Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1200 Slap in the face!You don't want to be decent, I want more! 4400 words

Chapter 1200 Slap in the face!You don't want to be decent, I want more! 4400 words

Madam Chu was stunned.

After a long time, she murmured: "Do you hate me, Chu Ci, do you hate mother?"

Chu Ci didn't answer directly, he just stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and took out a cigarette, lit it and took a deep puff, and said after a while: "There is no way to hate, but... there is no way to go back to the past. "

He said in a low voice: "Me and Yanyan, and me and you, there is no way to go back to the past. I have no way to disregard your life, but these are the sacrifices of my relationship with Yanyan for so many years. , you asked me if I hate you, but I also want to ask Yanyan if she hates me."

He smiled bitterly and didn't want to mention it anymore, "Okay, it's getting late, go to bed early."

At this time, he was extremely calm, but Mrs. Chu was terrified.

When Chu Ci returned to her bedroom, Mrs. Chu went back to her room in a daze, and pulled her husband: "Will Chu Ci do something stupid? Changhe, please persuade him."

Chu Changhe's voice was extremely light: "Chu Ci is not such a person."

Mrs. Chu looked at her husband, and begged: "Yanyan listens to you the most, Changhe, go and tell her that I agree with her Chu Ci, okay?"

Chu Changhe looked at his wife quietly, as if looking at a stranger.

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "Yanyan already has someone, how is it possible? This is simply absurd."

Maybe he thought the same way before, but today he can see that Chu Yan and Bai Xun have true feelings, and he can't be so selfish as to separate Chu Yan and Bai Xun for the sake of his son.

He's been selfish once, and he can't do it again.

Mrs. Chu was dumbfounded, and Chu Changhe was in a bad mood, so she said, "I'll take a bath, you go to bed early."

After speaking, he took his clothes and went into the bathroom, and Mrs. Chu sat there alone in a daze.

After a long time, she said softly: "If you don't go, I will go by myself." '

She didn't believe it, Chu Yan didn't like Chu Ci anymore, didn't she like to cling to Chu Ci the most when she was a child, how could she say that she didn't like Chu Ci if she didn't like it?


Early in the morning, Chu Yan accidentally overslept, and when she woke up, her face was kissed.

She opened her eyes and saw Chu Ci standing by the bed and wearing a tie.

Because he is an artist, his figure is very thin, but he has thin muscles, and his whole body is very pleasing to the eye.

While putting on his tie, he said, "There is an announcement in the morning, and I will pick you up after get off work in the afternoon."

Chu Yan buried her face in the pillow, took her phone and checked the time.

eight o'clock.

She sighed and sat up.

When she just woke up, she looked like a child, with loose hair and wearing his light blue shirt.When she got out of bed, her legs were thin, and she was going to the bathroom. Bai Xun put his arms around her waist with one hand, pulled her back and kissed her on the lips, and said in a low voice, "Are you tired? If you are tired." Just sleep a little longer."

He was always reluctant to let her go out to work, and lowered his voice: "Actually, it's fine if you don't have meetings, just do something that interests you."

Chu Yan didn't run away, she just let his arm fall into his arms and looked up at him: "We must have a main business."

She gently pulled his tie with her hand, and suddenly said: "You may not like being an artist, do you?"

Bai Xun's eyes flickered slightly, a little surprised, he was not sure how much she had guessed.

But he is a very smart and thoughtful person, so naturally he won't ask any further questions, and just let her go to the bathroom.

After a while, Chu Yan's voice came softly: "If you have an idea about this, you can make a plan."

He walked to the door and leaned against it, "I don't care about being in Chuci Company, do you care?"

He looked at her face quietly. Chu Yan was brushing her teeth. He paused for a while, and said after a while: "I don't care. How you get along with him is your business. I won't ask, as long as you don't talk too much about it." It's fine if you don't want to take it out on me, I just care about whether you really like this job, if it's for me, it's unnecessary, because I don't have such a complex."

Back then, it was just that Chu Ci happened to be in this profession.

Bai Xun's eyes flashed, he was almost certain that she knew something, but he still didn't say anything, he just said softly: "I'll quit the entertainment circle after I finish shooting another movie, okay?"

She turned her head: "Is it important?"

He smiled bitterly: "A favor."

Then he said: "The heroine is Song Jiaren. I owe a favor to Mr. Zhou, that is, Zhou Yunchen."

Chu Yan let out an oh, and said nothing more.

Bai Xun wanted to coax her, so he deliberately said, "Aren't you worried? Song Jia is quite beautiful."

Chu Yan gave him a strange look, and then said unhurriedly: "My husband, Chen Ming, is also stronger than you." '

Then she said something vaguely: "The muscles look strong, and the nose is big."

Bai Xun was so straightforward, he went over and put his arms around her waist: "Unsatisfied with your boyfriend?"

Chu Yan looked in the mirror, "I remember your announcement time is coming, are you sure you want to leave?"

She turned around, hugged him and kissed him intentionally, but now Bai Xun frantically pushed her away, and murmured: "It's almost too late, my dear, I've made breakfast."

Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect him to get up so early.

"What's the matter?" He tied his tie and took his coat: "The assistant is waiting for me below."

Chu Yan took his hand, and said lightly and quickly: "Bai Xun, I'm serious."

Bai Xun looked at her unexpectedly, and it took him a long time to say softly, "I know."

He still kissed her, then turned and left.

After he left, Chu Yan washed her face again, wiped off skin care products, put on a set of clothes and sat at the dining table. The breakfast was rich, with her favorite omelette, this kind of dough was freshly made early in the morning... Bai Xun The craftsmanship is unspeakably good.

It would be a lie to say that you are not moved at all. After getting along with Bai Xun a lot, you will find that he is actually a man who can learn everything quickly and do well. At least Chu Yan has learned two or three things now...

But thinking about it this way, her face felt a little hot again.

After eating, I packed up and went to the company. I was so busy that I didn't have time to think about it. It was just that she answered a call from Bai Xun in the middle of an announcement. He was really clingy, even Chu Yan dislike him.

Bai Xun coaxed her and talked for a while before hanging up the phone.

Chu Yan hung up the phone. Her assistant knew that her boyfriend was Bai Xun, and she was very envious. "Boss, would you like to sign for me tomorrow?"

Chu Yan looked at the computer screen and said softly, "Bring the postcard, I'll get you a TO sign."

The little assistant jumped up and down.

Chu Yan shook her head and smiled.

After a while, the little assistant came over again, and Chu Yan said softly, "Just put it on the table, and I'll take it back tonight for him to sign."

However, the little assistant said slowly: "A guest is here and wants to see you."

Chu Yan raised her eyes.

When he raised his eyes, he was stunned.

It was none other than Mrs. Chu.

Mrs. Chu is quite simple today, and she doesn't look as strong as before. In fact, in Chu Yan's memory, Mrs. Chu was not very close to her, but she was considered gentle. Changed, looking at her like an enemy.

She lowered her eyes, then got up: "What do you want from me?"

She motioned Mrs. Chu to sit on the sofa by the window, and then asked the secretary to pour a glass of boiled water.

The little secretary was stunned for a moment, and hurried over.

Madam Chu sat down, looked around, and then smiled and said, "It looks good here."

Chu Yan smiled faintly: "Let's make up, just find something to do, and don't try to make a lot of money."

Mrs. Chu said, "Yes, it is safest for a girl to find a reliable man. Career is not important."

"No." Chu Yan was still calm: "It's just that I don't have the ability."

She went on to say: "Anxi, who has done such a big business, always stands upright wherever she goes."

She said a few casual words, and Mrs. Chu felt that she was connoted.

There was a trace of resentment on her face, and then she said softly: "We have never disliked you."

Chu Yan came back to her senses, knowing that she was wrong, but she didn't bother to explain.

Just at this moment, the little secretary brought water over, and after putting it down, Chu Yan let her go out first.

The little secretary looked at the two of them with bad expressions, and didn't dare to stay longer.

After the door closed, a dozen or so people in the office outside looked at her%

The Chu family is also the name of the family in Beicheng. This Mrs. Chu is said to be the one who raised the boss, but now the relationship is obviously bad, and it is said that it is because of Chu Ci.

Alas, their boss's current boyfriend is also handsome, and he is ten years younger than Chu Ci.

Ha ha ha ha!Just thinking about it makes me crazy!

Inside the door, Mrs. Chu finally spoke: "Yan Yan, I know you have always liked Chu Ci. In the past, your mother was not good and always opposed you. I still have feelings for you when I saw you yesterday, so I came here today to tell you. Mom won't object to you from now on, and you and Chu Ci can live alone and have your own family after you get together."

Chu Ci was a little...embarrassed, a little dumbfounded.

She thought Mrs. Chu was here to persuade her to stay away from Chu Ci, but she didn't want them to be together.

She was so incredible that it took her a long time to speak hoarsely: "I already have a boyfriend, and Bai Xun is a distant relative of the Chu family. How is this possible?"

She felt that she still needed to make it clear: "It's been five or six years since Chu Ci and I, Mrs. Chu, many things can be changed in five or six years."

Her refusal was expected, and Mrs. Chu didn't take it seriously. She was convinced that the girl in front of her loved her son the most in her heart, so she said softly, "That boy Bai Xun is good. If you leave him, our Chu family will give him a favor." Compensation. Yanyan, as long as you break up with him, you can ask for any conditions."

Chu Yan smiled at this moment, and said bluntly, "I've slept through it all, how do I divide it?"

When she said such vulgar words, Mrs. Chu couldn't accept it for a while, and tears suddenly appeared in her eyes: "Yanyan, are you deliberately angry with mom?"

"Mrs. Chu, it's agreed, isn't it? I'm not a child of the Chu family anymore, just call me Chu Yan." Chu Yan said with a bit of a hard heart.

Not that she is heartless!But what she owed to the Chu family has been paid off long ago. The Chu family raised her, but what she lost was the most precious thing in her life. When she was most emotional, she was collectively abandoned by her loved family. .

She doesn't owe the Chu family anything.

Mrs. Chu couldn't help but muttered after a while, "Don't you know Chu Ci anymore?"

She seemed to be grabbing something, and said hastily, "Didn't you also... have slept?"

Chu Yan stared at her, Madam Chu felt a little guilty.

Chu Yan spoke, without any emotional ups and downs in her voice: "Yes!Let’s just pretend that I was young and ignorant, or just pretend that I repaid the Chu family’s upbringing. '

She laughed at herself: "Although the price is a bit high."

She did not hate Chu Ci that much, nor did she love him anymore, but the hurt was with her all her life.

Never forget.

Don't say that she has Bai Xun now, even if she does, she will never look back.

Never, no matter what happens.

In six years, everything has changed, and she is no longer that innocent little girl.

If Chu Ci had gone abroad to look for her three or four years earlier... She had naively thought that he would look for her. Sometimes when she was sitting at home watching TV, she would think it was him at the door when the doorbell rang, but when she went to open the door, There was just a courier at the door.

It was during this long wait that Chu Yan knew that she was not irreplaceable, at least not the most important thing in Chu Ci's life, she didn't blame him, he was desperate to stay with her and the ending might be even worse.

Maybe this is the best.

Neither love nor hate.

After she finished speaking, Mrs. Chu muttered to herself: "But what about Chu Ci? What about him? He will get sick, the same sickness as me."

She raised her eyes and looked at Chu Yan: "I beg you, please save him, he is going to be sick, he said he wants to find a woman to marry, but I know he is taking revenge on me, I won't let him be with you ..."

Madam Chu finally cried bitterly.

Chu Yan listened blankly, and after a long time she spoke softly: "Isn't this exactly what you want, what's so bad about it? Besides, he's an adult, he won't hurt himself."

She smiled softly again: "Don't worry, my Chu Yan is not that important."

Mrs. Chu was still crying: "You don't know, he must have collapsed if he said that, Yan Yan is counted as mother, please... can you go back to Chu Ci, I don't believe you don't love him anymore, you still love him other side."

Chu Yan asked quietly: "Why didn't it come true back then, what's the use of talking about it now?" '

Mrs. Chu was still pestering here, and Chu Yan couldn't call the police, so she had to call Chu Ci and ask him to take his mother away.

When Chu Ci answered the phone, his voice was a little hoarse, and he hesitated for a long time before saying yes softly.

When Chu Ci came over, he was not alone, he also brought a girl with him.

That girl looked familiar, and Chu Yan recognized her as a third-tier starlet, young and beautiful, with a good figure.

As soon as she came over, Chu Yan's confidence came, because she obviously saw the hickey on Chu Ci's neck, so she put her hands in front of her, and said to Mrs. Chu coldly: "Okay, your daughter-in-law Here, don't admit the wrong kiss."

Mrs. Chu originally made up her mind to stay here and not leave. She thought that if she pestered Chu Yan, it would be best if Bai Xun couldn't bear to break up with her.

But now that Chu Ci came here, and brought a woman with her, she was not a serious person at first glance.Chu Yan's attitude is very obvious, your son is so messed up now, he is not worthy of his wife at all.

Mrs. Chu was confused, looked at her son, forgot to breathe, and murmured for a long time: "Chu Ci, why..."

Chu Ci looked at the woman, and said softly, "Wait for me in the car."

The little star was very sensible, nodded obediently, and took another look at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled at her, which made Chu Ci's tooth ache.

After everyone left, Chu Yan stood by the door: "Okay, everything is clear now, can Mrs. Chu go back?"

Mrs. Chu insisted on asking Chu Ci to speak alone, and Chu Ci tidied up her clothes unhurriedly at this moment, he probably came in a hurry, the shirt was not buttoned neatly, and there was an obvious lipstick mark on the neckline.

He also didn't intend to hide it, and smiled lightly: "Mom, let's go. Don't come to Chu Yan again in the future."

Mrs. Chu shook her head: "Chu Ci, you lied to me, you clearly think of her."

"Do you want me to find a woman to prove it?" Chu Ci looked at her mother: "He has a boyfriend and is talking about marriage. Is it interesting for your son to pester others every day? If you don't want to be decent, I will."

(End of this chapter)

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