Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1131 Chapter 1210 Brother, I Love You

Chapter 1131 Chapter [-] Brother, I Love You

Lin Shuang smiled slightly: "I know, you are Mr. Wang's elder brother."

Wang Kefu patted his head, "Xiao Lin, you have a really good memory, it seems like we only met once or twice."

Lin Shuang just smiled and said nothing.

Wang Kefu's eyes were hot, he didn't know how much he envied his younger brother, how bad would it be to let such an old friend not get along well?

Although he didn't dare to move, it's good to get close to the beauty, especially since the beauty has the same aura as Lu Heng.So, he said very familiarly: "Xiao Lin, speaking of it, we haven't seen each other for many years. In this way, I will be the host in the evening, and the three of us will have a light meal together..."

Before realizing that Lin Shuang wanted to refuse, he had something in his words: "It's all from my own family, so why not be polite, it's not for official business, it's just to reminisce about the old days, it's rare that you left Jiangcheng these years, but I've always been thinking about it, I'm afraid you will have a bad life."

Speaking of this, Lin Shuang knew in his heart that what was reminiscing about the past was clearly a threat.This boss of the Wang family is not a thing, she has known it for a long time, what she didn't expect is that after all these years, she will only be more shameless than before. Fortunately, for Wang Kegui's sake, she is still somewhat polite to her.

At that moment, Lin Shuang smiled and said, "Okay, see you that night, I'll go back first."

After speaking, she gave Wang Kegui a business card.

Wang Kegui looked down, and Wang Kefu coughed lightly from the side: "Old | Er, I didn't mean you, Xiao Lin has already given you his business card, why don't you take the initiative, a big man can't be coy."

Lin Shuang smiled: "I have Mr. Wang's contact information. Mr. Wang is our company's food and clothing parent. How dare I neglect it?"

When she said this, Wang Kefu laughed and laughed: "Xiao Lin, look at your courteous words on the scene, it's not like this before, with our family..."

Seeing that his words became more and more outrageous, Wang Kegui said anyway: "Lin Shuang, you should go back first, it's getting late."

Lin Shuang nodded and left gracefully.

Wang Kefu stared blankly at the back of her leaving, swallowed hard, and then asked his second brother: "How do you feel?" '

Wang Kegui said lightly: "I don't have any feelings."

He walked into the elevator, and from the corner of his eye he could see that people in the hall were secretly looking at him, so it was a little unnatural. The story between him and Lin Shuang was widely spread in Wang's family, and there were naturally old employees who had happened for more than ten years. You know, now that the person is back, it naturally raises eyebrows.

He was not afraid that Gu Xiufen would know, but he was afraid that it would affect Lin Shuang.

He was standing in the elevator, thoughtful, when Wang Kefu was beside him, coughing lightly: "Didn't you have a good chat with her?"

"What are you talking about?"

"For example, has she been married all these years, has she ever had a man, and is she still in love with you?" Wang Kefu looked fascinated.

Wang Kegui straightened his clothes in front of the mirror, and then said: "Brother, you have time to think about your performance, don't think about what you have and what you don't have."

At this moment, the elevator just arrived, and when he walked out, Wang Kefu chased him out immediately, shouting: "Great, I don't believe you don't think about it at all, this bitch is much better than the one in your family, hey... ...Don't go, Wang Kegui, let me tell you, are you a man?"

Wang Kegui stopped walking.

The boss of the Wang family put his hand on his shoulder and smiled maliciously: "I said you, why don't you dare to act if you like it in your heart? If the one in your family is good, I won't persuade you, it is clearly a The tigress is poisonous and vicious, you can still save her by guarding her, or what?"

Wang Kegui looked at him, then entered the office, and the door closed suddenly, leaving Wang Kefu outside.

Wang Kefu felt ashes on his nose, touched his nose: "Prudish, I don't think so in confidence."

Thinking about that woman again, she is indeed a stunner in the world.

He returned to his office humming a ditty, and was in a hurry to make a small report, not to others, but to Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi was raising her at home, and she was a bit bored, so Wang Kefu called, chatting about Lin Shuang and Wang Kegui, and finally said: "Anxi, I'm not bragging. But this is a beauty pass."

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "So powerful?"

Wang Kefu wanted to be recognized immediately, exaggerating Lin Shuang's beauty to the sky, and he could only feel it in the sky. Of course, he added a sentence in the end: "Compared with Anxi, you are still older, but the charm is still there. We are precious. I can't keep it any longer."

Gu Anxi lay on the sofa and said slowly: "Then you have to help him."

Wang Kefu was shocked all of a sudden: "Anxi, we have thought of something, and I will try my best to help them reconcile today."

He said happily again: "My big brother is really good."

Gu Anxi was so straightforward, amazed, and coughed lightly: "I mean uncle, you should help the second uncle protect the family."

Wang Kefu felt a little disappointed, and said ambiguously: "That's natural."

Gu Anxi didn't know what was going on in his mind, he smiled and said, 'Okay, I'm going to go back to sleep. '

Wang Kefu felt aggrieved: "It was hard to talk to you, so I only said a few words."

Gu Anxi then patiently listened to him say some unnutritious words, and praised him a few words, Wang Kefu was immediately elated.

Gu Anxi hung up the phone, and Mrs. Bo came over with a cup of tonic in her hand.

Putting down his hands, he took a pillow and put it behind Gu Anxi's back, "Drink some of this, Mama Zhang made it herself, I'm sure you'll like it."

After Gu Anxi was pregnant, her taste became tricky. Zhang Ma always tried to find ways to please her. Sure enough, this soup was very appetizing to her. Gu Anxi ate it in small bites, and Mrs. Bo talked with her to relieve the boredom. : "The call from your uncle just now?"

Gu Anxi hummed.

Mrs. Bo smiled: "Apart from being nice and useless, there is nothing wrong with him."

Gu Anxi had no choice but to smile when he said this.

After a while she remembered: "My second uncle is fine."

She was almost finished eating, Madam Bo took the bowl from her hand, "It's just that there is a wife who is not in shape. With such a person by your side, your second uncle may not be happy for the rest of his life."

Gu Anxi smiled slightly: "Did you see it?"

Mrs. Bo pinched her little face: "Why are you trying to hide it from me? You were very cold when she came to the house last time. In addition, the surveillance in the community was lost. I think it's probably because she tried to pinch it out. of."

"No, I deleted it." Gu Anxi said quietly.

Mrs. Bo was startled: "Anxi, is that you?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "Well, it's me, I've read it once."

"It's her?" Mrs. Bo hesitated before asking.

(End of this chapter)

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