Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1244 When old friends meet, do you have to be born like this? 3800

Chapter 1244 When old friends meet, do you have to be born like this? 3800
Mrs. Zhang looked suspiciously, and looked up and down the little white face outside the door, and then said: "There are no ladies here, only wives! Mister has found the wrong person."

It was He Qi who was outside the door.

When Mrs. Zhang was about to close the door, he supported the door panel with one hand and smiled lightly: "Then I'll find Mrs. Wang."

Mrs. Zhang was angry and anxious, closing the door desperately and saying, "How can there be such a shameless person like you! My wife, you think about what you are doing all day long, and if you say you don't have it, you don't have it!"

Just when the two were stalemate, Lin Hua's voice came: "Sister-in-law Zhang is a friend of mine, let him in."

Mrs. Zhang was stunned for a moment, then let go of her hand, and He Qi had already entered the room.He straightened his clothes, walked to the sofa and sat down gracefully, "I wanted to see you a long time ago, but it's not convenient in the hospital."

When he said this, Lin Hua naturally knew why it was inconvenient. It was because Wang Jingyao surrounded the ward with three floors inside and three floors outside. Except for the Wang family and the Bo family, other people could hardly see her.

She didn't explain, just quietly looked at the young man in front of her.

He looks younger than her, with a good appearance, about [-] years old.She thought that as long as he wanted, he could recruit any young and good-looking girl, but he was... probably obsessed with what he had lost, so he couldn't be reconciled.

Lin Hua was silent for a long time before asking softly, "Is Mr. He here to pay the bill?"

He Qi said directly: "Mr. Wang is rich and powerful, and he has already made a settlement. Even if all the tickets are refunded, he will give me a lot of money."

"That's good." Lin Hua smiled lightly, leaning slowly on the sofa.After a while she looked up at Aunt Zhang: "Pour a cup of tea for the guest."

Auntie Zhang kept staring at the pretty boy surnamed He, and regarded him as a villain who seduced her master. She also reluctantly listened to Lin Hua's words: "We're done don't need to drink tea."

She looked at He Qi: "Yes, Mr. He."

He Qi wasn't angry either, and still had a handsome look: "I'm sorry, I still have some private matters to discuss with Ms. Lin, please pour me a cup of tea."

Auntie Zhang had no choice but to pour tea, but when she came back, she put it on the table unceremoniously, and then muttered: "Some people really don't want to admit the truth...a lady is obviously a wife, and the son can't bear it." It’s been several years since I was born, and I still treat it as my own!”

Auntie Zhang finished speaking, snorted and went to the side to take out the wool to knit a sweater. While knitting, she said to herself: "Knit a sweater for our lovely Xiaoyue. Xiaoyue has been delicate since she was a child and is allergic to wool outside, so she wears it all I wove it by myself. This little guy is so delicate. Every day he hugs his parents and makes out with him... Hey, that cuteness is so painful. It's even better than Mr. Zhibao in my wife's heart. Others Don't even think about it."

There was something in her words, but the two present couldn't hear it.

Lin Hua was angry and angry, "Sister-in-law Zhang, concentrate on knitting."

"That's fine." Mrs. Zhang said briskly, "I'll listen to you while weaving."

Lin Hua: ...

He Qi on the side is quite good-tempered: "It's quite humorous."

Lin Hua was no longer so easy-going when talking to him, with a faint smile: "Since the bills have been settled and Mr. He has also seen the patient, then I will not send it away."

He Qi stared at her for a long time, and then said softly: "When old people meet, do you still have to be born like this?"

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Zhang's stick needle on the side almost broke in half——

Well, it really is to seduce!

old friend?What old friend?
To put it lightly and cleverly, how did this old man's family humiliate his wife when he was dead?How did the wife find a way to avenge him?

Yes, my wife liked my husband before, and it is reasonable to live happily together because of this matter. After a few years, this old friend suddenly came back, and she said that the husband was wrong about this matter, but if it weren’t for this An old man's self-indulgence is sentimental, and the child in the wife's womb will not be lost so easily.

Mrs. Zhang hated it, and stared at He Qi.

Lin Hua gave her a gentle look, then turned her head to He Qi and said, "The past is over, so don't mention it. You... It's good to be back, and your family is probably thinking about it too."

He Qi's Adam's apple loosened, and instead of answering her words, he said, "You're not doing well."

Aunt Zhang is going to explode in anger: No good for your sister!
Lin Hua looked at her reassuringly, and smiled lightly: "Is it good or not? Only you know, it's not something you can decide on one side."

She said calmly: "Jingyao and I have some conflicts now, but in all fairness, I have had a good life in the past few years, and he has treated me very well..."

He Qi clenched his fingers tightly, "How can a good life be caused by an irrelevant person and incident?"

Lin Hua has always been very calm: "Mr. He also said that it is an irrelevant person or thing."

Her voice was a little tired: "This is a matter between our husband and wife, and it really has nothing to do with others. Whether we live well or not, can you understand what I mean?"

He Qi's pupils trembled, and then he said hoarsely: "I understand but I don't understand... Aren't you going to leave him?"

Lin Hua didn't evade this topic, smiled lightly, and said with a bit of bitterness, "This is also between me and him, it has nothing to do with others, is it Mr. He?"

"I was the one who was abrupt." He Qi returned to his demeanor, which was somewhat surprising.

Aunt Zhang beside her was knitting a sweater and muttering in a low voice: "You have a thick skin, I don't think the needle may break through."

Lin Hua: ...

She looked at He Qi again and smiled lightly: "I'm a little tired, Mr. He won't see me off."

He Qi got up knowingly and said goodbye, "Okay, I'll visit Ms. Lin next time."

"No more." Lin Hua quickly replied, "We met by chance, so there is really no need to entangle too much."

She said a little bit bitterly: "Too much entanglement, the more you lose."

At that moment, He Qi's body trembled before he realized what she meant.

She meant that his appearance had caused her troubles, and even caused her to lose her child... For a moment, he didn't know what to say, so he stood there for a while.

Lin Hua smiled slightly: "I thought Mr. He restarted his new life a few years ago."

His voice was so hoarse: "Lin Hua, I can't do it."

When he called her Lin Hua, all the pretense fell apart...into an army.

Lin Hua was very calm all the time, she stared at the man in front of her quietly, and said softly after a long time: "Look, you are still young and have never been married, there are many young and cute girls to choose from, why bother to lock yourself in The past? The past is long past, maybe it once existed but it doesn’t exist now.”

He Qi shook his head: "No."

He went on to say: "That's not the case, Lin Hua! If you really think it's over, why are you in such a mess because of me? You said that the matter between your husband and wife has nothing to do with others, but is it really nothing to do? If it's nothing to do, Wang Jingyao Do you suspect that you will make a big fuss?"

Lin Hua lowered her eyes: "Did he look for you?"

He Qi was shocked.

"If he doesn't look for you, it's between us." Lin Hua said lightly, "For me, Mr. He is a partner. I don't have Jingyao's wealth and confidence and I don't want to rely on him completely. So I want to continue this concert, it has nothing to do with who Mr. He is. And that WeChat is just because..."

She calmly said, "It's just an old friend, there's no need to reject people thousands of miles away like that, or did Mr. He think that if I deleted you at that time, you would appear magnanimous? It's really unnecessary!"

He Qi let out a long breath.

Mrs. Zhang has been secretly listening, feeling very happy——

Hehe, you've hit the iron plate, male mistress, let you seduce his wife!

She also knew who this Mr. He was, and also knew that he had a relationship with his wife, but the past is the past. The wife and husband are husband and wife now, so why bother to engage in such petty tricks when you come back? ...It's kind of condescending.

So when He Qi left, Mrs. Zhang said something not salty: "Actually, many things have changed after many years. You are still you, and other people have long been out of your mind."

He Qi smiled: "Really?"

Mrs. Zhang raised the sweater in her hand: "It's like this dress Xiaoyue is easy to wear now, but you think he can still wear it in five or six years? If you like it, you have to throw it away, right?"

After speaking, he slammed the door shut.

He squinted so happily!
Mrs. Zhang snorted and went back to the living room.

Just passing by, I heard Lin Hua say: "Why do you speak so harshly, you are just an irrelevant person, just make it clear."

Mrs. Zhang seized the opportunity and asked, "Then you and your you still have a chance?"

Lin Hua smiled lightly: "You also speak for him?"Didn't you scold me fiercely before? '

Mrs. Zhang rubbed her ears: "Curse it, but it's a husband and wife. Besides, these days, my husband is also pitiful. He can't eat well and sleep well, and he is much less emaciated."People's hearts are fleshy, and Mr. can be regarded as the one we watched growing up, so why don't we feel distressed? '

Lin Hua was stunned for a while, didn't say anything, just went to rest.

After resting like this for a few days, Gu Anxi and Chu Yan came to see her and left in about an hour.

At the door, Gu Anxi said to Aunt Zhang: "Seeing that he is not in good spirits, don't let irrelevant people go."

Auntie Zhang trusted her quite a bit, and told about He Qi, Gu Anxi and Chu Yan looked at each other, and then said, "Is it really here?"

She said to Chu Yan again: "Now that they are separated, hope has probably risen in his heart."

Chu Yan nodded.

Mrs. Zhang rubbed her hands anxiously: "What can I do! That little boy looks like a dog and has money. Now my wife is sad, what if he sneaks in? Miss Anxi, you are Mr. Wang My dear sister has to think of a good way to come out."

Gu Anxi was amused in his heart, and comforted: "You are a vegetarian when you are an old brother? It's okay!"

Mrs. Zhang felt uneasy: "Sir, you haven't come these two days? Could it be that... you gave up too."

Gu Anxi patted her: "Sister-in-law Zhang, stop thinking about it, whoever gives up on this old bastard will never give up."

Mrs. Zhang's face froze, and she faltered: "Isn't it good to call Mister an old bastard?"

"Didn't he just call me a little bastard? Mrs. Zhang, you're biased!" Gu Anxi hummed softly.

Mrs. Zhang was subdued immediately, well, the old bastard is the old bastard, as long as it can help you, you can call me anything!
With Gu Anxi's words, Mrs. Zhang felt relieved. Gu Anxi and Chu Yan went downstairs and sat in the car. Chu Yan turned her head and asked, "Do you want to find He Qi?"

"It's useless even if you look for it." Gu Anxi took a look in the mirror and said softly, "These two are separated... What a great opportunity, you wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity if you were any man. "

Chu Yan agrees with this point.

Gu Anxi turned his head again: "Their business is not in a hurry, just leave it to time, how about you? Is Bai Xun coming back? Do you have any plans for the future?"

Chu Yan murmured, "I'll be back in a few days."

"Are you planning to get married?" Gu Anxi asked her.

Chu Yan didn't hide anything, and said softly: "Plan to go abroad to get married, after all he..."

"That's right. It's better to go abroad." Gu Anxi held his chin: "Do you want a child?"

Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Let's let it be."

She is not young anymore, she will be thirty in a year or two, and it is indeed the age to have children.

Although Bai Xun is still very young.

However, he doesn't seem to have any plans to play for another two years. Marriage has always been his intention, but she thinks she can take it slowly...

The two chatted casually and left. Gu Anxi sent Chu Yan to the company and drove back to Yunxi Group. After entering the office, Secretary Tang came over: "Mr. Zhou called this morning."

Gu Anxi sat on the soft sofa: "What is he doing on the phone?"

"I scolded you." Secretary Tang smiled: "I hung up after scolding for a full five minutes, so it's obvious that I went crazy."

Gu Anxi scratched his nose, "Isn't it just taking his son to the women's bathroom to take a bath! As for being so angry?"

Secretary Tang was petrified in an instant: "Xiao Gu always talks about Zhou Mu?"

"It's not this kid who is it?" Gu Anxi pointed his chin with a slender finger, and said in a sly voice with a sly voice: "Didn't you know that he drank too much before and scolded Shen Congwen for being a fan of his parents||belief , When it comes to him...what's the point? This matter can't stop him from the text, and I don't know if he really believes it or it's a bad idea. In short, I just want to take Zhou Mu to the girls' bathroom to wake him up .”

(End of this chapter)

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