Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1258 I'll Come Later Tonight

Chapter 1258 I'll Be Back Later Tonight

She hesitated for a moment and said, "Fortunately, the baby is fine."

Just as Chu Ci was about to say something, Secretary Yin came over: "President Chu's meeting will continue in a while."

He gestured to her, and then said to his wife: "It's good that you're fine, I have a party tonight and I'll be back later, you go to bed first."

The corner of Zhao Moran's mouth curled up with a clear coldness, but the tone he spoke to him was gentle, "Okay, I got it."

After hanging up the phone, she smiled lightly.

She knew that there was another girl beside Chu Ci recently, she was a newcomer in the company, she was very clean, the point was that she had seen the photos - she looked very much like the 20-year-old Chu Yan.

The reason why Zhao Moran knew it was because there was a photo of [-]-year-old Chu Yan on the desk in Chu Ci's study. She knew that Chu Yan would be the white moonlight in his heart for a lifetime, and she accepted it frankly because it was Chu Ci's. He couldn't forget the past and she didn't love him, so she wouldn't force her, but as a husband who keeps showing women around her, all she can do is calm her mind, no matter how many there are, there won't be any.

When Zhao Moran returned to the villa, the servant at home unexpectedly said that he had received a courier, and it was sent by the young lady, and the young lady was none other than Chu Yan.

She was a little surprised. She took the courier and asked someone to open it. It was a very delicate box.

She took it upstairs and went to her studio to disassemble it. Inside was a very cute handmade doll, which was worth a lot just by looking at the workmanship, and it was Italian.

Chu Yan was traveling in Italy, and she also heard that Yan Yan and Bai Xun got married abroad a while ago.

Zhao Moran looked at it quietly, then smiled slightly, and lowered her head to touch her belly. This gift is probably for the baby, and she thought that Yan Yan probably also likes baby girls.If it wasn't for Mrs. Chu and their children, they might have already gone to kindergarten. Where would she, Zhao Moran, exist?

She put the doll carefully in a cabinet, arranged it around again, and smiled slightly.The reason why she didn't put it in the master bedroom was because she didn't want Chu Ci to see it, not because she was jealous, but because she didn't want Chu Yan's things to make his mood fluctuate...and then affect herself.

Zhao Moran sometimes feels that she is a bit cold. Now she enjoys his kindness to her peacefully. At the same time, she knows that he has a woman outside but she can still remain indifferent. This is probably because she doesn't love him and has no feelings for marriage. hoped.

He gives, she receives, whether it is good or bad.

I ate something at noon, took a nap and stayed in the studio all afternoon, and it was already seven o'clock in the evening when I finished my work.The servant came over and asked her if she was waiting for Chu Ci to have dinner together, she was stunned for a moment and said softly, "No, sir has an engagement."

The servant was stunned, and then understood.

Chu Ci's scandals these days are known to everyone in Beicheng, but they didn't make trouble at home, and his wife pretended not to know. It's better for a pregnant woman to be calm.

When the servant went downstairs, Zhao Moran put down the paintbrush in his hand, looked at the doll again, and then went to wash his hands and went downstairs to eat. Her appetite was not very good at night and she only ate a little...

It was already the spring of the next year at this time, and the night was very quiet. She was lying on the pillow alone, listening to the sounds outside.

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the child was born, and then she was not alone.

When sleeping, the corners of her mouth are slightly upturned, very peaceful.

This is what Chu Ci saw when he came back.

She's relaxed, even cheerful.

Why, does it not matter to her whether he comes back to sleep at night or not?

He took off his coat and threw it on the sofa, and then went to sit by the bed with the night light on. He drank some wine, but he was not drunk.Put your fingers lightly on her face, and after scratching her twice, she woke up.

"Chu Ci." She opened her eyes and looked at him: "You're back?"

He snorted, then leaned over and kissed her lips, his voice hoarse and sexy in the night.

She didn't avoid it, but her body was a little stiff.It's been more than half a year of marriage, but she is still not used to his closeness, and she can't let go every time, and he doesn't mind that he enjoys the process of conquering her.

He kissed her for a while, and put his palm on her lower abdomen: "Is the baby okay, I heard from Zhang Mama that you eat less at night, why is she disobedient?"

"No." She moved her head slightly, and said softly after moving a little away from him, "It's because I have a bad appetite."

He said quite naturally: "Tomorrow I will rest and make it for you myself."

She blinked... She didn't know if she should show him some emotion.

Is it grateful, moved, or hug him and say, husband, you are so kind!
But she really couldn't do she just stared at him blankly for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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