Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1251 One Age Was Abandoned

Chapter 1251 Abandoned at a young age

Lin Hua didn't call him, just sat quietly on the bed and looked at him quietly.

Wang Jingyao was dressed thinly, standing outside in only a bathrobe, as if he was not afraid of the cold, he was smoking while looking at the dark night outside, he didn't know what he was thinking... I don't know how long it took, but he finally put out the cigarette Turned around, then stared into her eyes for a moment.

Then he went inside and closed the door to keep out the cold.

"Are you awake?" He asked, "Did I wake you up?"

Lin Hua shook her head: "Sometimes I wake up at night."

He leaned against the door and looked at her.

And after she said this, she didn't know what to say, and felt that the atmosphere was a bit subtle and even too ambiguous. They had just finished talking about divorce but slept together, and now I don't know if he will choose to live in the guest room or Simply sleep until dawn.

After a long time, Wang Jingyao came over and sat by the bed, touched her hair with his hand, and asked in a low voice, "Are you feeling better? I heard from Anxi that everything is clean... remember to check it according to the time later, and don't forget to take the medicine." , no matter what, the body still needs to be recuperated."

Lin Hua lowered her eyes and hummed.

Wang Jingyao wanted to say something but felt that it was inappropriate, and finally said: "I've been outside for a long time, I'm a little cold so I won't sleep together, I'll go to the guest room..."

As he spoke, he lightly scratched her face again, smiled, and then got up.

The moment he got up, Lin Hua grabbed his arm and called out hastily: "Jing Yao."

He paused, looked back at her condescendingly, and then smiled softly: "What I said counts, don't worry."

Lin Hua froze for a moment, but her hands did not loosen.

Wang Jingyao sighed softly, stretched out his hand to remove her hand into the quilt, and covered her with the quilt again, "Okay, go to bed early, the moon is not out yet."

He paused again before saying: "Anyway, the divorce will be handled in another month, so we can't do it at this time, can we?"

Lin Hua lay down and agreed without making a sound.Wang Jingyao was a little bit reluctant, but he was ruthless and went out.

After the door closed, Lin Hua closed her eyes and buried her face in the pillow, which still smelled of him.

At this moment, it seems that most of the resentment and blame towards him have been wiped away... more of it is not knowing what it feels like.

When she woke up at dawn, Wang Jingyao had already left.

Aunt Zhang was laying out the breakfast while thinking: "Mr. left early in the morning and said he would come to see you when he is free."

Lin Hua was eating porridge, she was a little surprised when she heard this, she raised her eyes and stared at Mrs. Zhang for a long time before saying, "He said... come here?" '

Mrs. Zhang glanced at her: "Mr. agreed to the divorce, but you are still husband and wife. Isn't it normal for him to come to visit you because you are not in good health? Besides, there is still a little girl. If you are not a husband and wife, you will not be an enemy." what."

Lin Hua felt that Mrs. Zhang was right, but also felt that something was weird, and then she simply gave up thinking about it...

Mrs. Zhang looked at her for a long time before coughing softly: "Madam, I think you are also very reluctant to part with Mr., then do you want to leave now or not? If you are too embarrassed to open your mouth, I, an old woman, will help you and Mr. Go ahead and say you don't want a divorce."

Lin Hua almost choked, and it took her a while to recover. She looked at Mrs. Zhang, "I have no regrets."

"Oh, I have no regrets." Mrs. Zhang nodded understandingly, and said mysteriously, "But Ma'am, I want to remind you that this man is like a kite in your hand. You must hold it firmly in your hand." Now, you and your husband are really divorced, and now my husband is pretending that you say that you will naturally say that you will not marry a new wife, but men are all the same thing, how can you survive for a few years?"

Lin Hua lowered her eyes: "In a few years, he will be almost sixty."

Mrs. Zhang was taken aback, and then howled a few words: "That's even more pitiful, you've been abandoned at such a young age..."

Lin Hua;...

Sometimes she found that Mrs. Zhang was really the reincarnation of the old lady, she was exactly the same, but with a cold face and a warm face.

On the other side, Wang Jingyao was sitting in the office, and after dealing with the matter for a while, he sat there quietly in a daze.Secretary-General Wang leaned over and asked softly, "How was your talk with Madam last night?"

Wang Jingyao recovered from his contemplation, looked at his right-hand assistant for a long time before answering: "Lin Hua filed for divorce."

Wang Jingchuan was stunned, and immediately asked: "What about you, what is your attitude?"

"I agree." Wang Jingyao said quietly.

Wang Jingchuan was even more shocked. After the pupil earthquake, he said hastily: "You are confused, madam is still angry now, and it is normal for a woman to ask for a divorce... My mother-in-law has to mention it to me every two years. , when did I take it seriously?"

Wang Jingyao stared at the documents on the table in a daze, took out a cigarette after a while, lit it quietly, and said, "Last night, I was very happy watching her play the cello, just like before."

"So you were impulsive?" Wang Jingchuan asked in disbelief.

Wang Jingyao's gaze fell back to his face, and after a while he said, "Is there something wrong?"

Marriage, isn't it to make the other person happy and happy? If you can't do it for the time being, shouldn't you let go and make it happen?
After he finished speaking, Wang Jingchuan fell silent.

This is not right, it is not like Mr. Wang's usual style.

In his confusion, Wang Jingyao said softly again: "I heard from Anxi that Lin Hua may be prone to depression, Jing Chuan, do you know that when I saw her so happy last night, I felt that I was trapping her It's not just about this time, but she is not happy and happy as Mrs. Wang, it's better to let her go than trap her..."

His voice was lower again: "If I am better than others in her heart, she will come back one day."

Wang Jingchuan said anxiously: "What if... I mean, what if it takes many years for Madam to figure it out?"

"I can wait." Wang Jingyao took a drag on his cigarette and said firmly, "I can wait as long as I want."

Wang Jingchuan sighed secretly: I'm afraid you just waited for a bad answer, how would you deal with yourself then?

Knowing what he was thinking, Wang Jingyao finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, and said silently: "If she really feels happy, then let her be happy."

Now, Secretary-General Wang has nothing to say. He always feels that Mr. Wang has changed.

He watched him.

Wang Jingyao smiled bitterly: "I always feel sorry for her!"It was hard to get a child, and it was gone. '

After finishing speaking, he raised his head... There was some heat in his eyes, but he tried his best to hold back.

Wang Jingchuan remained silent, feeling a pity in his heart.

Hey, it's okay if ordinary couples really quarrel and cheat, but it's just this prank, a little pride that makes things so big...

Just when he was sighing, Wang Jingyao said again: "Help me do something."

When he said it slowly, Wang Jingchuan was surprised: "How dare she go to find Madam?"

Wang Jingyao sneered, "Why don't you dare?"

Wang Jingchuan immediately became serious: "Okay, I will take care of this matter and make sure that she will not appear in any corner of Beicheng in the future." '

Wang Jingyao raised his hand: "It's enough to stop as soon as you click, there is no need to kill them all."

The matter between him and Lin Hua was his fault, but it had nothing to do with others.

Wang Jingchuan understood, and immediately nodded: "Okay." '

Wang Jingchuan took care of this matter himself, and when he returned to Wang Jingyao, Wang Jingyao just nodded his head and said softly, "Got it."

Wang Jingchuan wanted to say something, but hesitated, and finally said nothing, but changed the subject: "Why don't you invite Anxi to come and get together, you haven't seen her for a long time, why don't you go to the shooting range to relax."

Wang Jingyao smoked a cigarette and put it on his lips, and said, "I can't go away, there are so many things. By the way, Jingchuan, how are things going at Zhou Yunchen's place?"

Secretary-General Wang smiled when he mentioned this, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhou is very sophisticated in his work."

He sighed again: "After all, it was Mr. Gu who brought him up, it's just different. In terms of scheming, the city is first-class."

Wang Jingyao also smiled lightly and said, "Fortunately, I didn't follow that person, otherwise I went astray."

After he finished speaking, Wang Jingchuan was silent for a moment before saying: "Speaking of it, Zhou Yunchen and Song Jiaren were pitiful when they were young. They were obviously parents with such status and ability... Sigh, it can only be said that they are not human-hearted enough to swallow a snake."

Wang Jingyao held a cigarette between his fingers and said, "Jingchuan, why are you so emotional today?" '

Wang Jingchuan smiled immediately: "It's just that I just remembered, by the way, do you want to call me Anxi?"

Wang Jingyao thought for a while: "I'll ask her to come over later, and I'll pick up a few children to have fun, and have a meal when Xichen gets off work. By the way, I'll call that Yan Yan who always hangs out with Anxi too. There are so many people. Livelier."

He said with a faint smile: "I'm afraid I'm getting old, I like young people more, pretty girls are always lively."

Wang Jingchuan said cautiously: "Just take a look, appreciate it, and don't get overwhelmed."

Brother Wang glanced at him, and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Wang Jingyao said again: "Chu Yan is still a little kid in my eyes, only half my age, Jing Chuan, where do you want to go?"

The Secretary-General smiled embarrassedly: "I'm afraid that if you are lonely, you will..."

Wang Jingyao smiled, "Okay, you go out first, I'll take care of things for a while."

So the secretary-general went out, and Wang Jingyao had to work for a while before calling his little bastard. When he dialed the phone, he thought to himself, the little bastard is almost 28 years old. She was only in her early 20s when she was, and he was still young at that time, but now he is old...

It's funny when he thinks about it, he told Lin Hua that he wanted to find a new wife, and that fool really believed it.

But he is already old, so he doesn't have the energy to find a new wife, and besides, he still loves could he find someone else? Taking a step back, even if Lin Hua and He Qi were together, he wouldn't be able to get married again. found.

That's it, it's fine to be alone.

He smiled wryly and called Anxi, but Anxi readily agreed, but Chu Yan was not free because Bai Xun was back.

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, Wang Jingyao remembered, "It's not wrong, Yun Chen also said that his sister is back, I was too busy to forget about it."

Gu Anxi asked in a low voice, "How are you and Sister Lin Hua?"

Brother Wang rubbed his nose, wondering what to do: "Same as usual, what else can I do?"

Gu Anxi coughed lightly and said again; "I heard that you had someone beat He Qi..."

Now, Old Brother Wang jumped up all of a sudden: "Who said that?"

He squinted, dare to say that this surname He is still suing everywhere! ?
(End of this chapter)

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