Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 125 If Gu Anxi is not expelled, who will be expelled?

Chapter 125 If Gu Anxi is not expelled, who will be expelled?

Chu Yan smiled: "Okay, let's spread some money by the way, the atmosphere is too tense, is it Anxi?"

Gu Anxi didn't say anything. At this time, the head of the department looked solemn: "Go to the office now, Director Li is already waiting. I heard that Xiao Zhang beside him said that Director Li was furious."

Lin Qi laughed: "It's good to be angry! Being angry means that Gu Anxi is dead. If I were a superior leader, I couldn't just sit idly by."

She said that for a long time, no one paid attention to her, but Chu Yan handled the matter beautifully, "Scattered [-] yuan, and now there are more than a thousand people following it. Apart from the ability to make money, they are probably just watching the fun, Anxi, hurry up." I will settle it in a timely manner, I will go to the playground to control the place first, and then distribute the money if necessary."

After Chu Yan finished speaking, she pressed a button——

Easy to do!

Lin Qi looked disgusted: "Did you call everyone to see how Gu Anxi left Qingda in despair?"

Chu Yan smiled: "It depends on how your master apologizes and humiliates, OK?"

"Who would believe it?" Lin Qi didn't believe it.

Qing University, no one believed it.

But the excitement is something to watch, and the campus currency is also something to grab.

Over there, when Gu Anxi and his group arrived at the school office, Director Li had already arrived and was sitting on the sofa drinking tea. When he saw Gu Anxi approaching, he could barely hold his hand——


The light of Qingda!

But the president said that he couldn't reveal his identity, so he couldn't reveal it, and he had to be more reserved and handle things beautifully, so that the president would favor him more.

As soon as Li Ju's heart changed, he even showed his face even more quietly, and had a few words with the head of the department.

At this time, Professor Gao lost his composure, and he also insisted that he was still Mr. He's junior with some talent, so he said directly: "Since Director Li is here, let's announce the punishment of Gu Anxi, classmate Gu." It’s too much today, insulting classmates live in front of the whole school, the impact is very bad.”

Shen Wanqing stood up: "My personal honor and disgrace don't matter, but what Gu Anxi is provoking is the respect of the entire education system, and at the same time, he is very disrespectful to you, Li Ju."

Director Li sighed: This little girl's combat effectiveness is quite strong!She flattered her with a few words and flattered her, and even blackmailed Gu Anxi. What a talent, the Qin family would like her?

Thinking this way, he smiled reservedly, "Who said I'm going to fire Gu Anxi, do you guys misunderstand my reason for coming?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone was stunned.

Professor Gao was dumbfounded.

Shen Wanqing stayed for a while before murmuring: "It's not that Gu Anxi was fired, but who was fired?"

Li Ju glanced at Secretary Zhang calmly, and Secretary Zhang immediately took out his mobile phone: "Now, please listen to a recording, which happened in the broadcasting room of Qingda University. After listening to it, everyone should understand who should be responsible for this farce responsibility."

Shen Wanqing and Lin Qi looked at each other, and felt relieved again——

The atrocities that Gu Anxi did to them were finally recorded and handed over to the leaders above. Gu Anxi was doomed.

Secretary Zhang's eyes fell on Shen Wanqing's face, she smiled slightly, and pressed the broadcast button.

With the sound from inside, the expressions of Shen Wanqing and Lin Qi changed suddenly...

[Wan Qing, after this manuscript is aired, will Wang Qin miss jumping off the building? 】

[I can't control this!It is possible! 】

【Then... how about taking it easy?I'm afraid that if we do this, it will be defined as cyberbullying. It's not good to be really dead. 】

【Did you forget how she stood in line at that time?What I am broadcasting now is the truth, what she thinks is her business, and it is also her business whether she can't think about it. 】

【Okay!Who told her that she didn't have eyes, so she insisted on standing in line with us...]

(End of this chapter)

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