never obtained.

This time Qin Hao's promotion of new grains, no matter what his original intention is, has indeed benefited the people all over the world. It is a pity that he was not chosen by my farm family, otherwise I would definitely serve under his command. "


Fuxi showed surprise eyes, and then asked with a smile: "Shortly after the end of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, your farmer sent Zaozhi to Bingzhou, and now Zaoyi has been deeply trusted by Qin and Wen, and is in charge of the entire farming affairs in Bingbei, but you Didn't choose Qin Hao?"

Shennong looked at Fuxi deeply, and said: "The reason why Zaozhi became an official and merged with the state is the agreement between Uncle Zheng Xuan and Qin Hao, and it does not all represent the will of the entire farm family."

"So the farmer is going to give up Zaozhi?"

Shen Nong sighed, "It was he who gave up the farm."

A strange look flashed in Fuxi's eyes, and then he sighed: "So, brother Shennong, are you going to assist the person chosen by the farm family?"

"Do not……"

Shennong raised his head, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "That person is not worthy of my service, and I am not ready to be an official anymore..."

"That's actually good, politics is always the darkest, and there's no such thing as a happy and unrestrained world..."

Fuxi and Shennong seem to be chatting every sentence, but they are actually testing each other's details. After all, although the information about "that" is about to be born is secret, it is not considered a secret to Baijia, and they are also doing it this time. They all come with missions.

After chatting for more than half an hour, neither of the two sides could do anything about it. In the end, Fuxi pierced the window paper first.

"Brother Shennong, you are coming to Luoyang this time, are you afraid of slaying dragons for Yitian?"

"Brother Fuxi, isn't that why you came here?"

Yitian Tulong refers to Yitian Sword and Dragon Saber, and these two magical weapons are the key to opening the Tiangong Treasure, which contains a huge amount of wealth that can change the general trend of the world.

The Tiangong Treasure was hidden somewhere in Sizhou, and Dong Zhuo never gave up looking for the Tiangong Treasure after occupying Sizhou.

The repeated failures in this head-on confrontation with the Kwantung princes made Dong Zhuo turn his mind to the Tiangong Treasure again. He wanted to use the huge financial resources in the Tiangong Treasure to make up for the losses caused by the Kwantung Allied Forces.

To open Tiangong's Treasure, you must use Yitian Tulong, but when the six factions besieged Guangmingding, these two magic weapons were stolen by the five thieves, and the five thieves were also wanted by the whole world.

In order to hunt down the five thieves, Dong Zhuo spent a great price, and not long ago finally found the five thieves in Sizhou.

The appearance of the five thieves means that Yitian Tulong is about to appear in the world, and this also attracts knight-errants and children from hundreds of schools to gather in Sizhou, and all the major princes also send spies to come, obviously they are all eyeing the "Treasure of Heaven".

Now Ji Wuming, who is known as the God of Stealing, has died in the hands of the villain Li Chunfeng, but Yitian Tulong was not found from him, which shows that the magic weapon must be in the hands of the remaining four.

Whoever can find them first will be able to rely on the Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife to open the Tiangong Treasure.

Fuxi looked at Shennong and said with a faint smile: "Brother Shennong, you guessed wrong this time. Although the treasure is good, it is not what I was looking for. My mission in Luoyang this time is the second, and the main purpose is to witness this great battle."

After Shennong was silent for a while, he said in a deep voice, "If I say that I am not mainly here for treasures, but for new crops, would you believe me?"

Fuxi laughed and said, "Xin, this is just like you!"

 A brief account of what happened in the dark place of Sizhou under the great war, will return to the main line soon, and the final decisive battle is coming soon!

(End of this chapter)

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