Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1105 Do you think I will let you go easily? 2

Chapter 1105 Do you think I will let you go easily? [-]

Lu Heng is also a ruthless character, very calm: "What do you want?"

Gu Anxi smiled again: "I didn't think about it, I just wanted to ask where the equipment is?"

Lu Heng smiled lightly: "I have a contract with Mr. Wang."

"Really?" Gu Anxi bent down and stared into his eyes: "You may look at your contract in the bureau, but the contract is invalid here, it only depends on my mood."

Lu Heng's voice became tense: "What do you want?"

Gu Anxi walked back and forth in front of him several times, walking slowly, as if very patient.

After a long time, she paused, "I'll give you three choices."

Lu Heng looked at her.

"First, live and die on your own. No one knows that you are here, and you can't break free. You will die here slowly and be buried with those innocent people."

'second. She rested her chin in her hand: "It's a little easier now. I'll let you go when I co-produce a small movie with my uncle, and don't say anything. It's okay for us to earn him [-] million with this small movie."

Lu Heng's expression changed: "Gu Anxi, don't go too far?"

"Is it too much? Not too much!" She smiled and said, "How about I ask my uncle if it's too much?"

Lu Heng said unhappily, "The third one."

Gu Anxi smiled lightly, and said slowly: "Then you have to see how hard your bones are, Senior Brother Lu."

She leaned closer, looked into his eyes, and smiled: "There are six people here, and there are various props. I don't know how much you have been beaten. As long as you survive for two hours, I will forget it."

Lu Heng narrowed his eyes: "So good?"

Gu Anxi patted his face: "It seems that I chose the third one."

Then she turned her head: "Chen Ming."

Chen Ming stepped forward immediately: "I'll come first?"

Gu Anxi looked at him: "Bring the chili water up."

Chen Ming froze for a moment, then nodded: "OK."

After speaking, he went to get it. After a while, he brought a bottle of red liquid, and there was a foul smell when he opened it.

Lu Heng felt like throwing up just by smelling it.

Gu Anxi also held his nose in distaste, and made a cute nasal sound: "This is the pepper island that has been rotten for three days. It took ten catties to make such a bottle of good stuff, so don't waste it."

Lu Heng was about to go crazy: "Gu Anxi! '

"Let Dr. Lu have a good taste of this taste." Gu Anxi smiled, "You will fall in love with this taste after you taste it a lot."

Lu Heng died of anger, but he had no choice but to be poured into his mouth.

But after pouring it in, he found that it was not chili water. Although it smelled very bad, it was not spicy.

Gu Anxi clicked his tongue twice: "Relieved, aren't you? Let me tell you what a good thing this is. This is the raw material for stinky tofu. Have you heard of it? If not, I will tell you. This is a special feature... ..."

After finishing speaking, he picked a person: "You come and tell Dr. Lu..."

The man stepped forward and gloated about the report about stinky tofu, Lu Heng couldn't bear it anymore, bent over and vomited...

Gu Anxi is so ruthless!

This kind of thing! ! !

At this moment, Lu Heng wished he could die, he felt that his mouth was not his own, he despised himself, he was dirty...

As soon as he raised his eyes, the villain smiled and said, "Actually, my Bo father and the others told me to be more polite to you, but I think Senior Brother Lu must have a backbone, and I thought I must give you something different. Look, How good it is, food grade, don’t tell me how I treat you, green and environmentally friendly... unique flavor! '

After hearing this, Lu Heng vomited again...

(Updated tomorrow at [-] noon)

(End of this chapter)

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