Chapter 879

Chapter 877: Li Yuanba Fights the Two Gate Gods

Li Yuanba saw that his second brother ignored him all the time, so he squatted aside to play with the hammer by himself, and when he heard that his second brother finally called him, Li Yuanba regained his spirits instantly, and ran over in a hurry.

"Second brother, what do you want Yuanba to do?"

Li Yuanba asked with anticipation. He really hoped that his second brother would assign him some difficult tasks. The defensive battle for more than a month has really suffocated him. His sledgehammer is already hungry and thirsty. .

Li Shimin's face was very solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Yuanba, Second Brother needs you to enter the formation, and then forcibly disrupt the formation, Second Brother will cooperate with you outside the formation."

"I know second brother."

After saying that, Li Yuanba was about to fight out with a sledgehammer, but was stopped by Li Shimin.

"Wait, you can't mess up this formation alone, you must have a large army under your command to succeed."

As he said that, Li Shimin turned his head and ordered: "Hou Junji, you lead the pace and ride five thousand, and enter the battle from the southeast with Yuanba."

"No." Hou Junji said in a deep voice.

"Jia Fu, I now order you to be the chief general, and Lai Hu'er to be the deputy general, leading five thousand troops to enter the battle again from the northwest."

"No." Jia Fu and Lai Hu'er both replied solemnly.

Yin Kaishan and Liu Hongji had already led [-] soldiers into the battle, but there was no disturbance at all. Now Li Shimin sent [-] soldiers and [-] generals into the battle again.

That is to say, Xue Rengui's Longmen formation with a mere 1 people has already held back Li Shimin's [-] troops.

This number will definitely increase, because with such a lineup, it is still impossible to break through, and Li Shimin has already decided to launch a general offensive outside.

There were 3 defenders in Hulao Pass. Li Shimin led [-] troops out of the pass this time, and allocated [-] troops for Lu Bu Houyi to stop the coalition reinforcements. That is to say, Li Shimin still had [-] troops.

Li Shimin originally wanted to disrupt the formation and then launch a general attack. After all, this would minimize the casualties, but because he didn't understand the Longmen formation, he suffered a big loss. Now Li Shimin finally made up his mind to forcefully break the formation.

After Li Yuanba and Jia Fu took the order, they entered again from Kinetic and Northwest, and the Longmen Formation formed by a mere 1 people once again accommodated these [-] soldiers.

Any formation has its limits, and the Longmen Formation is no exception.

Now that the remnants of the Longmen Formation have not yet been wiped out, another 1 fresh troops from the Liang army have broken in again, and there are more than twice their own allied forces outside the formation that are about to attack forcibly. The Longmen Formation formed by a mere [-] people appears It looks calm and calm, but in fact it is already in jeopardy.

Xue Rengui naturally knew this too. With only [-] troops, even Xue Rengui was no match for Li Shimin, but his task was to keep the catapult convoy and drag it until the reinforcements arrived.

Outside the formation, Li Shimin was already setting up an offensive formation. Xue Rengui saw the solemn look in his eyes, and immediately waved the command flag and shouted: "Change formation, enter the formation and block the enemy."

Following Xue Rengui's order, the circular Longmen Formation changed again, and soon shrunk by a large circle due to the split of the trapped camps, while the three thousand trapped camps quickly lined up outside the Longmen Formation.

Li Shimin saw that Xue Rengui had separated the trapped camp that had already merged into the Longmen formation, and immediately exclaimed: "No, the whole army will attack immediately."

Li Shi knew that once the formation of the trapping camp was formed, even if he still had [-] troops, it would still be difficult to break through the shield that had never been broken, so now he no longer cared about the formation. Directly ordered to attack.

In front of the heavy infantry of the Three Thousand Trapped camp, both Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong felt Li Shimin's determination, and after looking at each other, they both saw the solemn look on the other side's face, but they didn't have the slightest fear.

Zhao Yunce immediately stepped forward, swung his spear fiercely, and roared: "Take the camp, defend the formation."

"The ambition to be in the battle is death but not life; the ambition to be in the battle is death but not life..."

"Ding dong, the five tigers launched the combination skill 'Five Tigers Breaking the Pole', and the combat power, morale, and marching speed of the Kwantung Allied Army... all increased significantly.

After testing, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, and Ma Chao cooperated in the battle, so all four of them have +3 force, and the main general Xue Rengui is added with 1 point commander.

At present, Commander Xue Rengui has risen to 100, Zhao Yun's force has risen to 108, Huang Zhong's 108, and Ma Chao's 100. "

Under the leadership of Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong, [-] soldiers with heavy infantry and shields directly fought with [-] Liang troops.

But Xue Rengui, who was behind them, commanded less than [-] troops, trapping an enemy army that was more than twice his own strength.

There are too many enemy troops in the formation, which makes Xue Rengui somewhat powerless. If Xue Rengui's commander-in-chief reached 100 due to the blessing of "five tigers break the extreme", I am afraid that the Longmen formation would have collapsed long ago.

Although the Longmen Formation has not yet collapsed at this time, the situation is getting worse and worse.

After Li Yuanba entered the formation, although he still hasn't found the right direction yet, wherever he went, there would be corpses strewn all over the field, as if he had entered no one's land, he rushed wantonly in the dragon gate formation, and the soldiers were powerless to stop him.

The number of soldiers in Longmen Formation is limited. If the number of casualties continues like this, it will automatically collapse after the reduction reaches a certain level, and it will really be out of control.

Xue Rengui's face was as dark as water at this time, and then he said in a deep voice: "Order Jiang Song, Ran Min, Yin Zhou, and Gongsun Xuanyuan to stop Li Yuanba immediately, and he must not be allowed to wreak havoc in the lineup."

The reason why the Longmen Formation was able to besiege the majority with a small number of people, apart from Xue Rengui's proper command, was also due to the well-guarded guards of each gate.

Now that Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong were defending against the enemy, Xue Rengui had to deploy four guards to resist Li Yuanba. Six of the top ten guards were missing, which would inevitably weaken the defense of the Longmen Formation.

But at this time, Xue Rengui had no choice. If he didn't stop Li Yuanba, the Longmen Formation would collapse at any time, so it's better to take Li Yuanba down with all his strength.

Xue Rengui dispatched four warriors at the God of War level to deal with Li Yuanba, which shows that he attaches great importance to Li Yuanba, the number one general in the world, but Li Yuanba doesn't know about it. He is rushing to kill Zheng Huan at this time, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care.

"Smash you, kill you..."

While muttering, Li Yuanba swung his sledgehammer indiscriminately to kill, and each of his hammers represented a life, and all the way he killed a bloody road.

Gradually, Li Yuanba reached the corner guarded by Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong, and Yuchigong finally couldn't hold back and rushed out after seeing a large number of soldiers died among Li Yuanba.

"The four idiots of the Li family, take my life." Yuchi Gong shouted angrily.

 There was a mistake in the previous chapter. Chai Shao had already been sent to Yang Su’s army by Li Shimin in the previous article, so it was impossible to show up at Hulao Pass. Liu Xiang had already given all Chai Shao in the previous chapter It was changed to Liu Hongji.

(End of this chapter)

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