Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1239 Brother, Sister Lin Hua is Pregnant

Chapter 1239 Brother, Sister Lin Hua is Pregnant
Wang Jingyao's voice was hoarse: "Where are you going?"

Lin Hua paused, and turned around after a while: "Go to rehearse."

Wang Jingyao's voice was flat: "It wasn't what you saw just now."

"What kind?" Lin Hua lowered her eyes, "Don't you just want to know if you still have feelings for young girls?"

As she spoke, she raised her eyes lightly and smiled: "Don't worry, I won't question you! After all, you are Mr. Wang."

When she said this, her heart ached for a moment, and then she gently pulled out her hand: "Okay, let me go first after giving you the face, the little girl is timid, so let's coax her."

Wang Jingyao stared at her fiercely, as if he had heard something terrifying.

Lin Hua laughed at herself again, turned and left.

Wang Jingyao made a false catch, but he didn't catch anything.

When Lin Hua walked to the door, Wang Jingchuan peed in fright, "Madam... Lin Hua, this is... Mr. Wang doesn't mean that to that girl."

Lin Hua smiled lightly: "If I didn't mean that, I'd sit on my lap. If I had that meaning..."

She didn't want to talk any more and left directly.

She left, Wang Jingchuan looked at Wang Jingyao.

Wang Jingyao threw a cup at him: "Useless things, why didn't you stop her and let her bump in?"

Fortunately, Secretary-General Wang hid quickly, and quickly escaped. Wang Jingyao pointed at him with lingering anger and scolded him: "You know that Xiaotian is inside, why didn't you stop him? It's all right now...Take me as a romantic ghost."

Secretary-General Wang squatted in a good-tempered manner while picking up the pieces and said, "I'm not talking about you, this time you... Madam, I'm afraid it will be difficult to calm down."

Wang Jingyao's eyes fell on the lunch box, and after staring at it for a long time, he murmured: "She came here to show weakness, she still has me in her heart, doesn't she?" '

Wang Jingchuan packed his things and sighed softly, "Who said it wasn't."

But I can't stand you trying to die like this!

Lin Hua is also a very talented woman, and she has a high spirit. How can you not be angry if you tease the little girl casually like this?

Secretary Wang sighed and looked at Wang Jingyao.

Wang Jingyao pointed at the door: "Just let her go like this?"

Wang Jingchuan spread his hands together: "Otherwise, you go after him?"

Wang Jingyao sat down, took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Hua's number... The phone rang, but no one answered it for a long time.

He frowned.

Wang Jingchuan was also a little worried: "Why don't you go downstairs and have a look, follow up and let Chen Ming track it down."

Wang Jingyao nodded: "Please contact me."

He paused: "Don't say anything else."

Wang Jingchuan went to do it immediately, and Wang Jingyao himself was not at ease and went downstairs to have a look... But Lin Hua's car was no longer downstairs, so he asked the security guard and said that he drove away.

Wang Jingyao stood there, looking down at the phone... thoughtfully.

On the other side, Lin Hua was driving aimlessly.

When she went downstairs just now, she retched violently for a long time downstairs. She felt very sick and very sad. She didn't know that he was flirtatious, and she also knew that he had countless romantic affairs in the days when he was single before marriage. He also had other women besides his confidante, but at that time he was not hers and they hadn't reached that point, so she kept ignoring her, but now she is his wife. Seeing a young girl sitting on his lap, he used That familiar tone of voice coaxed other women, Lin Hua was really disgusted, she wanted to vomit but couldn't vomit, and finally got into the car, unwilling to stay for a moment, and immediately started the car.

At this moment, her eyes were blurred, and she couldn't see the front clearly. She knew she should stop the car and she couldn't be willful, but she just couldn't stop... until there was a loud noise in front, and then Lin Hua felt a headache, like A hot liquid flowed down, and she leaned back in the chair motionless, with tears still in her eyes.

The car on the opposite side was fine, and the owner of the car was not injured. She wanted to escape but there were too many people on the road, so she could only get out of the car trembling and opened Lin Hua's door.

The moment she saw Lin Hua, the little girl was about to cry.

Why is it her again?Are you fighting with her?
This is not someone else, just happened to bump into Lin Hua last time, last time I wiped it, but this time it will kill her, the little girl is usually arrogant but now she knows Lin Hua's identity, her legs are weak Shaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed [-], with a trembling voice: "Come quickly."

After reporting the location, she stared at Lin Hua, feeling terrified.

If something happened to Lin Hua, she would be finished... She didn't even know if she would survive.

The little girl surnamed Yin looked at Lin Hua. Lin Hua's eyes were open, the blood on her forehead continued to flow down, and she was still crying... Finally she was so frightened that she began to cry...

When Wang Jingyao rushed to the hospital, Lin Hua gave first aid, mainly for trauma.

A broken forehead, a broken rib, and a concussion.

It was Bo Xichen who performed Lin Hua's operation, and Gu Anxi was his assistant...Wang Jingchuan outside the operating room comforted: "Professor Bo's operation must be fine."

Wang Jingyao stood at the end of the aisle, whispering: "Is it because of me? That's why she got into a car accident?"

Wang Jingchuan didn't make a sound.

At this time, Gu Anxi came out.

She walked a little slowly, and walked slowly to Wang Jingyao's side. Wang Jingyao's voice was hoarse: "How is she?"

Gu Anxi clenched her fists, and after a while she lowered her eyes, "She's pregnant."

Wang Jingyao's pupils dilated sharply. At that moment, there was ecstasy and hope, but the next second he seemed to have fallen into hell.

Because Gu Anxi's face was serious.

Gu Anxi looked at him quietly, and whispered after a long time: "The child is gone."

She added: "Brother, you will have children in the future."

Wang Jingyao's body swayed, and he grabbed the armrest on the side, and it took a while to slow down, and when she came back to her senses, she said in a hoarse voice: " is it?"

"Concussion plus surgical anesthesia, no matter how late he wakes up." Gu Anxi patted his arm, not knowing how to comfort him.

This child is the child that the old brother had been looking forward to for several years, but now he has it but lost it unexpectedly.She looked at Wang Jingchuan, wondering what happened, how dare Wang Jingchuan say it?

Gu Anxi had to go back to the operating room and left after a while.

Wang Jingyao took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, but instead of smoking it, he punched the wall several times. At that moment, the blood was dripping, and it looked very scary... Wang Jingchuan was also frightened, and hurried up to hold him Arm, while covering the wound to stop the bleeding, he said: "You must take care of your body."

He added: "My lady is still waiting for you to take care of me."

Wang Jingyao was injured on his hand, but he couldn't feel the pain. After a long time, he murmured: "Jingchuan, am I a good husband?"

Wang Jingchuan was speechless for a moment.

Wang Jingyao smiled coldly again: "Yes, what kind of husband am I! I can't keep my children."

He even accused him of not wanting a child, obviously...he was the one who killed the child.

With him like this, Wang Jingchuan was also quite sad, he rarely saw Wang Jingyao depressed like this, and he also knew that apart from losing a child, Wang Jingyao was even more afraid of losing Lin Hua.

He stared at Wang Jingyao, seeing that his usual broad back was depressed for no reason... It took him a long time before he said: "Anyway, you should bandage the wound first, otherwise others won't know what to think when they see it."

"What do others think?" Wang Jingyao said softly, "Maybe if I don't become this Mr. Wang, I will be much more relaxed and happy."

Wang Jingchuan didn't know what to say, so he could only accompany him.

Wang Jingyao didn't speak afterward, but held the cigarette between his bloody finger, which trembled slightly, which was a rare embarrassment he had seen in decades...

Lin Hua came out an hour later, still in a coma...Bo Xichen came out and patted Wang Jingyao on the shoulder: "Go and see her."

Wang Jingyao turned around suddenly and looked at Bo Xichen: "How is she?"

"Others are fine, but I'm afraid that after waking up, knowing that I lost my child, I won't be able to bear it." Bo Xichen whispered, "I heard Anxi say that she is going to have a child."

Wang Jingyao was taken aback.

He had heard Lin Hua say that he wanted a child. He thought it was just talking, but he didn't expect...

Wang Jingyao said in a low voice, "She must be very sad."

Bo Xichen was silent for a moment before saying: "It will be more important in the future."

Wang Jingyao let out a long breath, put out the cigarette, and murmured, "Is there a future?"

He smiled lightly at Bo Xichen: "I'm going to see her."

Bo Xichen didn't move, but just looked at Wang Jingchuan with his eyes.Wang Jingchuan was also very good at reading facial expressions, so he immediately understood and stayed.When Wang Jingyao left, Bo Xichen asked softly, "What's going on?"

Wang Jingchuan trusted him very much, so he said everything in detail, and sighed after he finished speaking: "Although I saw that, I can guarantee that it will be like this and there will be no other things."

Bo Xichen also believed this, but this matter was always caused by elder brother Wang's flirting, or it was not flirting but disgusting with Lin Hua, but it was too much... If it was Gu Anxi, he might have killed that woman at the time His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he would not feel better, but unlike Lin Hua, she was always under Wang Jingyao, and she was weak.

Bo Xichen remained silent, and Wang Jingchuan sighed again: "Professor Bo don't tell Anxi about this. Otherwise, Anxi might become impulsive."

Although it is said that Anxi is Mr. Wang's sister, she and Lin Hua also have a very good relationship, and now that this incident is so embarrassing, what should I do?

Hearing this, Bo Xichen nodded, "I know."


In the VIP ward, Gu Anxi kept guarding Lin Hua. Although Lin Hua might not wake up for several hours, she just kept guarding without worrying, a bit silly.

Because she knows the pain.

As for the loss of the child, she planned not to tell Lin Hua for the time being, and wait for her to calm down, or let her elder brother talk about it with her.She was guarding, when Wang Jingyao opened the door and came in, she turned her head and looked at each other, each other's eyes were painful.

"Here we come." Gu Anxi's voice was hoarse: "She's still asleep."

(End of this chapter)

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