Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1174 Zhou Yunchen's show is not bad

Chapter 1174 Zhou Yunchen is a good talker

Chen Ming raised his head downstairs and noticed that she was wearing a white pajamas. That pajamas looked a little familiar. It seemed to be the one he bought temporarily from him last time. It was very conservative and cheap, and it was 139 yuan for pure cotton.

He is a relatively not so careful person, and he hasn't noticed that the pajamas are missing since she left home. He is still a little surprised to see it now. This kind of surprise is more like a surprise, and it instantly calmed his uneasiness that came over him.

At this moment, Zhou Yunchen was still talking flirtatiously, which also opened Chen Ming's eyes a little.

It turned out that Mr. Zhou had such a painting style when he drank too much. Shen Congwen worked hard.

Just when he was thinking too much, Shen Congwen came down, and Chen Ming gritted his teeth after seeing it.

Because Shen Congwen's hair is about the same length as Anxi's recently, shoulder-length, and he probably hasn't slept yet, so he is wearing trousers and a shirt... He is married to Mr. Zhou, why are they still dressed like this? The couple's hobbies are different from Congwen's.

After Shen Congwen gave birth to a child, his figure has hardly changed, but his temperament has become more and more stable.

She was raised as a boy since she was a child, and now she wears a shirt, even if she has long hair, she will look more masculine, just a slightly heroic beauty.

Chen Ming didn't dare to look too much, so he called Mr. Shen softly.

He cleverly ignored the gender, and Shen Congwen could feel it naturally. He smiled, but without saying anything, he walked up to Zhou Yunchen's side and pushed him: "When you are drunk, you will go crazy. I don't think you will drink anymore. Not afraid of shame."

Zhou Yunchen stretched out his hand to stop her waist, and murmured: "My own wife, who are you to lose, this is also my home, my wife, my sister, and my brother-in-law, what's there to be ashamed of."

Shen Congwen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and patted his face: "What are you talking about, you are shameless, and Duoduo is also shameless, but she and Chen Ming haven't settled down yet."

She was really afraid that he would talk nonsense again, so she carried him upstairs.Fortunately, she was tall enough, so she just brought him upstairs.

Shen Congwen walked halfway, and said to Chen Ming: "Duoduo is in her own room, if you want to find her, you can find her, she will go to bed in a while, and there will be an announcement tomorrow.

Chen Ming was shocked, he never expected Shen Congwen to be so eloquent.

He stood up, wanted to say something but didn't say a word, Shen Congwen smiled.

In fact, she didn't want to fulfill Chen Ming, but for Duo Duo's sake.

It's a girl's family. I used to recognize the wrong person and give up my heart, so I won't talk about it. Afterwards, I have been indistinct with Chen Ming for a year or two. I have gradually let go of the flirtatiousness, but I haven't been with anyone since then. There is really nothing, she can't find any other reason except that she is pretending to be human.

Yun Chen knew about this, but he never said it.

Shen Congwen knew him well. If it wasn't because Duoduo liked Chen Ming, Zhou Yunchen would have kicked him out a long time ago just because of Chen Ming's half-sentence, and his helpless younger sister probably thought of him in her heart. .

Chen Ming watched Shen Congwen leave, and after a while, he came back to his senses and walked upstairs quickly.

He knocked on Song Jiaren's door, but she didn't answer, so he opened the door and walked in.

Song Jiaren was leaning on the sofa in the living room, biting a crystal pear in her hand, and her phone in the other.

She raised her eyes when she heard the voice: "Why did you come in?"

Chen Ming closed the door slowly, and asked her softly, "Why didn't you answer my phone?"

(End of this chapter)

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