Chapter 889 Lu Bu Battles the Heroes (End)
Chapter 887: Lu Bu Battles the Heroes (Final)
With just one move, Lu Bu killed the three generals Fang Yue, Mu Shun, and Fan Hu. The princes who witnessed this scene gasped, and a chill gushed out from the depths of their hearts.

It's too strong, even if it's the overlord Xiang Yu, it's nothing more than that, right?
Just when everyone was shocked, Lu Bu launched a stormy offensive against the other two generals without stopping.

"Eighteen picks with one hand." Lu Bu swung his halberd and shouted violently.


After hearing a loud noise, Zhao Puonu's war horse neighed in pain, all four hooves snapped and shattered, and fell to the ground with a splash of smoke and dust.

Boom boom boom...

The sound of drum beating continued to vibrate like thunder and resounded through the sky. In front of Lu Bu, Zhao Ponu was bleeding from all seven orifices, lying limply on the limp horse corpse, his chest had long since died.

Seeing this, Zhang Ao couldn't help being terrified, and he no longer had a trace of fighting spirit, and immediately turned his head and ran away desperately.

In the next second, a halberd came across the sky, directly piercing Zhang Ao's chest.

On the battlefield, Lu Bu sneered at the Fang Tian painted halberd that had been pulled out from Zhang Ao's body, his eyes were full of domineering arrogance, and he raised his halberd and screamed, "Who else is there!"

All the princes and the [-] coalition army were looking at the battlefield with fear on their faces at this time. It seemed that Lu Bu, who was not a god general in the world, was showing off his power, and there was no slightest contempt in his pupils.

The faces of all the princes watching the battle were ashen, and Qin Hao looked angry on the surface, but there was a look of joy hidden in his eyes, and then he couldn't help sighing: "Lv Bu among men, red rabbit among horses!"

When the princes heard Qin Hao's evaluation of Lu Bu, although they felt a little uncomfortable about it, they all tacitly did not refute it. After all, Lu Bu was indeed worthy of this evaluation.

[Ding dong, Lu Bu fought against the allied forces of the princes alone at Hulao Pass, and achieved the achievement of 'Lv Bu among men, Chitu among horses', so the base force is permanently +1, the base force reaches 106, and the current force rises to 124. 】

Qin Hao couldn't help being taken aback when he was reminded. He didn't expect that the evaluation of "Lu Bu among men, red rabbit among horses" was actually given to Lu Bu by himself in this life. It seems that his current prestige is enough to give others a famous legacy. It's a famous name through the ages!

At this moment, Lu Bu only felt that his whole body was boiling with blood, and the bottleneck in his body that was difficult to break showed signs of loosening. The momentum in his body continued to soar, and there was a tendency to break through, and this made the fighting spirit in his chest even more boiling.

"Jiuyuan Lu Bu is here, who dares to fight! Who dares to fight!"

For a moment, there was only the voice of "Who dares to fight" on the battlefield, which kept ringing around in everyone's ears.

All the soldiers of the coalition army looked at the domineering Lu Bu in horror, and the faces of all the generals of the coalition army were also serious. Someone soon discovered that there was something wrong with Lu Bu.

"No, Lu Bu's momentum is getting stronger and stronger. Is he going to break through?"

"We must not allow Lu Bu to break through, otherwise he will be even more difficult to deal with. Let us join hands to take him down."

"Yes, let's go all out together, no matter how strong Lu Bu is, he will definitely not be an opponent."


There are too many generals in the coalition army. Although Lu Bu has killed six generals, he still cannot deter the generals of the coalition army.

No, Qin Hao didn't need to take the initiative to send people to fight, a large group of generals rushed out together, Qin Hao roughly counted a total of eight people, and there were generals rushing out from behind.

"What is a challenge group? This is a group."

Qin Hao couldn't help sighing, and then ordered the system: "Quickly test the force of these people."

[Ding dong...

Wu Xiang: force 88;

Wu Sangui: force 85;

Wu Sanfeng: Strength 80;

Wu Sanfu: force 78;

Gongsun Ao: 92;

Gongsun He: 95;

Yong Teeth: Force 94;

Fu Kuan: Force 90;


The generals who rushed out were all from Youzhou and Yizhou. The reason for this is because of the six generals that Lu Bu killed before, several of them were from Youyi Prefecture, so the generals of Youyi Prefecture were so active. play.

"Wu Sangui's family of traitors actually went out to fight."

A cold light flashed in Qin Hao's eyes, and he thought to himself: "It's better to die at the hands of Lu Bu, and it will save me from doing it myself in the future."

For Wu Sangui, a big traitor, Qin Hao couldn't have the slightest affection for him. Although he hadn't done any rebellious acts yet, Qin Hao was ready to wipe him out at any time.

Although there are many ten generals in battle, none of them have high-end combat power, and there is not even a god general among the ten. How can such a lineup threaten Lu Bu.

"Do you want to use this to consume my strength?"

Thinking of this, Lu Bu couldn't help showing an extremely cruel bloodthirsty smile, and said coldly: "It's not enough to rely on these ants, sir."

Lu Bu didn't have the slightest fear, and even took the initiative to kill the ten generals.

[Ding dong, Lu Bu's skill 'flying general' activates force +3, and the morale of the troops under his command has been greatly improved. Currently, Lu Bu's force has risen to 127. 】

da da~
The scene of one horse rushing towards eight horses was extremely spectacular, and at the moment when the two sides were about to cross each other, the soldiers of the two armies were even more shocked.

While charging, Lu Bu leaned back, and at the same time kept waving the halberd in his hand, and easily blocked all attacks with one enemy eight.

"It's my turn."

Lu Bu let out a long roar, stabbing with the halberd in his hand again and again, only to hear the sound of crackling, and then saw the weapons of Wu Sangui's father and brother, three of them were cut off by Lu Bu one after another, and the three of them took their heads.


Wu Sangui's eyes were red, he roared hysterically, and then swung his long knife to attack desperately, but was blown away from the horse's back by Lu Bu directly.

Lu Bu didn't even look at Wu Sangui who flew out. In his eyes, this person was just one of the many ants besieging him, and it wasn't even worth letting him make up the knife.

Of the eight generals who fought, three were killed in the blink of an eye, and the life and death of one general was unknown, and the remaining four generals were obviously suppressed by Lu Bu, and the defeat was only a matter of time.

Seeing that Lu Bu was so ferocious, some of the generals who had rushed out stopped in shock, and then retreated in desperation.

Only you know your own strength, and your nickname is more important than your achievements.

Although Lu Bu frightened most of the generals with his strength, a small number of people still rushed over, including Liang Shan Hu Yanzhuo, Jizhou Zhang Yun, Pan Feng and other generals.

Qin Hao saw that all the major princes had sent generals, and as the leader of the coalition, it would not be good for him not to send any of them, so he said to the left and right: "Lin Chong, Guan Sheng, Qin Ming, the three of you join hands to deal with Lu Bu."


"Ding dong, the four generals Lin Chong, Guan Sheng, Qin Ming, and Hu Yanzhuo joined forces, and the five tigers of Liangshan will launch the combo skill 'Five Tigers Destroy the Enemy'. When the four join forces, all their force will be +3..."

(End of this chapter)

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