Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1248 Jingyao, Let's Divorce

Chapter 1248 Jingyao, Let's Divorce
When she said this, Mrs. Zhang became nervous: "Ma'am, I am also talking nonsense. You say that I am not educated as an old lady. Don't listen to me."

Lin Hua smiled lightly: "I'm fine, I just want to go out and have a quiet time."

Mrs. Zhang breathed a sigh of relief: "Then it's good to have someone follow me. I'm really worried in this cold weather."

Lin Hua was still smiling, Mrs. Zhang sighed, and said helplessly, "Okay, I know, it's just that my wife is annoyed by her bad mouth, and my husband often annoys me too."

Lin Hua said without thinking, "Jingyao often praises your cooking."

"I'm making fun of my wife again." Mrs. Zhang said happily.

Then she said as if she had discovered a new world: "Madam, you are still willing to call Mr. Jingyao, which means there is still room for turning around."

Lin Hua: ...

Mrs. Zhang's old eyes gleamed.

After Lin Hua changed her shoes, Mrs. Zhang immediately put a woolen shawl on her and muttered, "It's cold outside, be careful not to freeze."

Lin Hua was slightly moved by these simple words. She turned around and looked at Mrs. Zhang quietly. Mrs. Zhang blushed, "Madam, don't look at me with such affectionate eyes, who can bear it..."

Lin Hua laughed: "You're talking nonsense again."

"I won't lie to you." Mrs. Zhang also smiled, and gave a few more instructions before letting her out.

Lin Hua's body hadn't fully recovered, and she just went downstairs to take a walk in the neighborhood when she went out. She went downstairs to feel the sunshine she hadn't seen for a long time, and took a long breath, but there was some pain in her ribs.

She pressed it with her hand, walked to a long chair and sat down, just looking at the yellow ginkgo tree directly opposite, golden yellow, the sun shines a little golden light through the gap, very beautiful.

Lin Huazheng was fascinated, and at some point there was a young girl sitting beside her.Lin Hua moved slightly and looked sideways.

It was none other than the young girl who flirted with Wang Jingyao in the office that day.

The girl also looked at Lin Hua, and her eyes met. She smiled wryly: "Mrs. Wang, you won."

Lin Hua's breathing hurt a bit, and it took her a long time to recover, then her eyes fell on the ginkgo tree opposite, but she asked softly, "Where am I?"

Losing her child, how can she be regarded as winning, and she doesn't think she is an opponent with the girl in front of her. She is old, unable to do what she wants and doesn't bother to fight with a young girl, it will make her feel that she is worthless.

Perhaps, many years ago, when she was Wang Jingyao's confidante, she also had a fight. At that time, there were so many good-looking women around him.At that time, she always thought that no matter how many women he had around her, Lin Hua was always special, because he never touched her and was always very polite, but she realized later when Jiang Chaoge showed that he had briefly thought about getting married. He didn't touch her because he didn't give her hope, but he also gave each other a way out. It had nothing to do with Bai Yueguang. In other words, she, Lin Hua, was no different from other women in his heart. It was a different kind of fun. Just to pass the time...

Afterwards, it’s probably better if you can’t get it.

Lin Hua's heart was ashamed, she was quiet, she had no intention of chatting, and she didn't chase the girl away.

Originally, if she didn't pursue it, that girl should have left, but she refused to leave.

She looked sideways at Lin Hua, and said softly, "I almost succeeded."

Lin Hua smiled calmly and calmly: "You mean climbing into Wang Jingyao's bed?"

The young girl choked, and then said softly after a while: "Then maybe I will get pregnant, maybe he will give me a title."

"It's never possible." Lin Hua didn't look at her, but just looked at the old ginkgo tree, and said quietly, "He won't touch any woman who has ambitions for Mrs. Wang's status."

She wouldn't tell the girl that Wang Jingyao was trying to anger her, that would be too hypocritical, but the fact is, he was playing games in the world, but the girl was emotional.

The girl blinked slightly, not believing: 'No, he likes me very much. '

"Young and good-looking, what kind of old man doesn't like it." Lin Hua dismissed Wang Jingyao.

The girl blinked slightly, and stared at her in disbelief: "Mr. Wang is not old."

"Aren't you old?" Lin Hua smiled, "That's because of his status, if he's just an ordinary man without the current power, then tell me that a girl in her early twenties would like a girl in her fifties. A man? I'm afraid that no matter how good he looks, it's not in your consideration, right?"

What I like is nothing more than his demeanor.

She, Lin Hua, wasn't she before!So she knew how it felt all too well.

After she finished speaking, the young girl pondered for a while, then said softly: "You are right, but not all right, at least I still love Mr. Wang, you will not stop me from liking him and pursuing him, will you? "

She paused for a moment and then said anxiously: "You have no child and separated from him, aren't you going to divorce him?"

Lin Hua was speechless for a while, and then sighed softly after a long time: "That's also about him and me. If you want to pursue him, shouldn't you tell him? Why did you come to me instead? Or do you think I will help you?"

She said quite seriously: "I can't say that I hate you much, but I don't like you either. It's the bottom line to let you go and not do anything to you. Smart people will know to stay away from me."

The young girl was quite naive: "But you seem to be easy to talk to."

"Really?" Lin Hua smiled, a little coldly.

Then she stopped talking.

The young girl said cautiously again: "He hasn't seen me, can you arrange for me to meet him?"

Lin Hua asked back, "How did you get into the office?"

This IQ is really not suitable for living in that place... Probably only this face can be seen.

The girl pursed her lips and said nothing, as if she was about to cry.

Lin Hua looked at that face carefully, it was indeed very young and beautiful, and I felt pity for it when I cried. It is no wonder that Wang Jingyao coaxed her so gently that day. Apart from deliberately making her angry or afraid, he also enjoyed it a little.She was a little angry in her heart, she obviously didn't want to be angry with him anymore, but...

Finally she said: "You go, pretend I haven't seen you. You have to know that if Mr. Wang knows, he won't let you go. Don't say that the general office is afraid that even Beicheng will not allow you to stay any longer. If you don't do it for yourself Think about it for your own family, people can’t be too selfish in life.”

After finishing speaking, Lin Hua said again: "He is not your beloved."

Maybe it's 80 years, and this girl won't be in her turn.

The young girl still wanted to beg, but seeing Lin Hua's expression, she was not sure again, and finally had no choice but to leave.

Lin Hua was still sitting there basking in the sun and looking at the ginkgo tree, but the previous mood was gone...

At 06:30 in the afternoon, Wang Jingyao came over. With the cold wind outside, he rubbed his hands as soon as he entered the door: "Is Mrs. Zhang's meal ready?"

After saying that, he took off his outer coat and put it on the sofa casually, as if he had returned to his own home.

Lin Hua sat on the sofa, quietly.

Wang Jingyao sat down beside her, and when she didn't make a sound, he tilted his head and whispered softly: "Look why I don't talk when I come here, don't you have a lot to ask me, or else you'll be blaming the head office for that surnamed He Bar."

"I'm not that boring." Lin Hua finally looked him in the eye, and then said softly, "You admit it, and there's nothing more to ask."

Wang Jingyao snorted softly: "I thought you felt sorry for the boy surnamed He."

Lin Hua looked at him again: "I don't have anything to feel sorry for. I'm afraid you feel sorry for that girl."

Now, Wang Jingyao was about to explode: "I don't have any distress, but she is just a fluffy girl. The old lady arranged to go out, and I won't see her in the future."

Lin Hua just smiled.

Wang Jingyao has always been very keen. He looked at Lin Hua carefully for a few seconds, and then quietly sent a message to Wang Jingchuan, asking him to deal with it.

After sending the message, he looked at Lin Hua again, and said shamelessly, "This matter is open, and I don't have any ideas."

He rubbed his nose: "Heaven and earth conscience, I don't even remember that girl's appearance, but you, you can recognize her face even if she has changed."

Lin Hua said softly, "Don't you recognize it too? Jingyao, I may care a little about the past, but you care far more than I do. That's why we've come to this point."

Wang Jingyao put away the expression of the hippie smile, looked at her squarely, and said for a while: "All these years, you have always known that he is not dead, but you have never asked me. Why is it that you are kind to Anxi because she saved Fengsheng for you! Don't Say no, I have been married for six years, I still know a thing or two about your thoughts, and these things, you don’t want to have a second child, other than not wanting to get Xiaoyue’s attention, is there no other reason? After Xiaoyue, will you really stay and be this Mrs. Wang in peace, or you will hesitate, after all, you really love him."

Lin Hua almost blurted out the phrase 'I loved you back then'.

But her pride held her back.

At that moment, she seemed to forget to breathe, and looked at him quietly. She didn't shed tears, but said very softly: "Jingyao called you here today because he wanted to tell you that we are divorced."

Wang Jingyao didn't make a sound, just stared at her, not letting go of any change in her expression.

After a while, he said, "It's because my words made you uncomfortable. If it's me, I apologize."

"No." She lowered her eyes and said softly, "It's meaningless for us to live on, so we might as well break up."

As she spoke, her heart ached, and after a while she said in a hoarse voice: "Xiaoyue, if he wants to follow you, then follow you. All I want is to have visitation rights at any time."

Wang Jingyao stared into her eyes, and repeated again: "Do you have visitation rights at any time?"

After a while he laughed, "Divorce and visitation at any time conflict, don't you know?"

Lin Hua immediately said, "I've consulted a lawyer."

He was so angry that his heart ached and he gritted his teeth: "It's good. I've already asked the lawyer. It seems that it's not a day or two since you wanted to get a divorce. This time it's not a cooling-off period, but spending a day by my side is all you need." It’s like a year, isn’t it?”

Before she could answer, he said again: "You should know... We divorced and I will remarry in order to give Xiaoyue a normal and complete family. At that time, you thought my new wife would allow you to appear in our life at any time?"

Lin Hua looked at him.

Wang Jingyao still didn't let her go, and said harsh and cruel words: "This is inevitable, you should think about it carefully, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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