Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1025 I am married in Zhang Beicheng, is there a problem?

Chapter 1025 I go back to North City to get married, is there a problem?

Qin Siyuan smiled lowly and said nothing more.

Tonight is the wedding night, even if the timing is not good, even if so many things happened, tonight is still the wedding night.


On the same night, Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen were in Siyuan in Beicheng.

In the evening, Wang Jingyao and Lin Hua came over for dinner, and discussed some things with Mrs. Bo before leaving. By the time Gu Anxi rested, it was already late. After two days of work, she was not sleepy at all. Instead, she leaned on the balcony Looking into the distance on the sofa.

After discussing some things with his mother, Bo Xichen saw her like this when he came back, and sat beside her with a smile: "What are you thinking?"

Gu Anxi didn't turn her head, she put her chin on the back of her hand and muttered, "Mingzhu's wedding should be over by now."

"Are you reluctant to part with her, or are you reluctant to part with her?" Uncle Bo paused for a moment, then chuckled: "Or Qin Siyuan?"

Gu Anxi stretched out his foot and kicked him: "Uncle, you talk nonsense."

"I don't have it." He leaned against her and gently held her in his arms: "Want to watch the fireworks too?"

She shook her head: "No."

After a while she said foolishly: "When it was very painful before, I actually couldn't hold on, but now I think it's all because of meeting you."

Bo Xichen lowered his head and murmured, "When did you speak so nicely?"

"It's always been nice. It's just that uncle, you haven't discovered my talent." She wrinkled her little face and whispered dissatisfiedly.

He hugged her from behind, and suddenly asked another question: "Isn't Lu Heng still in Qingcheng?"

She faltered, and it took her a long time to say: "He has a broken bone."

"Huh?" He asked her, looking down.

The little milkman is very righteous: "I didn't take the initiative to provoke him. He insisted on coming to Qingcheng to grab my car door. I didn't mean it. He is such a big man. I don't know how to do no harm. It's my fault."

Bo Xichen patted her angrily and amusedly: "I haven't blamed you yet, but you have many reasons. '

"Anyway, it's not my fault, uncle, don't punish me." She turned around and buried her in his arms, she was a rascal and coquettish, he was not willing to really hit her.

Hugging and enjoying the cool breeze together, he whispered into her ear about the wedding, but halfway through the conversation, he found that the little girl in his arms had fallen asleep.

He was quite speechless, and pulled her ears_

Such a big heart!

She is the only one who is so careless about her once-in-a-lifetime wedding.

He was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he picked her up and walked towards the master bedroom. After moving a few steps, she seemed to wake up. He called her uncle a few times in a low voice, and he gently touched her little head: "Sleep quickly!" gone."

She tugged on his sleeve and whispered, "You are not allowed to work either."

He smiled lightly, put her down, and looked at her for a while before turning around and going to the bathroom to take a shower.She was fast asleep when she came out.In the middle of the night, Bo Xichen felt sleepy and went out to smoke two cigarettes before coming back and falling asleep with her in his arms.

Because he was tired, he didn't wake up until eight o'clock in the morning. He got up, looked sideways at the villain beside him, and smiled.

Siyuan started to get busy, even Aunt Bo Jin came back to help, and the child was taken care of by father Robert.In Qingcheng, Gu Yuntian and his wife will be ready to come back in two days. Shen Wanqing's mother will be picked up when she is discharged from the hospital. Everything is well arranged. Gu Anxi just cares about playing these days and doesn't have to worry about it at all. .

She still goes to Yunxi Hospital occasionally, mainly to watch the excitement, and she is not stupid to see what Director Hao means to Qin Silan. It is quite interesting to watch a 40-year-old straight man chasing a woman, and her Thinking carefully, how could Bo Xichen not know, but there was nothing he could do about her, he just warned her not to make fun of Director Hao.

Gu Anxi was dissatisfied: "Uncle, how can I make fun of him, I usually assist by God."

Professor Bo flipped through the document and snorted softly, "Your assists are too much for ordinary people."

Just like last time, he lied to Chu Huan that Xiao An was about to become a fool, and the Chu family gave up on Xiao An. Although the ending was good, she was too naughty, and he didn't feel at ease if she wasn't by his side for a day.

Up to now, Professor Bo still remembers that she made a chicken in the east of the city into triplets, and she is ashamed to say that Wang Qin is a magician.

Gu Anxi squeezed beside him, lying on his stomach like a puppy: "It's so boring, uncle, I'll go out and play for a while."

Bo Xichen grabbed her: "If you're bored, show me a set of data."

"And no salary," she made a random excuse, and then sneaked away.

Bo Xichen shook his head, feeling very helpless, knowing that she would go to Director Hao as soon as he knew she was sure.With director Hao's way of doing things, he told her the truth in a few words.

Sure enough, at this moment, Gu Anxi touched Director Hao's office. Director Hao was studying a medical record by himself. She sat down on his desk with her hands up, and looked at him with a smile.

Director Hao panicked at that look, and coughed lightly: "Is there anything different about me today?"

"The tie is very chic." Gu Anxi was still smiling: "It looks like spring is here. '

Director Hao was extremely uncomfortable: "Is there?"

Gu Anxi took a pen and twirled it casually: "I heard from Nurse Ding that some people have not had a rest for several days, and they are on duty day and night, which is too hard."

Immediately, Director Hao's old face was flushed, and he bowed his head: "Who is this?"

Gu Anxi smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "By the way, you should know that I am from Qingcheng. Unfortunately, I have some connections with the Qin family. Since I was a child, I would call your Miss Qin Sister Si Lan. You know her temperament best, are you sure you don't want to tell me not to ask for some advice?"

Speaking of this, Director Hao had long forgotten to be reserved, and his voice was a little anxious: "Then tell me, do you have a chance?"

"Yes, but she will go back to Qingcheng, do you want to go to Qingcheng with her?" Gu Anxi smiled: "Although Qingcheng also has Yunxi Hospital, you can also be the president there, but the scale is not the same as that of Beicheng Hospital." It’s incomparable, and when you get there, Director Hao, you are almost retired, are you really willing?”

Director Hao's lips moved, and he asked dryly, "Is it impossible for her to stay in Beicheng?" '

"With Chu Huan here, she won't stay." Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "So you think about it, if you don't want to sacrifice, don't tease me."

As she said that, she jumped off the table and was about to leave.

Director Hao stopped her again: "Wait a minute."

He got up and walked slowly in front of her. The 40-year-old straight male old bachelor asked her how to chase women with a flushed face. Gu Anxi looked at him for half a minute and burst out laughing.

Director Hao was stunned for a while before realizing that he had been fooled by her, his old face flushed.

Gu Anxi patted him on the shoulder: "I won't laugh anymore, I'm sorry Director Hao, I really can't help it."

Director Hao's old face turned even redder, and he scolded, "I'm so old that I'm so old, you still make fun of me."

Gu Anxi tried her best to hold back a smile: "I apologize, I apologize, and I will definitely give you some advice."

Director Hao's gaze immediately became full of enthusiasm, full of hope for the future, as long as Dr. Gu is willing to do anything, there will be nothing impossible.

Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "Old Hao, this chasing woman is not like an operation or a business. I can't help you if you are busy. Just take it easy, take it easy, it's like you order a month's meal for someone, it's good Well, let people remember you without feeling overstepped, your emotional intelligence is fine."

Director Hao immediately felt that he had been ridiculed again.

Fortunately, Gu Anxi accompanied him to the ward and gave him a chance to meet Qin Silan, so he forgave her.

Pushing open the door of the ward, Qin Silan was sitting and making apple puree for Xiao An. Although Xiao An was much better, she still couldn't eat a lot of food, so she needed someone to take good care of her.

The little child grew up beside his father who had no warmth for a long time, and now he felt very at ease looking at his mother. When he opened the door, he saw Director Hao again, and obediently called Uncle Hao.

Then, she looked straight at Gu Anxi, "This sister is so beautiful."

Qin Silan got up quickly and said to Xiaoan: "This one is called Xiaoyi. She grew up with her mother and uncle in Qingcheng."

Gu Anxi didn't care, and went to squat in front of Xiao An: "It's okay to call me sister, is Xiao An okay today?"

Xiao An looked at the white coat on her body and asked curiously: "Is my sister also a doctor?" '

Director Hao went over, touched his little head, and said gently: "Yes, he is a very good doctor."

"Is it better than Uncle Hao?" Xiao An asked curiously.

Director Hao smiled slightly: "Yes, even better than me."

He didn't dare to look at Qin Silan, and only talked to Xiao An, while Gu Anxi looked at her angrily and funny.

However, it's really good to be like this now. The child is sick, and it seems a bit menglang to be too active.She talked to Xiao An later, the two adults had nothing to do, so they must have something to talk about, otherwise the atmosphere would seem dry.

However, an old-fashioned man like Director Hao only dared to talk about Xiao An's illness and comfort the patient's mother. That's all.

After staying in the ward for about an hour, she felt that it was almost time, and looked at the time: "It's time for dinner."

Director Hao nodded: "It seems to be."

Gu Anxi waved his hand: "Then I'll go eat first, Lao Hao, why don't you just eat here with Xiao An." '

Director Hao was flattered and didn't know how to answer.

Qin Silan glanced at Gu Anxi, a little surprised, of course, she would not dismiss this face, so she also said generously: "Today is Sunday, please trouble Director Hao to be on duty, or let's eat together, Xiao An also likes it very much you."

Director Hao naturally stayed, and he was very grateful.

Gu Anxi skipped back and completed the task again.

Just as she was happy, the elevator door opened, and the person standing inside made her cover her face all at once.

The sky is thundering, how did she meet them?

Qin Siyuan, Gu Mingzhu, and Lu Heng.

Lu Heng's face was very dark, it would not be against harmony to describe it as "too black".

Gu Anxi covered his face and coughed lightly: "I'm sorry I didn't see you, and you didn't see me either."

She wanted to get away with it, but Gu Mingzhu said softly, "Gu Anxi, we've all seen you, don't you know you by covering your face?"

Gu Anxi put on a half-smile: "Actually, you can also pretend that you don't know each other."

Lu Heng squinted his eyes, and his voice was extremely hoarse: "Gu Anxi, you left me alone in Qingcheng, but you ran to Beicheng by yourself."

Gu Anxi put down his hands, and said confidently, "I'm going back to Beicheng to get married, is there a problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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