Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1021 Never seen such a brazen person 1

Chapter 1021 Never seen such a brazen person [-]

Qin Silan's heart throbbed for a while, although she was still uneasy, most of her heart was still relieved.

At this time, Chu Huan came over and said some things forcefully. Gu Mingzhu has a bad temper, and she was born in a noble family. I'm qualified to say Sister Silan. And you are divorced, don't act like a grandpa."

In the past, Chu Huan would probably buy her, but not now. Gu Mingzhu was just secretly raised by Tang Yuan outside, so he connoted a few words in a non-yin and yang way, and Gu Mingzhu immediately became angry. , with tears in his eyes, at this time Qin Siyuan came over and said in a calm voice: "It's time, don't wake up how you care about women, Chu Huan, if you can't take Xiao An, give him to my sister to take care of."

Chu Huan changed his face at this time, and said in a cold voice: "She takes care, what does she use to take care of her, she is just a woman that our Chu family doesn't want, what does she have now?"

However, after thinking that the Qin family is doing well now, he shut up again.

At this moment, Gu Anxi happened to come over and heard his arrogant words, and said coldly: "Okay, that's all right, you can find a doctor to perform the operation yourself, and see what you can take care of!"

Chu Huan was a little scared, "I'm just kidding, Xiao Gu won't care about this, right? Don't doctors save lives and heal the wounded?"

"Others are, but I am not." Gu Anxi was confident, and looked at Qin Silan again.

In just a few hours, she became much haggard. At this time, she couldn't help but think of Qin Silan's success in the past, and everything went smoothly. She didn't expect the result to be like this.

Gu Anxi is not the Holy Mother, but she just hates men who bully women even more, and this man is not very good, she smiled coldly and entered the operating room.

After a while, a nurse came over and said with a smile, "Is that Mr. Qin? Our Professor Bo arranged for you to wait in his lounge. Please come here."

Qin Silan didn't have such thoughts, shook his head, Qin Siyuan sighed lightly: "It's useless here, go there and have a rest, I have to take care of Xiaoan tomorrow."

Gu Mingzhu quickly said yes.

The little nurse said again: "I will come to inform you if there is a situation. It's getting late now. I'll go buy some supper for everyone."

Her voice was very sweet: "Don't worry, Ms. Qin, Professor Bo and Dr. Gu will be fine together."

Even though I said this, everyone knew that if they had surgery together, the problem would be very serious. Qin Silan was in a state of confusion, but she really didn't want to be with Chu Huan. After the Qin family collapsed, she really saw his ruthless face clearly.

So several people went to the lounge together. Bo Xichen seldom used this place. There was a set of spacious sofas and a set of home theater equipment.

The nurse brought water, and went to help them buy supper.

When there were only the three of them, Qin Silan said: "Siyuan, this time I really troubled Anxi. She - why are you at the airport together?"

Qin Siyuan smiled faintly: "She and Professor Bo happened to be in Qingcheng, so they came here together."

Qin Silan is not stupid, she thought carefully for a while and looked at Gu Mingzhu, "She came to see you, probably to see you get married."

Gu Mingzhu was puzzled, and said slowly: "Then why didn't she call me?"

Both Qin Siyuan and Qin Silan fell silent.

How stupid.

However, sometimes being stupid is not a bad thing.

Gu Mingzhu looked at them and asked softly, "What's wrong with me?"

Qin Siyuan stretched out his hand and patted her head: "There is nothing wrong, you can ask Anxi yourself when you see Anxi later, and see what she has to say."

She groaned, looking stupid.

Qin Siyuan smiled softly again, and at this moment Qin Silan said: "The sofa here is quite big, Mingzhu, you are always going to get married tomorrow, Siyuan is a man who can still hold on, you should lie down and sleep for a while, or tomorrow Makeup doesn't look good."

She didn't like Gu Mingzhu at first, because her background and temperament were not good, so she was very worried that she would not be able to be Siyuan's family, and at first she felt that Siyuan was just a second choice, but after a long time She didn't think so, Siyuan was already a mature man, he didn't need anyone to take care of him, but he just wanted a little girl he liked, Gu Mingzhu and Gu Anxi were also two individuals, apart from their looks Apart from some similarities, they are fundamentally different, as stupid as she is, while Anxi is ridiculously smart.

And such a clumsy person might be more suitable for Siyuan.

Anxi, it is indeed better to be with Professor Bo, because that person is stronger and more tolerant of her.

In the past half a year, Qin Silan has learned a lot about Buddhism and wants to open up a lot. At this time, she just wants Xiaoan to be well.

Later, the little nurse came and brought the supper, but they didn't eat it. Gu Mingzhu was lying down with her head resting on Qin Siyuan's lap, covered with a small blanket, and there was Gu Anxi's breath on it. She smelled the smell a bit want to cry.I didn't fall asleep either, so I leaned on it until 05:30 in the morning.

Later, Qin Silan was called by the nurse because Xiaoan needed a blood transfusion.

She had drawn a lot of blood, and her face was pale after the draw. Director Hao looked at her when he came to take it, and told the nurse to hang a bottle of nutrient solution for her. Qin Silan refused, and took Director Hao's arm: "How is Xiao An? "

Director Hao nodded: "The situation is pretty good, don't worry, Professor Bo is here."

Qin Silan said thank you with tears in her eyes.

Director Hao hurriedly left, and the door of the operating room opened and closed again.

Qin Silan didn't go back to the lounge, but just waited here. When the door opened at almost seven o'clock in the morning, she thought it was a nurse and got up immediately: "How is Xiao An?"

But the person at the door was not a nurse, but Chu Huan.

He closed the door and walked towards her: "Silan, I have something to talk to you about."

(End of this chapter)

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