Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1260 You said... the Zhang family is fine?

Chapter 1260 You said... just go home?
Chu Ci waited for a long time, but nothing came of it. The sound of Zhao Moran washing up came from the bathroom, as usual, without even a pause.

He was sure that she would see it, but now she didn't react at all.

Chu Ci pursed her lips, and a smudge was drawn at the corner of her mouth... The husband and wife took it like this, and it was true...

He suddenly lost interest, got up and went to the bathroom and hugged her from behind, Junyan leaned on her neck and said hoarsely, "I'll go out later."

Then kiss her.

She understood what he meant, and didn't stop her, she just turned her head to accept his kiss, and when he was almost done kissing, she said indifferently: "I'm a little hungry."

He saw the shirt from the corner of his eye, and the lipstick mark on the shirt was also very clear, she couldn't have seen it, if there is no reaction now, it only means one thing is that she doesn't care that she is calming down.

This made Chu Ci dissatisfied. In fact, he didn't know what he cared about. Didn't he want a wife who basically turned a blind eye to him from the beginning? She was really happy because she was jealous and fought?

He is sure that such a wife is not what he likes, but now he is forcing her to be someone he doesn't like, but now he likes her like this?
Not necessarily, he could not deceive others, nor could he deceive himself.

She is unhappy and pretends to be happy, but he...why not?So he learned to torture her, to torture her mentally, not to let her go and make her feel better, he wanted her to be with him.

She said that Hungry Chuci let her go, and said quietly: "Let's have breakfast first."

His eyes returned to the shirts, and it was obvious that there was nothing she could do about it, and that was what he wanted.

Zhao Moran's eyes also fell there, and after thinking for a while, he asked softly, "Are you going to throw it away?"

He looked at her, "Unhappy?"

The couple went around for a long time, and finally got to the point. At this time, he couldn't tell whether it was torturing each other or having fun.

When he asked, she said honestly: "Anyway, it's just that I can't be happy."

As she spoke, she smiled slightly: "No one can be happy."

In the end, she threw the shirt into the trash can with her own hands, not for anything else, just because he liked her like this, and she was just satisfying the evil taste in his heart.

Indeed, Chu Ci's evil taste was satisfied, he put his arms around his wife's shoulder and coaxed in a low voice: "It was just an accident, not some woman worthy of the stage, incomparable to you, huh?"

She raised her head and stared at him with a dazed expression... She didn't know whether Chu Ci's current life was ruining those little girls or himself, why did she feel that it was actually him?
He didn't say anything, just lowered his eyes: "It's fine if you don't take it seriously, just go home."

Chu Ci's original smile disappeared, and she stared into her eyes and repeated her words: "Just go home?"

She murmured absently, "Yes, just go home."

She didn't know where to offend him again, as if she made him unhappy with just a few words, then don't talk and don't go shopping together, if two people are unhappy, why bother to get along with each other and pretend to be happy, She is pregnant and she will feel tired too...

Chu Ci got angry, let go of her and went downstairs first.

Zhao Moran glanced at the door, put on some skin care products and put on a simple makeup, and then went downstairs.

As soon as I went downstairs, the servants at home brought breakfast, which was very suitable for pregnant women. I have to say that Chu Ci did not treat her badly in this respect, and his mother didn't summon her too much. She was very grateful for that of.

She sat down and ate breakfast in silence and didn't provoke him too much. Chu Ci looked not in a good mood, and asked casually while flipping through the newspaper, "Where are we going for a stroll today?"

She finished eating, and said unhurriedly: "I thought you would make a strategy when you mentioned it, at least let Secretary Yin check it out first."

He glanced at her, not sure if she heard the complaint from her mouth, so he smiled lightly: "Isn't this the wife's business? You should be good at buying baby things."

She didn't say anything, and continued to eat breakfast.

She had a feeling that he was deliberately looking for her to be unhappy today... That's why he wanted to go shopping with her, and he wanted to let her see his shirt. What is this, bad taste?

Thinking of this, she suddenly lost her appetite. She is not stupid, but she does not think that he wants to be a loving couple with her. She is just an adjustment in his boring life, no different from those women outside him.She put down the sandwich in her hand, and when Chu Ci looked over, she said, "I can't eat any more."

"Alright, if you're hungry, eat something outside." He was considerate, went upstairs and brought her a shawl and went downstairs, hugged her into the car and fastened her seat belt considerately.

Zhao Moran tilted his head: "I'll just sit in the back seat."

He knew what she was worried about, so he said, "I'll drive slower, it's okay."

She didn't say anything anymore, and slightly closed her eyes to rest her mind. Chu Ci turned her head: "Isn't one night's sleep enough? Still don't want to talk to me?"

He guessed right.But she naturally did not admit it, and smiled very lightly: "How could it be?"

He held her slightly cool hand and said inexplicably, "I thought you didn't want to get along with me, but I was thinking too much, huh?"

"It's because you think too much." She replied mechanically, her tone was lazy, it almost didn't count as coping, and it made him very angry all at once.

Chu Ci raised the file slightly, too angry to speak.

He pampered her at home with delicious food and drink, so didn't she have a few nice words?
His complexion has always been bad, even stinky, but Zhao Moran said softly, "Chu Ci, were we not good before? You are not satisfied when I talk to you well, you keep trying to find out my True attitude, and you are still dissatisfied, tell me what you want me to do."

Chu Ci paused for a moment before speaking: "Moran, do you hate me?"

(End of this chapter)

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