Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1134 One night, nothing happened to you?

Chapter 1134 Nothing happened to you all night?

It was late at night, Lin Shuang fell asleep, and the mind of the person who didn't sleep became active...Those thin and flimsy past events enveloped him like a net, and he couldn't breathe, but he couldn't resist ...

One night, he just sat there, not daring to go to her bedroom, just guarding like this.

Maybe this is the only night in my life to watch over her like this.

Early in the morning, Lin Shuang woke up. She opened her eyes, looked down at her skirt, was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled silently... Then she sat up, tied up her hair, got out of bed and walked into the living room barefoot.

Wang Kegui was still there, sitting on the sofa looking down at a magazine.

Lin Shuang was stunned for a moment, and looked at him quietly without making a sound.

In the end, it was Wang Kegui who discovered her first, and looked up at her quietly for a while.Lin Shuang smiled: "You sent me back?"

He hummed: "You drank a little too much."

After finishing speaking, he got up and poured her a glass of boiled water. When she came back and handed it to her, she was a little lost in thought. Wang Kegui gently knocked on the table in front of her: "Drink some water, is your head still hurting now?"

Lin Shuang shook her head: "Fortunately, the wine last night was not too strong."

Wang Kegui just looked at her, and she smiled while drinking water: "What's the matter, looking at me like this?"

He hesitated for a moment before saying, "You usually drink a lot of wine when you are socializing?"

Lin Shuang held the cup and thought: "It depends on the other party. If you are easy to talk, just say a few soft words and drink less. If you meet someone who is difficult to talk to, you can only drink. Whether you can drink or not, you have to give others face. "

She said it lightly, and she didn't mean to be miserable, but Wang Kegui felt distressed.

He looked at Lin Shuang, and said in an unreasonably hoarse voice, "Have you thought about getting married and finding a good man so that you don't have to work so hard?"

Lin Shuang said calmly, "How can there be such a good thing?"

She raised her eyebrows: "Tell me, where there is such a good man, I will pick it up immediately."

After she finished speaking, she didn't care and just took it as a joke, and continued to drink half a glass of water.

Her attitude made Wang Kegui put everything he wanted to say back into his stomach. No matter what he had to admit, the Lin Shuang in front of him was completely different from the one before. He really cared about her and wanted to treat her well. She's fine, but she...maybe doesn't need it.

However, he still wanted to make it up to her.

Before he could say anything, the hotel door was suddenly opened, and the intruder left him stunned.

It's Gu Xiufen.

When Gu Xiufen saw Wang Kegui, she was obviously stunned for a moment, and then she sneered: "Boss said you are in a meeting, it seems that you are indeed in a meeting with Miss Lin."

Lin Shuang was quite indifferent: "Mr. Wang, it seems that you have housework to deal with. How about you talk in another place?"

Naturally, Wang Kegui couldn't wish for it. He and Lin Shuang had nothing to do with each other, they were just reminiscing about the old days.

But he also knew Gu Xiufen's character, so he also explained: "Manager Lin is drunk, I will send her back."

After finishing speaking, he was going to take Gu Xiufen to leave. He wanted to go home and say something, but how could Gu Xiufen agree?

She stared at Lin Shuang: "Miss Lin, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Lin Shuang leaned on the sofa and smiled slightly: "I drank too much last night. I'm really sorry. By the way, there is also Vice President Wang. The three of us drank together. We were not alone. Don't misunderstand Mrs. Wang."

Gu Xiufen looked at that face that seemed to never age, that charming temperament, and her body that could be seductive casually, the fire in her heart was burning, and her reason suddenly disappeared.

She took a step forward and slapped her with a wave of her hand: "Miss Lin knows best if there is any misunderstanding."

After the slap, Lin Shuang didn't hide, and Wang Kegui didn't expect that, when he slapped the second time, he grabbed Gu Xiufen's arm forcefully: "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Gu Xiufen's eyes were red, "My husband didn't go back all night and spent a night in a hotel with another woman. You still ask me what I'm doing. Is it too much for me to slap her?"

Then she looked at Lin Shuang and said in an ugly way: "If you say it well, you are a manager, but if you say it badly, you are not just selling, or sleeping with others to get projects. You may be embarrassed to say that you are a goddess in your heart. But I'm sorry."

She looked at her husband again: "Wang Kegui, figure it out, she is not your first love now, and she has been passed over by so many men."

Before she finished speaking, she received a solid slap on the face.

Gu Xiufen was stunned: 'You hit me? '

Wang Kegui's palm still hurt, he said hoarsely: "Come back with me immediately."

"I won't go back, unless this woman leaves now. I want her to leave Jiangcheng immediately." Gu Xiufen said sarcastically...

Wang Kegui was really furious, "Gu Xiufen, you are still being unreasonable, do you think everyone is the same as you?"

Gu Xiufen looked at his angry face, and suddenly smiled: "My heart hurts, you feel uncomfortable when I say that, but the truth is like this, there are many such women, just take the boss as an example, he How many regional managers have you slept with because of work, otherwise, what do you think these women are so beautiful for?"

Wang Kegui still looked at her calmly. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "Gu Xiufen, do you really want to continue talking like this?"

"You think I dare not?" Gu Xiufen caught hold of it, and naturally she would not back down.

Wang Kegui said lightly: "Believe it or not, you can be Mrs. Wang today, and someone else can be Mrs. Wang tomorrow. Don't go too far." '

After he finished speaking, Gu Xiufen was stunned and didn't recover for a long time.

At this moment, Wang Kefu arrived, just in time to hear this, and looked at the scene inside, and there was something he didn't understand, so he took out his housekeeping skills, held Gu Xiufen's shoulder, and coaxed and lied: "Sister and brother , Speak well, talk well, look at the old man|Er’s honest temper has been provoked by you, which is not good for you, besides what happened last night I can guarantee 120, they are innocent, what? Didn't do it either."

Gu Xiufen sneered: "Really, you stayed by the bed all night?"

"You can't say such bad words, right? If you don't believe me, you have to believe in him. He is a valuable man. He didn't go home early to spend time with his wife and children in these years. If you doubt him like this again, it will really hurt you." As for the relationship between husband and wife, think about it, now the old man and the old lady have opinions on you, who is keeping you, it is really going to be a big mess, I don't think it will end well."

As he spoke, he dragged Gu Xiufen out.

After going out, Gu Xiufen slapped Wang Kefu with a slap: "What is your intention to keep them in there? Is there anyone like you?"

(End of this chapter)

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