Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1002 Isn't this a happy event?

Chapter 1002 Isn't this a happy event?

When Bo Nianyao heard this, he was naturally overjoyed, and immediately went back to his study to call Lin Yun.

Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi looked at each other and smiled.

The two of them were not in a hurry, and walked slowly to Mr. Wang's place, and it was indeed full of gunpowder when they entered the door.

Mr. Wang sat there, humming with anger, while her uncle Wang Kefu stood there cowardly, not daring to show his breath.Beside him is his new woman, Shen Wanqing.

Gu Anxi kicked the debris at his feet, and smiled: "Grandpa is so angry? Isn't this a happy event!"

When Mr. Wang saw her coming, he was not in a good mood: "What a good thing, it's unfortunate that such a bastard came out of the family."

Gu Anxi went over and sat down beside him, looked at the wonderful couple, and smiled: "Why do you become a bastard, I think they are a couple of lovers."

Mr. Wang snorted: "Stop messing around, let you come up with a serious idea." '

Gu Anxi leaned on the sofa, "Is there any serious idea I can have, the old man won't be able to beat and scold, uncle will still listen to me."

Mr. Wang wanted to say something else, but at this time Wang Kefu said: "Mr. Wang, Wan Qing and I are also sincere. Xiaochen's mother has gone too far this time. She actually wants to give Wan Qing to Uncle Lin again. Can?"

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Wang was furious, and sneered: "Didn't you do this before, and now you treat it as a treasure, and, have you ever thought about your wife, who is in her forties?" What will she do after you divorce her, what will Xiaochen do?"

Wang Kefu glanced at Shen Wanqing beside him, and said sincerely, "Wanqing will be a good mother."

He was so angry that Mr. Wang immediately took his crutches to beat him, and he hit him several times in a row, which was wonderful.

Gu Anxi asked his aunt to bring over a cup of fruit tea, and sipped it while enjoying the show.The old man was tired and stared at her sideways: "You are in the mood, anyway, you don't care about your uncle's affairs at all." '

Gu Anxi stretched her waist: "If it's my uncle's matter, my father and mother Bo won't worry about it. I can handle it well myself."

Seeing her smiling face, Wang Kefu trembled in his heart, and boldly asked, "How do you deal with it?"

Gu Anxi's eyes fell on Shen Wanqing. From the beginning until now, she was really calm, she didn't say a word, and kept hiding behind Wang Kefu to let him stand out.

So she smiled: "Look at the situation, maybe I won't be like my aunt, I will..."

Her eyes fell on Shen Wanqing's face, and she still smiled softly: "I will clean up the previous affairs of the woman who ruined my family, and then make my husband unable to get up and down, and then what?" , I will divorce him again, of course people are not important, money is important."

Wang Kefu was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

Shen Wanqing's face was pale: "Gu Anxi, why do you always target me?"

"Is this the target?" Gu Anxi smiled: "That's because you didn't see my method."

Shen Wanqing pursed her lips, and smiled coldly: "You don't have to hate me because of Qin Siyuan, if you still hate me, it means you can't forget him at all."

She is really a white lotus, she made a good provocation in front of Uncle Bo, and Gu Anxi is not a fool.

At this time, Bo Xichen said: "I don't really care, as long as she is willing to stay by my side."

Shen Wanqing is angry.

Gu Anxi smiled: "Let's talk about the matter between you and my uncle, actually..."

She looked at Wang Kefu, but said one thing: "Uncle probably doesn't know that Mr. Qin is going to marry Mingzhu. You should know who he is. He was engaged to your heart. She is going to make a fuss about marrying you, Uncle, use your knees to think about what she is thinking? It’s just that people need a face, a tree has a layer of skin, and she wants to have what others have.”

As she said that, she got up, walked to Wang Kefu, stretched out her finger and gently poked his beer belly: "Think about it, what does she like in you, old age or a rich belly? You can be a beer at your age. She is a father, I really thought it was true love."

Wang Kefu's face turned pale.

And Shen Wanqing seemed to be humiliated: "Gu Anxi, you don't need to do this, I don't need things from the Wang family, I can support myself. '

Waiting for her words!Gu Anxi smiled: "The old man heard that Miss Shen doesn't want money. I don't think this matter will be resolved for a while. It's as if uncle is lost in his mind now. Why don't they move out and Auntie and Xiao Chen will take them back. The family will never be in a mess. As for..."

Her smile was a little dull: "As for the eldest aunt, I told her that a man who has a change of heart is worthless, but property is more important. She doesn't think about herself, she also thinks more about Xiaochen."

Mr. Wang was convinced of her in his heart, and when he said this, he immediately agreed: "It's such a reason, Anxi is right, I am also convinced of Miss Shen's talent and character, so rich, your feelings I don't care about life, but you've heard that Miss Shen doesn't want your money, so you can live happily with her, as for your wife and children, you'd better bring them back to avoid gossip."

After such a turnaround, Wang Kefu's mouth was wide open, and he didn't come back to his senses for a while.

He didn't speak, but the wife of the second room spoke, "The old man is right. The elder sister-in-law takes the child to her mother's house to see how she looks. Why don't you take it back?"

After she finished speaking, Wang Kegui glanced at her, and she immediately fell silent.

The old man nodded: "Okay, let's handle things like this! But Fu has fulfilled his wish, and the family is not in chaos."

The second daughter-in-law of the Wang family smiled softly again: "It's like calling a poultry."

She oopsed, "Miss Shen, I'm not talking about you."

Shen Wanqing had a gloomy expression on her face, but she knew that she could not show too much ambition in front of Wang Kefu. The fragility of women is her weapon. She lowered her head with tears in her eyes: "I know."

Wang Kefu was so distressed, he put his arms around her shoulders, and said with great pride, "Let's go."

Originally, he was reluctant to leave this house. After all, spending time and drinking money is all about money, and he only has tens of millions in his hands. How can he afford to squander without any income, but now, he can't allow him to think too much .

Wang Kefu left with his woman, of course he had other thoughts.

Wan Qing knows a lot of important people, and she can still help him when necessary. In time, the old man will look at him with admiration, and his status will surpass that of the old | second.

Over there, they left, and the servants of the Wang family cleaned the living room, and there were debris everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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