Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1015 If you have good genes, you should have more children

Chapter 1015 If you have good genes, you should have more children

Mrs. Bo looked at him, quite speechless: "It's getting old."

Bo Nianyao bowed his head, and said very gently: "Nianyao is indeed old, but Madam is still in her prime."

The words made the wife happy, but she still pretended to be unhappy: "Where did you learn the glib tone?"

Bo Nianyao smiled lightly: "Isn't Zai Zai always making you happy like this, why don't you like what I said?"

Mrs. Bo cast another glance at him, winking like silk.

Husband and wife love.

Early the next morning, Gu Anxi fell asleep lying on the pillow, and when she heard the movement downstairs, she rubbed her eyes, "Mama Bo and the others are all up, and I won't sleep for a while."

Bo Xichen was not surprised at all, now he took the watch on the bedside table to check the time, it was only six o'clock.

This point is indeed early.

He patted Gu Anxi: "I'll go down and have a look."

"I'll go too," she put her arms around his neck, her eyes sparkling.

He smiled: "Okay, then you get up and have breakfast for a while and then go back to sleep." '

She said oh, changed into a set of home clothes, washed her face and went downstairs with Bo Xichen, when she got to the stairs, she saw Mrs. Bo directing the servants to put the luggage on the car outside the door, she immediately yelled: " Are you going back?"

Mrs. Bo raised her eyes, saw her, and smiled: "The old man is not used to the climate here, his waist and legs are always hurting, and someone must accompany him back. Besides, there must be no one at home."

Gu Anxi ran down and hugged her, resting his small head on her shoulder.

I just can't bear it.

Mrs. Bo smiled, "You child, you're still clingy even after you're married."

She looked at her son, deliberately reprimanded: "Xi Chen, this is your fault."

Bo Xichen smiled slightly, but didn't say anything. '

Mrs. Bo touched the little guy again, and said softly: "I'll come back later, or you can let Xichen go back to Beicheng when he's free. There are so many friends in Beicheng, so we can't just go back, right?"

Gu Anxi let out a cry, looking a little dejected.

Mrs. Bo looked at her and smiled, and said after a while: "I see that you don't hate Mingzhu now, and you hang out with her when you have time. The young girl has something to say when you are together. Besides, she is alone now. If you really want her Did she throw it to Qin Siyuan and not ask?"

The little creamer didn't make a sound.

Mrs. Bo didn't say much, this is a smart child, and no one needs to worry about it at all.

Later, no matter how reluctant they were, they were still sent to the airport. Naturally, Bo Xichen drove them himself. Bo Nianyao was probably reluctant to go if he didn't go.

On the way back, Gu Anxi sat in the co-pilot and kept silent.

While driving, Bo Xichen asked her casually: "Are you really not going?"

'what? '

He smiled softly: "I mean, tomorrow is the wedding of Qin Siyuan and Gu Mingzhu, are you really not going?"

"I won't go." Gu Anxi yelled: "It's not good for me to go, one is ^ and the other is ^ uncle, you should be able to understand me, right?"

He still smiled slightly, but he didn't force her.

Seeing that he was silent, Gu Anxi bit her finger and whispered, "I'm also stingy."

He patted her head and said nothing more.

In fact, he also understood that she was not stingy, but worried.

When Gu Mingzhu marries into the Qin family, it's best not to get involved with Anxi, the Qin and Gu families always have some past that cannot be erased, it's actually fine if they don't.

He drove the car and said softly: 'Then I'll come back early to accompany you? '

She grunted, looking like a very good baby.

Bo Xichen glanced at her with complicated eyes, and she whispered, "What do you see me doing?"

He smiled softly: "I just remembered the time when I met you a long time ago."

Gu Anxi looked at him again, and muttered, "Bo Xichen, you are really a pervert."

He laughed: "You know what I'm thinking?"

"I don't know." Gu Anxi made a face at him, and said to himself for a while: "Do you think Lu Ze will figure it out and want to beg me with money?"

This is her motivation to go to the company these two days!

Bo Xichen was so angry and funny, he held the steering wheel and drove with concentration, and sent her home. He took Bo Nianyao to the laboratory together. Wait for me to earn, but it’s better to return to the cage.”

In order to prevent anyone from calling, she turned off her mobile phone and fell asleep, and was tired for several days in a row. When she woke up, it was already twelve o'clock at noon, and the sound of her aunt knocking on the door woke her up.

Gu Anxi climbed out of bed, opened the door, yawned and asked, "Auntie, is it noon?"

The aunt smiled and said, "No, the young master called and said he wanted you to get up for dinner."

Gu Anxi complained in a low voice: "My uncle is like an old lady at such a young age."

Auntie covered her mouth and smiled: "You are talking against your will."

After finishing speaking, he happily went downstairs, and said as he walked, "My wife also ordered me to take good care of you."

Gu Anxi murmured, "I know, I know."

She took the door downstairs to eat, and the aunt also ate with her. When they talked about the parents, they talked about the aunt's daughter. It turned out that the aunt's daughter was getting married next month.

"My eldest daughter married abroad. She is busy with work and may not be able to come back to attend the wedding this time, but she deliberately sent a gift from abroad." The aunt described the gift with a gentle light on her face.

Gu Anxi listened patiently, she liked to hear this, and then she asked: "The one who is going to get married should be very happy." '

"It's natural." Auntie smiled: "It's good for them to have a small relationship."

Gu Anxi let out another oh, then buried her head in the rice, and the aunt gave her vegetables: "Eat more of this, and drink a small bowl of soup. Women need to drink more soup to nourish them, so that they can have more children with the young master. You Seeing that you and the young master have such good genes, it would be a pity not to work hard to have more children."

Gu Anxi smiled: "If you have good genes, how many more will you have?"

"No," the aunt said with a smile, "the baby is beautiful and everyone loves it. You and the young master should work harder."

That's all for Gu Anxi at once. This hard work is useless, and my uncle won't let her be born for the time being.In fact, she really wants a child now, life is a bit boring, it would be nice to have a child to play with.

In the afternoon, she drove to the company by herself. Manager Ma took care of the company's affairs.

After playing games in the company for a long time, after thinking about it, I called Secretary Tang.

She looked at Secretary Tang and wrinkled her face: "You said, what should you give someone else to get married?"

Secretary Tang smiled slightly: "It depends on who the other party is."

(End of this chapter)

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