Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1219 Isn't it because I look like Yan Yan?

Chapter 1219 Isn't it because I look like Yan Yan?

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, he also felt that it was shameless.

Alas, it's alright, all face and face have been removed.

Chu Yan thought it was fun, and she was a little envious. Although she didn't say anything, Gu Anxi knew what was going on in her heart, so she leaned over and said softly, "It's alright, Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai looked at it. They all love you, the main reason is that Bai Xun cares about you very much, so his parents naturally also value you."

After she finished speaking, she herself sighed a little.

At that time, Chu Ci couldn't say that he couldn't let Chu Yan in his heart, and even his feelings were not deeper than Bai Xun's, otherwise he wouldn't have fallen into a perverted situation today, but... because of the past, the two of them always couldn't get along. When they are together normally, they say that Mrs. Chu is hateful, but every time they think about the grievances of the previous generation, they can't really blame her. At least from Mrs. Chu's own standpoint, there is no way to refute her objection back then.

Gu Anxi took these words to heart and didn't say them out loud, but silently shook Chu Yan's hand: "It's all over, and everything will be fine in the future."

Then she made a joke again, "Bai Xun is only [-] years old, who can you say can compare with you. Even Fang Ming of Wang Qin's family is also [-]."

When she said this, Chu Yan sighed softly: "It sounds like I'm [-] years old, but my mind is as deep as [-]."

"That's good, let him handle everything, you just need to do something you like." Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "A husband and wife, there is always someone who needs to sacrifice properly. '

Chu Yan looked at her: "What about you?"

Bo Xichen in front of him coughed lightly, Chu Yan immediately came back to his senses, and said a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, Professor Bo."

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "Just listen to Anxi's words. Nine sentences are true and one sentence is false, so they are all true. She also used this to bluff many people."

Gu Anxi saw that he had been exposed, and immediately yelled, "Uncle, how can you do this!"

"I apologize to you for what I said wrong, and I will make it up to you when I get home." He said solemnly.

Gu Anxi made a face behind his back.

Chu Yan only felt that they were still the same as before, this feeling was like when they were still in Qingda...

The car drove up Fengshan slowly, and first stopped at the villa where Gu Yuntian lived. Wang Keru was still waiting for Chu Yan when he came back. Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen also stopped for a while, As soon as Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai were going to visit tomorrow, Wang Keru immediately said: "Fortunately, you have mentioned it in advance, otherwise the house will be in a mess when people come tomorrow. No, I have to make arrangements early tomorrow morning."

Chu Yan quickly said, "No need to bother, it's just an ordinary visit."

Wang Keru patted her hand, "What do you know, kid? This is a marriage proposal. Mrs. Bai loves you so much, so let's not be rude here. Just treat this place as your home, and marry here when you get married later." ...Don't refuse to listen to me, what about Anxi... At the beginning, the old lady loved her, and she married from the old lady. I have always regretted it, but now you are not willing to follow my wish?"

Chu Yan was slightly moved and didn't know what to say.

Gu Anxi pretended to be angry: "With the new one, forget the old one."

Wang Keru scolded with a smile: "Why are you so jealous, every time you get into trouble, which time do you not hide here?"

There was another time when Bo Nianyao was so angry that he came to the door directly, but the in-laws were very affectionate when they met, and in the end they just took the child back and gave him a scolding.

Gu Anxi rubbed his nose: "That happened two years ago, and I haven't been reprimanded in the past six months."

Wang Keru laughed: "If you make trouble again, you will make Bo Xin and An An laugh."

She looked at the time, and said to Bo Xichen very gently: "It's getting late for Xichen, go back and rest early. Don't worry about things here, there are me and Anxi's father."

Bo Xichen said very politely: "Tomorrow Siyuan will also prepare for it."

"This is the best, and our appearance will be beautiful." Wang Keru immediately became happy.

She is a person with a big temper, and she can't see Mrs. Chu's behavior at the beginning. Yanyan always cried secretly when she lived with her. Supported the scene for her?It's better to let that old hag watch carefully, and regret dying...

After she finished speaking, she went upstairs with her arms around Chu Yan, and waved to her daughter: "Go back soon."

Gu Anxi stared blankly, feeling sour in his heart, and waited until the person disappeared before yelling: "After all, the little girl is more likable."

Bo Xichen smiled and put his arms around her shoulders: "I've become a little mother, do you still miss my mother?"

She snorted softly, put her arms around his waist, and went to the parking lot outside without saying a word to get into the car. The servants at home saw it and smiled with their mouths covered.

After getting into the car, Gu Anxi sat in the passenger seat, still looking angry.

Bo Xichen patted her on the head: "He's not such a stingy person."

"Just being stingy." Gu Anxi hugged his arm softly.

He tilted his head and kissed her, amused and annoyed: "Really, now you are like a child, jealous with Bo Xin and An An, and now you are also jealous of Chu Yan."

Gu Anxi didn't move, put his head on his shoulder along his arm, and murmured: "It's not because of jealousy, it's just because Chu Ci got married... I can't help but think of the past and feel a little sigh."

He looked at his little wife tenderly, knowing that she was missing her girlhood, maybe it was just the time or those people.

Second Uncle, He Lao, and many others...

Bo Xichen loosened his grip on the steering wheel, and looked down at her: "Anxi, go back first?"

She groaned, but still hugged him tightly, and called out in a low voice, uncle.

He understands that without driving, he still stays with her.

It took a long time before he laughed at her: "How come our Anxi has become such a sentimental little thing now."

She groaned, put her arms around his neck and kissed him, and put her face in the hollow of his neck.His body was warm, which made her feel at ease.

Bo Xichen felt a different passion, but he still touched her little head calmly: "Okay, stop acting like a baby." '

She sat back in embarrassment, played with her mobile phone, Bo Xichen smiled, and drove back to Siyuan.

He was on a business trip for half a month recently, and he was so busy in the past few days when he came back that he really didn't take care of it. Naturally, he was going to comfort her tonight...

The atmosphere here is good, but the wedding night on the other side is far less affectionate.

After the wedding, Chu Ci and Zhao Moran returned to the villa in a black limousine car. Although they were newlyweds, the home didn't have any festive decorations as usual, except that there was an extra hostess.

As soon as he got home, Chu Ci took off his coat and threw it on the sofa. Zhao Moran came in after him, and said softly, "I'm going upstairs to take a shower."

Chu Ci glanced at her, but followed her when she went upstairs, and he didn't have time to give her a bath in the master bedroom, so he pressed her behind the door panel and kissed her hard...

Zhao Moran wanted to push him away, but the difference in strength between a woman and a man was so great that she couldn't shake him at all, she could only pant helplessly, and turned her head aside in shame and anger.

This wedding was really a humiliation to her.Everyone clearly knew who he was in his heart, and it didn't matter, but he told everyone clearly that he didn't care about her wife, so other people naturally didn't care about her.

"Angry?" The more she struggled, the more interesting and vile he became, reaching out and holding her chin to force her to look at him.

Zhao Moran was almost crying: "Chu Ci and we are already married, can you let me go? What do you think is over, don't force me anymore, I can have a child if you want..."

He admired her collapse almost ruthlessly with his eyes, and smiled softly: "Why are you crying? What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of if you are not afraid of having a baby...Why, I am afraid that I will forget that care Fei loves me?"

He pressed her harshly with one hand, calmly took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket with the other hand, put it on his lips, took out the lighter and lit it, after taking a puff, the smoke ring sprayed on her delicate face...

Zhao Moran dodged desperately: "I didn't!"

"It's not the best." Chu Ci smiled lightly, "It's best not to fall in love with me. I marry you back because you are suitable, so you can rest assured at home."

For some reason, Zhao Moran blurted out: "Isn't it because I look a little like Yanyan?" '

As soon as the words were spoken, the air temperature seemed to drop several degrees, as if ice beads could be shaken out.

(End of this chapter)

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