Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1165 Uncle, are you jealous?

Chapter 1165 Uncle, are you jealous?

Lin Shuang shook her head: "The company's car."

Wang Kegui smiled slightly: "Then do you have business for a while?"

She shook her head again, and then held the document: "Do you want to treat me to dinner?"

Wang Kegui seemed a little surprised, then laughed again: "Yes, are you free?"

"Probably, but I don't like spicy food."

"I know." Wang Kegui walked towards her and took the document in her hand: "I'll drive, you ask the driver to go back to the company first."

Lin Shuang stood still, she looked up at him, and after a long time said in a hoarse voice: "I may not go back to Jiangcheng, I like my current job very much."

"I know." Wang Kegui looked at her and said in a hoarse voice, "I can come to Beicheng."

Even his son can be in Beicheng in the future.

Lin Shuang smiled, with tears in her eyes.

It's been many years, and she can't let it go. It's not that she doesn't know that he has been thinking about her, but she just can't let it go, at least she couldn't let it go when she left Beicheng years ago, but when he was in Beicheng day by day, he couldn't let go. He didn't say anything, just waited for her in the Siyuan, waiting week after week, month after month...

His tenderness offset the injustice brought to her by the years and fate, and healed her pain.

She suddenly understood that if she didn't tell, this man might not speak for the rest of his life.

But, he said it again.

Lin Shuang is not a hypocritical person, mainly because she is not young and there is no need to be hypocritical...

That night, when the second uncle of the Wang family came back, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and the following days showed how busy a man in love is...

It was all thanks to Mr. Bo who mentioned this matter, and he was very proud.

He is proud of himself, but life in Jiangcheng is not easy, up to Mr. Wang and down to Wang Kefu. After Mr. Wang got the news, he exploded in anger and scolded the Bo family and his second son to death. Later, he called Gu Anxi and asked her to fire Lin Shuang immediately.

Just kidding, it is rare to marry this woman, but you must not follow her in the North City. What about their royal family's property?

When Gu Anxi answered the phone, she had just finished taking a shower, and the children were being taken care of. She was leaning on Uncle Bo's arms, and she was nestling in his arms while he was reading the materials. In his arms to keep warm.

When Bo Xichen occasionally lowered his head, he felt that she was folded in his arms like a little frog, looking very cute.

But he was always a normal man, and she had just given birth to two more children.

But she recovered very, very quickly. From this angle, he could see her thin shoulders, and her black shoulder-length hair had grown a little longer, sweeping across her fair skin, every time it touched his heart.

He simply put down the materials and listened to her quietly.

After listening to Mr. Wang's words, Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "What about Lin Shuang, I won't fire you. Grandpa, you can't let me leave my two children alone and run a small company?"

Mr. Wang was furious again: A small company with a value of 2000 billion?

His old face darkened, and he thought for a moment: "Tomorrow, I will come to Beicheng with your uncle. No matter how you say it, the Wang family is indispensable. Grandpa can rely on you for ordinary things, but I can't rely on this matter."

Gu Anxi sighed softly: "Grandpa, his feet are on the second uncle's legs, how can I force him? He is an adult and has his own choices. Besides, he is in his 40s and is a bachelor. Don't you let him?" He's looking for a wife to keep him single?"

After finishing speaking, she looked down at her waist and immediately hung up the phone.

Immediately, she said dissatisfiedly, "I'm listening to the phone."

——The old man Wang over there has already greeted Gu Anxi's ancestor several times, but Gu Anxi's mind has already come to that at this time.

She lay on Uncle Bo's shoulder, coquettishly: "No."

"What's wrong?" Bo Xichen smiled softly, hugged her up, and teased her.

In fact, how could he not know, he is a husband and a top doctor, he just wants to kiss her and hug her because he is too touching at this time...

After arguing for a while, her little face was buried in the socket of his neck, and her face was very hot.

Bo Xichen stroked her back with his hands and rubbed it gently, because her back was always cold, and she would feel more comfortable after rubbing it warm.

Gu Anxi was so comfortable that he was about to fall asleep, he tilted his head: "Uncle, are you going back the day after tomorrow?"

He hummed, and then said softly, "It's about a month."

She hummed, but didn't say anything, just lingered in his arms.

Bo Xichen was about to say something when a servant knocked on the door and came in: "Master, someone brought a gift."

Bo Xichen was a little surprised.

So late, who could it be.

He asked softly, "Who is it for?"

The servant hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "It's for the Young's Dr. Lu himself."

Bo Xichen let go of Gu Anxi, got up and walked over, took the box, and asked softly, "Where are the others?"

"Dr. Lu left after delivering the things."

Bo Xichen nodded and motioned him to go down first. After closing the door, he took the box and went back to sit on the sofa, and handed the box to Gu Anxi: "It's from Lu Heng."

Gu Anxi crossed his legs and took it over: "You are so generous."

Bo Xichen smiled, but did not speak.

Gu Anxi opened it and saw a green jadeite bracelet inside.She tried it on with her hands, and it was beautiful when she put it on.

Even Bo Xichen couldn't help but look at it for a while, and had to admit that the bracelet Lu Heng picked was of very good condition, it suited her very well, and it looked really good on it.

Gu Anxi admired it for a while, and then took off the bracelet and put it in a box.

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "Why don't you wear it?"

"I'm not used to it, and it's too expensive to break." She packed it up and put it in a cabinet.

When she came back, she sat on his lap, put her arms around his neck and said very slowly: "There are too many gifts from people who have a crush on me, and this one is not special."

Bo Xichen looked at her with downcast eyes, smiled softly for a long time, reached out and pinched her nose: "So shameless?"

Gu Anxi put his arms around him and asked in a low voice, "Uncle, are you jealous?"

(End of this chapter)

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