Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1160 Entering the Thinking Garden, Eye-opening

Chapter 1160 Entering the Thinking Garden, Eye-opening

When he was discharged from the hospital, someone from Jiangcheng came.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Wang Kegui.

Gu Anxi wondered, "Second Uncle, why are you here?"

Wang Kegui also looked a little uncomfortable. He coughed lightly before pointing to the things in his hands: "I heard that you are not feeling well. The old lady is very worried at home and asked me to bring some things over to see you by the way."

He asked again with concern: "Is it better?"

Gu Anxi nodded: "It's almost done, now I'm going to go back to Siyuan."

Now that everyone is here, it is natural to go to Siyuan together. Mrs. Bo is very considerate and asks people to carry things, but she invites Wang Kegui to take a car with them back to Siyuan.

The Wang family can be regarded as a wealthy family with endless money, but when Wang Kegui sat in that car, he felt uneasy, because the car was so luxurious and luxurious, every inch was made of genuine leather, There is a pure white wool blanket under the feet, and the decorations in the car are also famous products.

Wang Kegui also thinks he is cultured and tasteful, but at this moment he just wants to cover his face. He has never felt that the Wang family is so shabby. Naturally, this feeling is even worse when he comes to Siyuan. Fortunately, he is also considered a wealthy family. , After a while, it slowed down...

When he came back to his senses, he was already sitting in the hall of Siyuan, drinking a cup of tea, accompanied by Mr. Bo, and Mrs. Bo accompanied Anxi to rest.

Mr. Bo is also very bored at home. He also wanted to accompany Anxi's son when he was hospitalized two days ago, but the old people at home said that it was inconvenient for him——

He was not convinced anymore. What's the inconvenience? Isn't Anxi's little bastard his own granddaughter?Isn't it the little baby of their Bo family? ... Nian Yao sometimes takes care of her, so is it convenient for him?

Naturally, Mr. Bo would not say these things to others. He just stayed at home alone, made five or six phone calls a day, took three meals a day to go to the hospital by car, and squatted for two hours before returning. In the past time, he spent almost all of his time in the hospital with the little boy... This kind of parental feeling is very useful to Mr. Bo.

At this moment, Anxi's little boy's natal family was there, and Lin Yun, the fierce one, was not there. Naturally, Mr. Bo showed an attitude that he and Anxi were the closest and most talkable, and talked with people affectionately. During the conversation, I found that the second uncle of the Wang family was actually a man of culture. Although there was still a gap between him and Nian Yao, he was still very deep. When he met a bosom friend, the old man naturally wanted to show off.

So he got up, adjusted his clothes, and invited Wang Kegui to his collection room to have a look.

Wang Kegui and the old man also got along quite well, and felt that this person was really upright and kind, but he didn't know that he was trained by Gu Anxi, it was not like this before, he was very willing to make friends with old man Bo at this time, Nature is eager to yearn for.

The two visited the old man one after the other. Although the old man had bled in the New Year, his emaciated camel was bigger than a horse, and the rest of the collection made Wang Kegui envious and full of praise.

Mr. Bo is usually the meanest, he is only generous to Anxi, but this time he is uncharacteristically, took two exquisite things and gave them to Wang Kegui...

Wang Kegui was shocked, and he didn't dare to accept it. Mr. Bo was proud, and gave him two more stuffed, his heart was crying blood, but his face was extremely generous: "It's rare for you to come to Beicheng, and we hit it off like this. Just a little gift."

Saying that, it wasn't enough, and took him to Gu Anxi's Tibetan room to have a look. The last time Mr. Bo got the password after working for a long time, when he opened the door, his heart felt sour.

This place is much more imposing than his place, Anxi is only in his early [-]s and already very rich.

And Wang Kegui looked at this almost [-]-square-meter underground storage room, where priceless treasures were placed on the old-fashioned wooden shelves, and he was stunned.

Some of them are peerless and unique, and they emit extraordinary light in the dim light.

"This is really too..." Wang Kegui went over and reached out to touch a half-person tall flower vase, loving it: "I only saw this in the auction album, but I remember that it was not auctioned later."

Mr. Bo stroked his beard and said displeased: "Anxi bought it directly with the buyer in the background, 2000 million... Oh, I forgot to mention that she was only [-] years old."

He murmured in his heart: At that time, he was so young, and he didn't know how much unconscionable money he earned with that old bastard He could afford such a thing, but it seemed that most of that old bastard's property belonged to them. Cub, that's about the same.

Wang Kegui exclaimed: "Anxi had such vision at that time."

Mentioning this old man Bo vomited blood: "She said she bought it to put flowers in the living room."

Wang Kegui was surprised, and then laughed: "This is indeed her temperament, so she probably bought this because it is beautiful and not because it has any collection value!"

The old man rubbed his nose and admitted: "She really thinks so, she just looks good, but this child's vision is really good, all the things she bought have increased in value, and none of them are bad."

Wang Kegui was still stroking the treasures enviously, secretly thinking that it would be more than enough to buy their entire Wang family with these things.

Seeing Wang Kegui's expression, old man Bo was very satisfied, and took him back to the hall kindly.

The two sat down, and the old man was very enthusiastic: "Drink tea and drink tea! Time flies, and Zai Zai will probably get up to eat in a while."

Wang Kegui was very happy to see Anxi being so valued in Bo's house. He drank a few sips of tea before saying that the servants of the family had come, "Boss Lin from Anpu is here, and he wants to see Mrs. .”

When Mr. Bo heard it, "It's Lin Shuang?"

After finishing speaking, he said to Wang Kegui: "It's very beautiful. I came to play at home last time. Anxi seemed to like her very much. I just want to help her. Xichen's mother also has the same intention. Come here now. It's for business."

Poor Wang Kegui was already shocked when he heard the word Lin Shuang, but now he was even more restless when he heard that the Bo family was going to introduce Lin Shuang to his beloved. It's something, so I smiled: "If you like it, hold on tight, a woman's heart is also fleshy, and it will soften after a long time."

The old man is not particularly keen on the affairs of men and women, and he was probably saddened by his flirtatious old father. No one would be happy to have a younger brother who is so ruthless when he is very old, and he never looked for his wife after being widowed There are few people who sleep a wink, but it doesn't mean he doesn't understand women, so he said to Wang Kegui very earnestly: "She has been alone for so many years, so naturally there are people who can't forget. If you don't move, you will I really can't forgive her for the rest of my life."

Wang Kegui's heart throbbed, and just as he was about to say something, Lin Shuang had already arrived.

When the two met, they were naturally shocked and unexpected, but also somewhat subtle.

Mr. Bo saw through it, and said with a smile: "I've gone to call Anxi, so, let's wait in the study. She lives in her mother Bo's yard now, and Nian Yao's study has been expropriated by her."

As he said that, he said distastefully: "In that study, Xi Chen has to behave himself when he enters it. He hasn't even sat in it for a few times. Now Anxi works directly there."

(End of this chapter)

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