Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1128 You, Receive Your Ability

Chapter 1128 You, Receive Your Ability

Gu Anxi glanced at him, "Uncle, you think too much, what bad idea can you have!"

Wang Kefu looked at her suspiciously, and said in a short while, "Okay, I won't ask."

Then he licked his face and said flatteringly: "Anxi, you are not in good health, you are too busy with things in the company, and I don't have a good reputation if I want to intervene, you you put things in order?" It's done, so I can help your second uncle a little bit, he might be a little messed up right now, you don't know, the two of them fought so hard last night, Gu Xiufen knocked out half of her teeth... Sigh, Dental implants are too expensive now."

Gu Anxi gnawed on the fruit while looking at his uncle's two big gold teeth, without expressing his opinion.

Wang Kefu leaned over to her, with a silly and cute expression on his face: "Anxi, Uncle has said so much, but you just missed a word."

When he said this, Wang Keru came over, put a glass of water beside his daughter, and then held his elder brother's ear: "Anxi is like this now, you still bother her."

Gu Anxi leaned back, with one hand on the back of his head: "Yes, my calf is hurting right now."

Wang Keru felt sorry for her daughter, and immediately said, "Mom rub it for you."

"Mom, your hands are too strong." Gu Anxi yawned: "I still feel pain."

Now, Wang Kefu smelled it——

It's time for him to show his prowess, it's time for him to perform!

So he immediately sat at the end of the bed, and said very gently and kindly: "Anxi, go to bed when you are sleepy, uncle's hands are light, and uncle will give you a good pinch. I have retained a set of experience when I served your aunt before." .”

As soon as he said that, he got started and served him well.

Gu Anxi was quite useful, he squinted his eyes comfortably, and he had worked hard, so he said lazily, "Is it waiting for Shen Wanqing?"

"Tch, how could she have such a blessing." Wang Kefu said shamelessly.

Gu Anxi smiled for a while, feeling a little unworthy of Shen Wanqing.What's wrong with it, I have to follow her uncle, but five hundred million is worth it, at least for Shen Wanqing's three views, it's worth it.

Thinking about it so casually, she was really sleepy, and she narrowed her eyes.

The door of the ward opened, Mrs. Bo came in, and saw this scene——

Wang Keru sat on the sofa and took a nap.

The fat headed and big-eared Wang Kefu half-kneeled at the end of the bed, pinching her cub's legs diligently and carefully. The look of those dog legs was really funny, at least Mrs. Bo laughed.

Anxi is bullying again.

When Mrs. Bo came, she had already heard Ah Xiang talk about the Wang family's affairs, and she had a solid foundation in her heart. Anxi's matter probably had something to do with that Gu Xiufen, and she felt annoyed, wishing she could just peel off that girl's skin.

This is too poisonous!

She thought that the Bo family was easy to bully, Anxi was easy to bully, and killing Anxi was as easy as killing Shen Wanqing?

When Mrs. Bo came, Wang Kefu seemed to see a savior.

He has been pinching for an hour, and Anxi seems to have fallen asleep, but every time he wants to let go of his hand, she seems to wake up, saying that there is also pinching, but if he doesn't care, his hand hurts.

Mrs. Bo naturally saw Wang Kefu's embarrassment, and guessed that he was considered an injured person. It's very pitiful for Anxi to torture him like this, but she didn't sympathize with him, she just smiled politely: "It's really hard work, uncle. , I see that you have a good technique, how about you come and pinch Zai Zai every day?"

Wang Kefu couldn't stop complaining in his heart, but he couldn't say anything on the face, so he had to agree: "Yes, yes, this child Anxi has suffered a serious crime this time, and he should take good care of it."

Mrs. Bo smiled and said nothing, and then sat with Wang Keru——

The uncle of the Wang family continued to pinch his legs to wait... With these two watching together, he didn't dare to fight with his eyelids, and felt very wronged in his heart.

I have been suffering so much, I really can't stand it anymore, so I went back first.

After returning, she saw Gu Xiufen sitting on the sofa in the living room with a gloomy expression on her face.

Wang Kefu threw away the things in his hand: "Sister and brother, why didn't you go to the dentist today? You still have to be careful with half a tooth."

Gu Xiufen was in a very bad mood. After she came back from the hospital last night, she hadn't seen Wang Kegui until now, and now she's still being imprisoned by the boss. Can she be happy?

She raised her eyes to look at Wang Kegui, and said calmly: "You went to the hospital to see Anxi, how is she?"

Her expression was indifferent, and she didn't care much, yes, she and Wang Kegui had such a fight, she would not be in a good mood.

Wang Kefu murmured in his heart, is this woman pretending to be good, or does she really have nothing to do with her, she looks as if nothing happened.

He opened his mouth to try it out, but then he thought that if his mouth leaked something, that brat Anxi might kill him, and those shares might also fly away, so he kept his mouth shut after thinking about it again and again. He said haha: "It's pretty good, I'll be discharged from the hospital in two days, but this is also strange. It stands to reason that our community won't fall down, and Anxi's usual skills are not bad... By the way, the Bo family went to adjust the monitoring gone."

Gu Xiufen's heart skipped a beat, and she subconsciously asked, "What happened next?"

Wang Kefu waved his hand: "Unfortunately, there was a problem with the surveillance, and nothing was seen." '

Gu Xiufen breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, there is really no evidence for that."

Wang Kefu laughed: "What evidence? I mean, didn't Anxi bring a dog with her that day? The dog ran away after she fell, and I haven't found it now. Anxi must be like something these days."

Gu Xiufen turned pale with shock, and then she understood, stroked her head, "That's right!"

'if not? 'Wang Kefu got tired when he said that, and he was indeed wronged. He really had a hard day's work today.

After stretching himself, he went upstairs, and said to his aunt as he walked, "I'll have dinner later."

Gu Xiufen knew in her heart that she probably went to the hospital and was exhausted by Gu Anxi's torture. It would not be that easy to get the shares of that brat.At the same time, she was a little flustered, Anxi, she really didn't find anything?Will Kegui know?If he knew what, would he tell Anxi?

At this time, she felt a little scared in her heart. She also committed this incident on impulse.

After a while, she thought again, Gu Anxi is fine now, this matter should be over, the monitoring didn't find it, right?

At this moment, the aunt came back from the outside, holding a dog in her hand. Gu Xiufen saw that it was the dog that Gu Anxi was holding that day, and she got up immediately: "Where did this dog come from?"

Auntie smiled: "Just now I went to take out the garbage, and I saw it behind the bushes. I looked at the cute ones and picked them up. I don't know which house lost them."

(End of this chapter)

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