Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 120 Online Teaching Shen Wanqing to Be a Man Series!

Chapter 120 Online Teaching Shen Wanqing to Be a Man Series!

It's two o'clock.

In the broadcasting room of Qingda University, Shen Wanqing was holding a manuscript and was about to read it.

Lin Qi suddenly said from the side: "Gu Anxi spread [-] yuan of wealth on the campus network, is she crazy, isn't she very poor, where did she get the money?"

While talking, she showed the mobile phone to Shen Wanqing, Shen Wanqing glanced at it and sneered: "With Professor Gao here, what are you afraid of, she can't turn the sky, start broadcasting, I want her to know who is in Qingda It’s the one who has the final say.”

After Lin Qi gave a rainbow fart, she started broadcasting, and after she said some irrelevant things, she started to talk about the Wang Qin incident. I can't think about being really depressed, but so what, she and Gu Anxi are blocking her.

Just when she was about to broadcast this segment, the door of the studio was kicked open, accompanied by a scream.

It was none other than Chu Yan who was following behind.

Gu Anxi, so handsome!Ahhhhh! ! !

Shen Wanqing and Lin Qi were stunned, and it took Shen Wanqing a long time to speak loudly: "Gu Anxi, what do you want to do?"

"Stop broadcasting." Gu Anxi walked gently to her side.

Shen Wanqing sneered: "You're joking, Gu Anxi, the radio is being listened to by all the teachers and students in the school. Are you sure you want to violate school discipline? Are you not afraid of being expelled from the school?"

Gu Anxi lowered his eyes and said softly, "I said before, you should be kind."

She held Shen Wanqing's arm with her hand, and Shen Wanqing screamed: "Gu Anxi has made a move, she wants to beat her classmates."

Gu Anxi grabbed her with one hand, and held the microphone with the other: "Do you like to listen to live broadcasts? Now I will broadcast live for everyone. Hello teachers and students, I am Gu Anxi, and now I will live broadcast how to teach Shen to be a good person, so that she Be kind until she learns it, I believe you will enjoy today's live broadcast."

She looked at Chu Yan: "Turn on the camera and transmit the campus network." Two-pronged approach, the broadcast and the campus network are synchronized.

Chu Yan Deling: "Okay, it's activated, you can start now, and classmates, teachers, veterans, brush up the gifts, [-]..."

The whole school is boiling!


The School Flower in White Clothes teaches Shen Wanqing how to be a man online series! ! !

Many people were surprised, but there were also many people who were secretly happy.

The head of the department was stunned, my god, there are such students, lawless.This is, this is to turn the Qingda campus upside down,

The head of the department immediately instructed, "For security, go there immediately, no, I have to go there in person, and you, Professor Gao, are also responsible for today's matter. This manuscript is so sensitive that you shouldn't agree to it. Look, Somebody will do justice to the heavens."

The head of the department teaches Chinese, and he uses [-] idioms.

Professor Gao was furious and ran out of breath: "Gu Anxi must be expelled, there is no need to stay, and there is no need to ask President Wang for instructions, I will make the decision directly."

The head of the department glanced at him without saying a word, but sneered in his heart: expulsion?Are you kidding? It's a good thing that you don't get fired. Is it Gu Anxi who stabbed the sky today? It's you, Professor Gao and Shen Wanqing!

Looking back, he still doesn't know how to write this report, the little ancestor is so overwhelmed! ! !

In the broadcasting room, Wang Qin was stunned, how could it be like this!

Gu Anxi, so strong, so fierce!

Chu Yan said again: "It's best for Wang Qin to close the door and lock it. It's best to close the door and beat the dog."

(End of this chapter)

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