Chapter 874

Chapter 872: Li Cunxiao Exits

"The top priority is to find out whether the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Slaying Saber are in the hands of Hua Daochang and Duan Yun.

Regardless of whether we are here or not, the focus of our next task is to prepare for the young master to attack Luoyang first, and then to arrest the other two thieves for the treasure of Tiangong. "

Nongyu, who looks delicate and gentle, speaks with unusual firmness, which makes Qijian nod secretly, thinking: Jin Yiwei's Luoyang chief, the lord has not chosen the wrong person!

In the land of the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty, the intelligence work in the Sili area is the most difficult, because here you will directly face the big who has fallen into the hands of Dong Zhuo, as well as the bad people who are growing in the hands of Li Xiuning.

The current bad people are not the bad people in the past. Under Li Shimin's resource allocation and Li Xiuning's wise leadership, the bad people have gradually grown into a big organization.

Although the current disadvantages are still not as good as the old brands such as Big Who He and Black Ice Platform, it is already a force that cannot be ignored, and it will suffer if you underestimate it.

Many people in the world, even hundreds of family members, have suffered from bad people, so of course Nongyu will not underestimate bad people, let alone Li Xiuning who she is going to face this time.

From Nongyu's point of view, Li Xiuning is a terrible opponent. The opponent has developed a bad person into a giant in just a few years. This kind of wisdom and skill makes Nongyu a little admired. If it weren't for the Seven Swords this time With the support behind him, Nongyu didn't even have the courage to fight Li Xiuning.

"Come on, Li Xiuning, I'm not afraid of you."

Nongyu secretly cheered herself up, then looked at Qijian and said in a deep voice: "Luoyang has families with more than a hundred soldiers, and I have already contacted them all in the name of the coalition.

The aristocratic families hated Dong Zhuo very much, and the aristocratic families in Luoyang were no exception, so most of them were willing to support the young lord in capturing Luoyang, and promised to raise troops to capture the city gate for the young lord after the young lord's army arrived.

However, the patriarchs of seven families are timid, and three of them are big families. If they also agree to join this operation, they can add [-] troops to this operation. "

Speaking of this, Nongyu couldn't help flashing a gleam of heat in his eyes, and then continued: "The plan to capture Luoyang this time will never allow any mistakes, so seniors, your next task is tonight when they fall asleep. , Unknowingly, put the letter I prepared on the pillows of the seven Patriarchs."

Qi Jian's heart also trembled at the same time, this kind of silent threat method is indeed much better than direct killing.

And from Nongyu's brief introduction just now, Qijian finally knew how big the plan Nongyu was in charge of this time was to unite the aristocratic family and foreign countries to attack Luoyang directly.

Such a daring plan, its planner is actually just a weak woman, and she is only under the banner of Qin Hao, and she only pays a little pen and ink, but she has done such a big thing, this execution ability makes Seven Swords unstoppable I don't admire it!

"Miss Nongyu, it's not difficult to put the letter beside the pillows of these seven patriarchs, but what if these patriarchs are still unwilling?" Ye Gucheng asked.

A cold light flashed in Nongyu's eyes, and he said coldly, "Then we can only let them disappear without anyone noticing, and then help those who support us to inherit the position of Patriarch."

Ye Gucheng couldn't help but shudder, as expected, none of the women engaged in intelligence was merciful.

In fact, Nongyu did not come up with such a big plan this time, she just submitted the outline of the plan, and Qin Hao would feel that there was something wrong with it when he received it, so he worked with his brains to complete it.

If this plan is implemented smoothly, the Luoyang family can gather nearly ten thousand private soldiers, and it will be easy to capture Luoyang under the cooperation of internal and external forces. Of course, the premise must be that Qin Hao leads the army to reach the city of Luoyang.

Qin Hao is still far away from Hulao Pass, and he is already planning to break through Hulao Pass and lead the army to attack Luoyang. It can be seen that he has absolute confidence in breaking through Hulao Pass, and at this time Qin Hao is also in charge of breaking Hulao Pass. With final preparations.

"Report to the lord, all the new catapults have been built, and they can be added to the siege at any time."

"it is good."

Qin Hao patted the table excitedly, then got up and looked at the princes with a smile: "During the enemy's bombardment with stone bombs before, our army was always at a disadvantage because the Liang army was condescending. This time our army directly used five Hundreds of catapults attacked the city, trying to completely suppress the Liang army and break the tiger prison."

What kind of scene is it like when five hundred catapults attack the city together?
Thousands of stones fly together, destroying the world!

Thinking of this scene, all the princes couldn't help but shudder. With such mighty power, what level can't be broken?

In the previous siege, the reason why Qin Hao didn't use [-] catapults was because the catapults of both sides were being damaged, and the coalition forces couldn't make enough catapults at the speed of destruction, so they couldn't make up [-] catapults at all.

However, under Cao Cao's attrition strategy, the number of flying stones in Hulao Pass became less and less. Later, Li Shimin could only send people out to search, but he still couldn't make ends meet. He even had to use local materials and directly use stone bombs thrown by the coalition forces.

The stone bombs at Hulao Pass were not enough, which also reduced the damage rate of the coalition catapults. After more than a month of hard work, the number of catapults built by the coalition forces finally no longer had to be afraid of being damaged.

The coalition forces currently have far more than [-] catapults. The reason why they sent [-] catapults to attack the city is because of the terrain of Hulao Pass. It is already the limit to accommodate [-] catapults. .

There used to be a hundred catapults in Hulaoguan. Although most of them were destroyed in the siege, the number of catapults increased after closing, but the number still did not reach [-].

So in the eyes of the princes, five hundred catapults are enough to break through the Hulao Pass, and Qin Hao is certainly not so optimistic. After all, if Li Shimin really can't bear it anymore, he will definitely send troops out of the pass to destroy the catapults. And then it will be the final decisive battle.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao couldn't help but look in the direction of Suanzao, and thought to himself: "Cunxiao, the decisive battle is about to begin, I wonder if you can still catch up."

At the same time, Li Cunxiao, who had been closed in Suanzao for a month and a half, also seemed to feel the smoke of war, and unexpectedly broke through at this time.

After leaving the customs, Li Cunxiao's aura was not only natural, but also became more fierce. The whole person was like a sword, which made people dare not look directly at it.

(End of this chapter)

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