Chapter 893

Chapter 891: The Pig Teammate and the Sun-shooting Arrow

As Qin Hao expected, after Pei Yuanqing and others joined the battle, they suppressed Lu Bu very quickly.

In fact, before the three generals Pei Yuanqing arrived, Qin Ming and Hu Yanzhuo, among the five besieging Lu Bu's generals, had already retreated to the main formation due to their injuries being too serious.

The withdrawal of Qin Ming and Hu Yanzhuo also invalidated the launch of "Five Tigers Breaking the Enemy", which greatly reduced the combat power of Guan Sheng and Lin Chong.

But even so, the three generals Pei Yuanqing, Xiong Kuohai, and Luo Cheng, after meeting Pang De, Guan Sheng, and Lin Chong, suppressed Lu Bu very easily.

Facing the siege of Pei Yuanqing and other six generals, Lu Bu was able to resist one or two at the beginning, but with the development of Xiong Kuohai and Pei Yuanqing's skills, even with the full effect of Lu Bu's group battle, he could barely parry.

Although Lu Bu can barely hold on now, if this trend continues, if he can't make a comeback within ten rounds, Lu Bu will undoubtedly lose this battle.

Everything in the early stage was as Qin Hao expected, but it is a pity that there are always so many accidents in this world, and they come unexpectedly.

Just when Lu Bu was about to be defeated, Gongsun Zan, who was in the coalition camp, suddenly rushed forward and killed him.

"Lu Bu, I was going to kill you to avenge my brother."

After saying that, Gongsun Zan had already mounted the war horse handed over by his own soldiers, holding a long spear in his hand and angrily ordered the soldiers to leave the road. After the princes found out, it was too late to stop them.

The "my younger brother" in Gongsun Zan's mouth refers to Gongsun Ao who died in Lu Bu's hands. Although Gongsun Ao and Gongsun Zan are both descendants of the Gongsun family, their blood relationship is actually not close, and Gongsun Zan's relationship with him is not too deep. .

The reason why Gongsun Zan would fight out at this time was mainly because he believed that Lu Bu was already in a state of defeat, and he only wanted to kill Lu Bu to gain the reputation he brought, and also because the blood of the warrior in Gongsun Zan could no longer bear it.

The White Horse General Gongsun Zan has guarded the northern border of Youzhou for many years, and his reputation is not stronger than those so-called generals just now, not at 01:30.

As Gongsun Zan suddenly rushed out of the army, the allied forces of the vassals erupted with the strongest shouts and drums. After all, as a vassal, there is nothing more exciting than this.

Gongsun Zan, one of the princes of the 36th Route, played in the battle, which greatly encouraged the morale of the coalition forces. It can be seen that if Qin Hao also played in person, he would definitely be able to restore all the declining morale.

It's a pity that Qin Hao will not take the risk of going to war unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise Liu Bowen and other military advisers will definitely keep nagging in his ears again.

On the battlefield, Lu Bu, who was suppressed by the six generals and was immobilized, saw that the person rushing out was Gongsun Zan, his eyes flashed a bright light from time to time, and he shouted excitedly: "Okay, as expected of the white horse general Gongsun Zan, let me go today!" Lv Bu has taught you how powerful you are!"

After all, Lu Bu yelled suddenly with a halberd in both hands, urging the famous Chitu horse under his crotch to rush out of the encirclement of the six generals, but it was a pity that he was smashed back by Pei Yuanqing's hammer.

"Lu Bu, don't even think about going anywhere, come back to me."

Seeing that Lu Bu still had the power to resist, Gongsun Zan couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive, but seeing that Pei Yuanqing and the others were so strong, he couldn't help but be determined.

Gongsun Zan rode Snow White to fight, and the horse joined the battle with an angry face, and shouted, "Lu Bu, today I will kill you to avenge my brother, kill."

[Ding dong, Gongsun Zan's skill 'Gun King' is activated, force +3, base force 97, equipment +2, current force rises to 102. 】

Originally, Gongsun Zan's basic military strength was not so high, but in this life, he has fought against the Manchus outside the Great Wall all year round and gained enough tempering, so his military strength has increased so much.

The combat effectiveness of the Manchu Qing was much stronger than that of the original Wuhuan, and Gongsun Zan fought against the Manchu Qing all the year round and won, so it was inevitable that his own military strength would increase.

The reason why Gongsun Zan dared to face Lu Bu in person was also based on his confidence in his own strength, but unfortunately he still overestimated his own strength.

Seeing that Gongsun Zan was still going out like the original history, Qin Hao hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and protect General Gongsun." But in his heart, he secretly scolded Gongsun Zan: pig teammates, adding chaos.

Although Gongsun's strength is not considered weak, and he is many times stronger than the dozen or so generals in Lu Bu's hands, it is still difficult for Gongsun Zan not to hold back when facing Lu Bu with a force of over 130.

Originally, the six of Pei Yuanqing were about to win the battle together, but now they had to worry about Gongsun Zan's safety, which gave Lu Bu a precious respite. The six generals are much more noble!

On the other hand, Hou Yi's situation was also extremely critical. He didn't dare to single out a group of generals like Lu Bu, not to mention that the three generals such as Elai were far inferior to the generals killed by Lu Bu.

Therefore, while dealing with Li Guang and the other three archers, Hou Yi also had to be distracted to prevent the evil three generals who were approaching him at full speed, and he couldn't help being forced to be embarrassed by comparison for a while.

But although Hou Yi's side was dangerous, it was better than Lu Bu's side. Seeing that Lu Bu had been pushed to the point of life and death, and his side was also pushed to the limit, a hint of determination flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that we have to use the sun-shooting arrows."

When Hou Yi saw that Fei Lian and Xia Houdun, who were chasing after him, were chasing him in a straight line, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Since you've been waiting hard, don't blame me for making cruel moves."

With this in mind, Hou Yi completely gave up the counterattack, rode his horse and fled towards his army, and at the same time secretly took off a golden arrow that was kept close to him.

[Ding Dong, Hou Yi's skill 'Dangerous' has been activated twice in succession, force +2+2, and the current force has risen to 121. 】

Seeing that Houyi wanted to run back to the front, Fei Lian and Xiahoudun hurriedly rode their horses in pursuit. Xiahouyuan, who had already returned to his horseback, also caught up. At this moment, Houyi, who was fleeing, suddenly turned back with his bow.

[Ding dong, Hou Yi's skill 'Shooting God' has effect 2, the fourth arrow of the nine arrows shooting the sun is launched, the force is instantly +20, and the current force rises to 141. 】

At this time, Hou Yi's aura had reached its peak, and the hands holding the bow and arrow, including the bow and arrow, had been completely wrapped by almost solidified internal force.

When Hou Yi let go of his fingers, the golden sun-shooting arrow, which was still wrapped in internal force, was as swift and fierce as a golden dragon after it got off the bowstring, but it didn't even make a sound.

Where the golden arrow flew past, even the space appeared misty, and the whole world seemed to become silent.

At this moment, everyone's attention was shifted to the bow and arrow. They didn't even dare to take a breath, but they couldn't even see their shadows.

 The last time Houyi used the sun-shooting arrow was to save Li Shimin, so he didn't fully exert the power of the sun-shooting arrow, but the next time Houyi's sun-shooting arrow will exert its due power.

(End of this chapter)

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