Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1172 How about blowing the pillow wind?

Chapter 1172 How about blowing the pillow wind?

No matter how angry Mrs. Bo was, it was true to appease the second uncle of the Wang family first, so she sincerely persuaded him to stay.

Naturally, Wang Kegui refused politely. At this moment, Mr. Bo hummed softly: "Lin Yun, you girl, I'm not talking about you. You don't understand human affairs after you've lived to this age. You and Nian Yao You are used to staying together for years, but you are full and don’t know how to be hungry. After more than ten years of trouble, they finally get together. What’s the matter if you have to break up the family? Besides, Beicheng is not the same. You have a house, and Xiao Lin also has a place to live. People think that there is nothing wrong with the two-person world, and you, who have no winks, have to mess with it here, isn't it annoying?"

Mrs. Bo was not angry when she was bombarded like this, and then she looked at Wang Kegui.

Wang Kegui's face was slightly hot, and she was a little red. Mrs. Bo was also a visitor who didn't understand, so she smiled: "The old man is right."

She said to Wang Kegui, "Don't rush away, after all, the matter between you and Lin Shuang has to be settled. We have no control over the attitude of the Wang family, but our old man and you are also close friends." Now, Lin Shuang is from Anxi's side again, if you are determined to be together, you will have to go through the road."

She thought for a while: "Bring Lin Shuang over to set up two tables in the Siyuan in the evening, and invite everyone close to me to have a meal."

Wang Kegui quickly said, "This is too troublesome."

Mrs. Bo was like a spring breeze: "It's not troublesome. It just so happens that Anxi's elder brother, sister-in-law and old lady want to come to see the two children, so they will have dinner together."

Wang Kegui didn't understand all of a sudden, so he asked one more question: "I don't know what old brother means..."

"Oh, it's Mr. Wang." Mrs. Bo said with a smile, "Mr. Wang will give you a testimony, and no one will dare to gossip in the future."

Wang Kegui was stunned and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

After a long time, he was a little uneasy: "Mr. Wang is here, shall we avoid it for a while?"

"What are you avoiding? Logically, you are still his elder." Mrs. Bo smiled.

Now, Wang Kegui's legs are weak, how dare he be Mr. Wang's elder...

Afterwards, Mrs. Bo talked for a while, before he half-heartedly agreed, and called Lin Shuang to pick him up in the afternoon... Gu Anxi was also at home, and grabbed someone to play with the child.

Over the past few days, Lin Shuang and her are also very familiar, but they usually talk about business when they get together.

Mr. Gu is not particularly gentle when talking about business affairs, but at this moment, Lin Shuang looked at her lying on the side of the crib, holding Bao Anan's little finger, with the expression of a little girl in her [-]s. girl.

Lin Shuang was in a daze for a moment, feeling that she seemed to have misread it. At this moment, Gu Anxi smiled at her: "Do you like children?"

Seeing Bo Xin's well-behaved appearance, Lin Shuang couldn't help but soften her voice, and whispered, "I probably like it."

Gu Anxi followed her gaze, and then said quite understandingly: "My second uncle's genes are actually pretty good."

Lin Shuang: ...

Gu Anxi teased Bao An'an again, and then whispered: "If you want to be together, don't hesitate, I have missed you for so many years."

Those were the best ten years of my life.

Lin Shuang smiled slightly.

At this time, Gu Anxi suddenly said: "Actually, when you were working and studying abroad, your second uncle asked someone to help you find a job, and the salary was not that high. He subsidized most of it, but it wasn't him who came forward, but he was abroad. My friend, I have called you across half of France."

Lin Shuang was stunned, and after a while she whispered, "Did he tell you?"

Gu Anxi shook his head: "No, I found it."

Her voice was a little hoarse: "About 15 years ago, he would transfer money to an account for four years. I calculated it later, and it happened that after you graduated and gained a firm foothold, he stopped continuing. He probably didn't intervene in your life anymore... The second uncle had a child at that time, and he might also want to be a good husband and father, but he and Gu Xiufen are not the same people."

After a brief moment of hesitation, Lin Shuang looked at Gu Anxi and asked softly, "Is it because Gu Xiufen hurt you that you helped him, or because you simply wanted to help your second uncle?"

At this time, Bao An'an's little face suddenly turned red, his little brows were also frowned, and then he began to cry.

Gu Anxi picked her up, and while holding the diaper gently, said softly: "Does it matter? It doesn't matter... what matters is that you and your second uncle both want to live with each other, and they are already divorced."

Things are so simple, if you have to complicate things and think too much, life will be very tiring.

Gu Anxi's focus has always been on her Uncle Bo, and other people don't pay much attention to him, so her sense of happiness is very strong.

Lin Shuang thought for a while after hearing this, and then smiled softly: "Anxi, you are right."

Gu Anxi also smiled slightly: "Just open it if you want."

The two of them were talking until the evening when the Wang family's car came over, together with the bodyguards and so on, there were six more cars, but when they arrived at Siyuan, Wang Jingyao let those people leave first, and he took his parents and wife together to enter Siyuan. Garden, followed by Zhou Yunchen, Wang Jingchuan, and Chen Ming.

Bo Xichen just rushed back from the hospital and treated the guests thoughtfully, while Wang Kegui was very restrained by his side.

This is the first time I've seen this kind of scene.

Wang Jingyao drank half a cup of tea, put down the tea, and said, "Go and see the two children, Lin Hua has been talking about it at home for several days."

Mrs. Bo smiled: "Okay, then let's go there."

A group of people went to Lan Yuan.

Wang Jingyao had a special status, so he was naturally surrounded by a group of people. He did not forget Wang Kegui, chatting while walking: "I heard from Anxi that you and Xiaolin from her company are dating?"

Wang Kegui was called suddenly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Mr. Bo spoke from the side: "What's the embarrassment, I'm in my 40s, why haven't I experienced it?"

Wang Kegui wiped off his sweat: "Yes, we are going to be together, but we still have to respect her choice."

Wang Jingyao laughed: "A man can't shrink back or be afraid."

He also said: "Women can't be spoiled too much, otherwise they will always be awkward with you and don't know where it will go. If you want me to say it, just be strong and get married. Let's talk about things later."

Wang Kegui was startled, he never thought that Wang Jingyao would be in such a way.

He didn't dare to say anything, Wang Jingyao looked at him, and smiled again: "Okay, okay, you can make up your own minds, but you can still come to me if you have any difficulties, even if I forgive you, that father will not dare to let you go." How are you."

Wang Kegui thanked him.

Wang Jingyao stopped talking about it, and the group entered the nursery.

Coincidentally, the two children had just finished eating, and they were lying on the crib, awake, with black peas-like eyes, staring at people, and they were beautiful, Lin Hua loved it so much, she kept saying : "Which one is the elder brother and which is the younger sister?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "The one with the pink bed is An An, and the one with the blue bed is Bo Xin."

Lin Hua was both surprised and delighted: "But I can't see it at all."

As she spoke, she looked at her husband again, and complained: "You see, Bo Xin is also a boy, how delicate he is."The one in our family is a lot thicker, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to find a wife in the future. '

Wang Jingyao held Bo Xin carefully, and then smiled: "It's more delicate than ours, but Lin Hua, do you dislike me for being rough?"

Lin Hua blushed, "I didn't say that."

Wang Jingyao said again: "It's good to be born thicker, for example, there are not so many women who care about it outside, isn't it, Bo Xin?"

Lin Hua rolled his eyes at him, thinking that he was shameless.

If a woman cares about her, who can compare to him.

Brother Wang has always been tolerant of his wife's emotions, and even winked at Anxi, asking her to help coax him.

When everyone returned to the lobby, Lin Hua stayed with Gu Anxi.

She likes children very much, and the little bully in her family is really noisy, so she is very envious of Gu Anxi's pair of twins.

The two hugged and coaxed each other, and the children fell asleep after being coaxed...

Lin Hua couldn't put it down and had to let go. The child was watched by a nurse, and the two went to chat in the living room.

It has been several months since Lin Hua gave birth to the child, and she has recovered very well. In addition, with the care and nourishment of elder brother Wang, she looks very good.

Gu Anxi asked someone to pour her a cup of hot milk tea, and she ordered a cup to sit down with. She asked softly, "How are you doing recently?"

Half a year ago before Lin Hua was about to give birth, she always suffered from insomnia. Gu Anxi probably guessed that she had something on her mind, so there was no way to solve it. She could only rely on her own willpower to force her to fall asleep, but she didn't know what was going on recently?

When she asked this question, Lin Hua's fingers holding the water glass trembled, and then smiled: "It's been good recently, maybe there is a child who is tossing around every day, you don't know, I can't sleep for a few hours, I always feel that this child will sleep at any time." Get up and make milk powder."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Brother won't you get up?"

"Well, he took care of me a lot, especially in the past few months at night, but..." Lin Hua's voice became a little gentle: "He is always close to fifty, and he is so busy on weekdays. The energy is so good, and it has reduced a lot in the first half of the year, so I will naturally not bother him with the child, and I will get up and take care of him when I can get up."

Gu Anxi nodded, and said, "You can find someone to take care of you."

Lin Hua shook her head: "It's better to be older. On the contrary, there are children who make me sleep soundly at night."

Gu Anxi didn't say anything more.

Lin Hua hesitated again before saying, "Anxi, Feng Sheng has never appeared again."

Gu Anxi raised his eyes.

She knew that Lin Hua received a very expensive gift one month after giving birth, and she didn't know who gave it to her, but she later guessed it was Feng Sheng.

No one else showed up, but the gift arrived.

Wang Jingyao probably guessed it too, as long as he didn't know, Gu Anxi had to admire his ninja magic.

At the same time, she also sighed that even a man like my elder brother sometimes has to endure for the sake of the overall situation.In fact, not only the elder brother, but also she herself can't tell if Feng Sheng is still in Lin Hua's heart.

It is unrealistic and self-deceiving to say that they have never been in love. They happened when Feng Sheng had the best relationship, and so many things happened later, which made Lin Hua completely let go... Gu Anxi is also a woman, she is She thought it was impossible, but she didn't know what Feng Sheng meant when Feng Sheng came out like this.

Even if Lin Hua let go, did Feng Sheng really let go?

But it's useless to think about it again, because the man hasn't shown up for about half a year.

She said softly: "If he doesn't show up, don't think about it anymore, Sister Lin Hua, live in the moment, even if he shows up in the future, think about what to do, think about what you want to do, don't think too much about future things, or you will be torture yourself."

Lin Hua nodded.

Gu Anxi got up: "Okay, let's go to dinner together, tonight can be regarded as my uncle's engagement."

Lin Hua laughed, "Really, who's idea?"

Gu Anxi shook his head: "Who else is there besides Mama Bo and the old man?"

She wrinkled her little nose, and then said: "They are probably quite boring. It's a pity that my uncle lives in Siyuan. The old man looks for him every day and always likes to tease him."

Lin Hua found it interesting.

Gu Anxi added: "But I can see that my second uncle is really pure and conservative."

She said something casually, and Lin Hua found it inconceivable when she heard it: "Really?"

Gu Anxi just laughed: "Of course it's true."

Lin Hua exclaimed: "It will not be easy to be together again after more than ten years. It can be seen that Lin Shuang has her extraordinary qualities." '

Gu Anxi paused, and suddenly said: "Although I say this, but sister Lin Hua, if it were me, I might not choose uncle again."

Lin Hua patted her hand: "Why don't I know your temper? If Xi Chen was like this, you probably wouldn't come back, and you wouldn't have a chance to show him. You'll make him regret it for the rest of his life."

Gu Anxi shook his head: "No. I'm looking for a better man. As for the previous one, I won't think about how well or how badly he is doing, because it has nothing to do with me."

The more Lin Hua listened, the more she felt that something was wrong, and she said slowly after a while, "You kid is making me up and giving me a vaccination, aren't you?"

"How dare I, my old brother can scold me bloody if you make a fuss on the bedside." Gu Anxi stuck out his tongue, pretending to be terrified.

Lin Hua scolded with a smile: "Look, you are still hot in bed. If I say that you are not your elder brother, you must say: she is young and you are also young, and she is crazy and you are crazy. Lin Hua, how old is Anxi? Are you now?" How old?"

Gu Anxi couldn't help laughing. Although he said that this would never happen, Lin Hua learned it well and was considered very talented.

The two were chatting and laughing, and came to the front hall together. Wang Jingyao was holding a glass of wine, and said to Chen Ming with a pleasant smile: "Look, Anxi's uncle has spring for the second time. Why can't you get your personal question?" If you have any problems, you have to go to Zhou Yunchen, he usually has the best solution."

At this moment, Zhou Yunchen sneered: "I can't help it."

(End of this chapter)

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