Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1228 Plop!Really Mr. Wang!

Chapter 1228 Plop!Really Mr. Wang!
On the other hand, Lin Hua was also quite speechless. Such a small matter should cause trouble to the brigade because of the other party's identity, and she naturally couldn't follow others' report of Wang Jingyao's identity, so she came here so inexplicably... …

The little girl's father also came. He was indeed a person, but he didn't know Lin Hua yet, so his attitude was quite arrogant. He didn't talk to Lin Hua and only let the people below talk to her. Want a new car.

Lin Hua laughed angrily, "I've never heard of this theory."

A small leader came over and whispered closer: "I think you are also a decent person, and two or three million is not a big amount to you. A little loss is a blessing.”

"Is this how you do things?" Lin Hua looked at him and sneered, "Twenty-three million is really not a big deal to me, but it's my own money, why should I give it away?"

The man sneered: "Didn't I see you as a decent person, and I wanted to give you a trick? Do you think her car will be a car when you take it back? If you repair it, it will still look like a new one. It's like you bought a second-hand car." .”

Lin Hua was even more funny: "Is that the reason?"

The man rubbed his nose, and then smiled: "Isn't it, that's all, I can't offend you, just figure it out!"

He added another sentence that was neither serious nor serious: "That person's identity is here. If you want to stay in Beicheng, you have to bow your head."

Lin Hua looked at him, then at the arrogant father and daughter.

The little boss tried his best: "I know you can't lose face for a while, you are also a person of status, aren't you? In this way, if you let your family members handle it, I think there will always be people with practical knowledge."

Lin Hua responded to him, "Okay, I'll be here in a while."

Just as he was talking, Wang Jingchuan came over sweating profusely. He shook hands with the little boss as soon as he came, "Hello, hello."

The little boss looked at it, hey... I thought it was someone with a lot of status, but that's all.

It's no wonder Secretary-General Wang, there was an event going to the countryside today, so he dressed plainly for the occasion, and besides, he wasn't Lin Hua's husband.

Secretary-General Wang has always been a fine person, so he probably guessed what the other person was thinking from this glance, so he smiled very reservedly: "I am an employee of this Ms. Lin's family, I think I have misunderstood."

The little boss became interested again, but he still said the matter lightly, and repeated what he had said to Lin Hua in a very bold manner. Wang Jingchuan listened to it with a smile, and turned his head to the courageous Yin who was surnamed Yin. What's more, his reckless daughter asked: "Is this what Mr. Yin means? You have to pay for a new car after a scratch. It's not the same reason."

The one surnamed Yin didn't know Secretary-General Wang, so he took a sip of tea arrogantly: "I'm right here, why, don't you agree?"

Lin Hua just wanted to speak, but Wang Jingchuan stopped him with his hand, and then he said softly, "Okay, since Mr. Yin, you have admitted this, there is nothing else to say, I will record it."

As he spoke, he took out a small voice recorder.

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy!

In an instant, the face of Yin's face changed, and he stood up all at once: "No one in Beicheng dares to negotiate terms with me."

Secretary-General Wang also changed his face directly, and sneered: "Really! I want to see how much courage Mr. Yin has, so that he can walk sideways in Beicheng."

The little boss was also shocked.

Who is here?

Is this playing white or black?
Looking at Wen Zhibinbin, why did he play such a dirty trick as soon as he came up?

He wanted to persuade him to make peace, but the main reason was that he could see that this gentle man with an earthy aura might really be difficult to mess with, and there might be some backing behind it!That's right, the master didn't come and only sent thugs. Is the master's status really high... so it's not convenient to come forward?

It was also the first time for Lin Hua to see Secretary-General Wang like this, and she was a little surprised for a while.She thought that Jing Chuan was always good at playing with words, but she didn't expect that he was also very sophisticated in playing hooligans. Not only her, but also Xiao Wang Yue admired him, and clapped his hands: "Uncle is so amazing."

Wang Jingchuan was very aggressive just now, but when he saw Wang Yue now, he immediately smiled: "Uncle has mud on his body, I will hug you later."

Xiao Wang Yue raised his cute little head, "Where's Dad?"

Wang Jingchuan patted his head: "It's inconvenient for Mr. Wang to come up, the car is below right now, you and mom go down first, there's uncle here."

"No, I want to stay and protect uncle." Xiao Wangyue took out a toy gun while talking, and BIUBIU a few times.

Lin Hua laughed: "Jingchuan, let's go down first."

She knew Wang Jingchuan's ability, and it was absolutely impossible for him to suffer, and it was impossible for him to come here alone.Sure enough, after she finished speaking, four bodyguards dressed in black came in at the door. Each of them was about [-] meters tall. They were scary to look at, but when they looked at Lin Hua, their eyebrows and eyes were extremely submissive: "Madam, Mr. Wang is downstairs, please You go down first."

Lin Hua turned around and nodded at Wang Jingchuan: "Then Jingchuan, I'll go down first. Let's go to the old lady's for dinner together later."

Wang Jingchuan patted the clothes on his body and smiled: "It's good that the old lady doesn't dislike it if she dresses like this."

After all, those few were frightened.

Mr. Wang...Jing Chuan...the old lady...every word can make the entire North City tremble three times!

In this whole northern city, who doesn’t know that Mr. Wang’s secretary-general is Wang Jingchuan, and who doesn’t know that the old lady of the Wang family, the lady in front of him is Mr. Wang’s wife, Lin Hua, and her age is right, oh , also with a child, I heard that the child is also about six or seven years old.

The little boss was about to faint.

The one surnamed Yin also wanted to faint, his heart was trembling, he was at a loss, and his back was sweating... It's over, this is the Buddha.

He immediately looked at his daughter: It's really courting death. It's not good to bump into someone, but he bumped into Mr. Wang's wife.

But the little girl still didn't know whether she was going to live or not, and she was still very arrogant: "Dad, no matter who they come, they can't overwhelm you. I will order this car."

"Really." A deep voice sounded: "I haven't heard of anyone who can take a stitch from my Wang family."

Wang Jingyao was also worried downstairs, afraid that his wife and son would suffer. The main reason was that although Jing Chuan had a strong mouth and a lot of heart, he had no power to restrain a chicken, so he let the bodyguards come up first and followed him.

When he came, everyone was stunned.

Especially that surnamed Yin's heart trembled.

Then the legs plopped and knelt down...

Really Mr. Wang.

(End of this chapter)

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