Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1263 Fire in the Backyard

Chapter 1263 Fire in the Backyard
Later, she randomly picked out a few pieces, apparently not paying attention to it, which made Chu Ci a little dissatisfied: "This is not good-looking."

He changed a set, she looked at it, and he really picked a good one.

It was a bit of a surprise, but I accepted it.

Maybe he won't be a good husband, but he will be a good father.

So she was in a daze for a while, with a silly expression on her face, Chu Ci stared at her for a long time, and then smiled lightly: "Like this?"

Her face became hot, and she hummed, which was a tacit agreement.

Later, we picked out some baby products together. They both liked girls so they agreed, and they didn't mention the gender issue. It wasn't until I left the store that Zhao Moran couldn't help but say, "Chu Ci, I just feel like a girl." Girl, if it's a boy, I'd like it just the same...and don't think it must be a girl, it doesn't count."

Hearing this, he glanced at her sideways, "Are you afraid that if it's a boy, I won't like it?" "

"No, I'm afraid you won't be able to accept the reality, if it's a boy." She said quietly.It's because she knew very well what Chu Ci wanted in marriage with her, but she just wanted a little girl like Yan Yan, she was somewhat similar to the current Chu Yan, and the children she gave birth to might be the same. There is a bit of resemblance, such a little girl will definitely be loved by Chu Ci... On the other hand, if she is a boy, she may not pay so much attention, but she is just the heir of the Chu family.

After Zhao Moran finished speaking, he glanced at Chu Ci again, and there was a clear understanding of both of them in his eyes.

Chu Ci didn't talk about this topic anymore, but said lightly: "Go for a stroll."

She really didn't want to get along with him again, so she said, "I've bought it, and I have nothing else to buy."

It's not hard to guess what's on her mind, especially since they've been together for nearly a year, how can he not see it? He was quite patient with her, just wanted to see how long she could survive.

So, Chu Ci paused and looked at her: "Don't women like to buy jewelry the most?"

Zhao Moran's eyes fell on her finger, a huge diamond ring, perfectly cut, but she guessed that his secretary helped him choose it, he probably didn't know what style it was, except for the diamond ring Mrs. Chu Naturally, he did not give less to the ostentation. Several sets of valuable jewelry were locked in the safe at home, but she had never worn them...

She said softly: "I don't lack this."

"You don't want me to choose for you?" Chu Ci lightly touched her face: "I thought all women want to be favored by their husbands, or do you not want it at all?"

She was a little embarrassed, and said patiently: "If you want to see it, go."

Only then did Chu Ci take back her hand in satisfaction, and took her to a jewelry counter on the second floor. It was an internationally renowned brand, and each orb it designed started at a million dollars, which was not something ordinary people could afford. The customer managers entertained them in person, and naturally the customer managers like Chu Ci were very flattering.

Moreover, the manager didn't see that Zhao Moran was pregnant for a while, but thought it was the confidante by President Chu's side, so when he saw someone, he stepped forward and said with a smile: "Mr. Chu, the bracelet you asked Secretary Yin to order here has arrived , did you drop by to pick it up today?"

As he said that, he looked at Zhao Moran.

This is the girl Mr. Chu spends a lot of money on, she looks quite full and has a good temperament, she doesn't seem to be in the entertainment circle, that's why she likes Mr. Chu so much.

However, he only thought like this for a few seconds, and then his eyes fell on Zhao Moran's stomach, and his expression changed slightly——

Too bad, this... This is Mrs. Chu.

Then this bracelet is not for her, in other words, he caused trouble for Mr. Chu.

Backyard fire trouble.

For a moment, the manager's face was very exciting, and he couldn't say a word, just opened his mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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