Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1265 She Doesn't Care About Him

Chapter 1265 She Doesn't Care About Him
After she finished speaking, she looked at Chu Ci quietly.

Didn't he want her to explain? She said, so she waited for his answer.

Chu Ci's voice was astringent: "Do you care?"

"Do I care about being useful?" She said frankly: "No one in Chuci likes to share things with others, and I am no exception. If you must share things, you can just pretend that you don't know, but you seem to tell me the truth every day Don't you think it's ridiculous or too boring?"

Holding the steering wheel with his hand, he stared sideways at her for a long time without knowing what he was thinking, and Zhao Moran didn't ask him any more, let alone force him, just like she said she was not qualified.

She wouldn't naively think that he would do it if she asked, maybe he would be interested in it for two days, but after a long time it would still be the same, and she knew who the owner of the bracelet... was, a girl who looked like Yan Yan, Some gossip has reached her ears, Chu Ci is very good to that girl, and gives her the best resources, and this bracelet should be that girl's birthday present next month, and more importantly, she When her mother comforted her by saying that Chu Ci had no real relationship with this woman, she sneered slightly when she heard that——

This is the scary thing. A man who treats a woman blindly without taking care of her body can't understand what it means.

Zhao Moran understands how attractive a girl who looks like a girl in her 20s is very attractive to Chu Ci, so she doesn't fight or ask, she just wants to give birth to the child.

Once you have a child, you will probably not be so lonely in the future.

He drove, and she sat beside him, and the two of them stopped talking and went back to the villa.

After putting down his things, Chu Ci didn't want to stay any longer but went to the company, and when his car drove away, Zhang's mother complained in a low voice: "Didn't Mr. say that I won't go to the company today? "

Zhao Moran sat on the sofa drinking tea, smiled lightly and said nothing.

Chu Ci drove the car to the company, the car stopped before going up but stopped again, reached for the box with his fingers, looked at it for a while before remembering who it was for, and clenched his fingers tightly to his In the office, when Secretary Yin came over, he pointed at the box lightly: "You ordered this, right? I'll deliver it when I'm free."

Secretary Yin was a little puzzled, took it over, opened it and asked, "This is for Ms. Song, how did you get it, Mr. Chu?"

He glanced at her, and then said softly: "I picked it up while shopping with Moran."

Secretary Yin was speechless, and asked cautiously after a while, "Then how did she react?"

Chu Ci glanced at her again, then slipped his fingers into his pocket and took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and then asked, "How can she react?"

Secretary Yin choked for a moment, and waited for her to regain consciousness before hesitatingly said: "President Chu, Moran is actually a good wife, with a gentle temperament and a sensible personality. The important thing is that she is beautiful. Do you want to think about it..."

"She doesn't care." Chu Ci leaned on the back of the chair, "Even if I have different women lying next to me every day, she won't be jealous or have any objections. She will only ask me to take a shower and clean up when I go home." touch her."

He said it in a self-deprecating manner, and Secretary Yin was even more speechless, "Then do you want to keep doing this, after that child..."

"It has nothing to do with the child." Chu Ci thought about the child to be born, and smiled slightly: "Moranhui will be a good mother."

Zhao Moran is indeed a good mother, even Chu Ci is gradually becoming a good father. Although the relationship between them is not close, but as the belly grows day by day, Chu Ci has reduced a lot of socializing. He will go home before midnight...Of course, sometimes he still smells of perfume, but Zhao Moran deliberately ignores it, and he will take a shower as soon as possible.

However, there is still a woman by his side, and those gossips are passed into her ears from time to time, and when her mother comes over, she will also complain to her that she can't catch a man's heart, but fortunately, he can help with the Zhao family's affairs... …Naturally, she heard some things that Zhao’s mother didn’t tell her from other places. For example, Chu Ci held that 20-year-old girl in the palm of her hand, loved her in every possible way, and had dinner with her every week, or another example of his other beautiful woman was pregnant. Well, he didn't want a child and directly gave the woman 2000 million to get rid of her... Afterwards, he was probably very careful, and he didn't cause any more deaths outside.

All of these came to her ears, she became more gentle and calm every day, and she knew that Mrs. Chu was deliberately making things difficult, but she couldn't find any faults, but Chu Changhe could tell that Mo Ran didn't love Chu Cicai will be so generous...

At the end of summer, Zhao Moran's due date was approaching. Chu Ci came back earlier every night, and would rest at home during holidays. When he was at home, his phone never rang or was disturbed by messy women. Zhao Moran knew that This kind of protection is nothing more than fear of accidents to the child in her womb, and has nothing to do with worrying about her mood.

Early in the morning, she was sitting on the sofa reading a book. She was wearing a loose dark green floral dress, and her straight black hair was scattered on her shoulders. She couldn't tell she was pregnant from behind.Chu Ci came down from the stairs, paused for a while, then walked down the stairs slowly and walked behind her, wrapping her arms around her from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder: "What are you looking at?"

She was startled, and turned her head: "Fashion magazine."

He let her go, nodded and sat beside her: "You can make a good plan to train your body after giving birth and regaining your figure."

She was speechless.

Why, are you so strict with her?The women outside are still not enough for him, but he can only say yes to her being raised like this, and it is also good for her not to anger him.

Her obedience made him quite satisfied. He got up and poured a cup of coffee himself, and sat on the sofa opposite her to sip while reading today's morning newspaper. Zhao Moran had breakfast, so the servant came over and asked: " Do you want breakfast, sir?"

Chu Ci had a drink last night, so he has no appetite at the moment, but he still asked, "Where's your wife?"

"Madam has eaten."

He folded the newspaper: "I'm not hungry."

The servant looked at Zhao Moran, obviously wanting her to say something.

Zhao Moran sighed softly in her heart. She really didn't want to bother him, but she still said softly on the surface: "Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is not good, let Zhang Ma make you a sandwich."

"I was drinking just now, and you didn't say anything." Chu Ci stared into her eyes.

She smiled: "Now I see, Chu Ci, your medical examination report last month showed that you were not very friendly."

As a result, a small cluster of flames appeared in his eyes.

It turned out that she knew that it was his mother who told her, but she never mentioned it, never said a word, let alone cared about it. She would do prenatal education every night before going to bed and talk to the baby very gently, but to him, a sentence He didn't say anything, but now he knows what to say?

He was very dissatisfied in his heart, but he didn't know what he was dissatisfied with. This kind of relationship was actually planned before marriage. She became the perfect wife in his mind, but now he felt dissatisfied again, unwilling to just have A body, he wants more, but he is not sure what he wants.

He was slightly angry, but her eyes were always calm, as if looking at a wayward child.He was very upset, so he simply put away the newspaper, and said in a commanding tone, "You accompany me to have breakfast."

She froze for a moment, then smiled lightly and got up and sat down at the dining table without any resistance. She asked the servant to give her a glass of milk, and then made a Chinese breakfast for Chu Ci.

"Do you want to eat porridge with preserved egg and lean meat?" She asked him, making decisions for him for the first time.

Chu Ci didn't have much appetite either, she just wanted to get angry with her, tapped lightly on the table with her slender fingers, and then made a lot of demands, such as not too much oil, not to put the yolk of the preserved egg, and The number of shredded meat has been mentioned, and the strength of the tortoise made Zhao Moran take a second look at him. It can be seen that he is a pampered son and brother since childhood... The servant is very happy.

Waiting for her to go down, Chu Ci looked at the wife on the opposite side: "I will be hospitalized early tomorrow, huh?"

She lowered her eyes and said yes.

He paused and said: "I have already told your mother to let her take care of you, and the nurse has also arranged."

This surprised her a little. She had never gotten along with his mother very well, and she would not have any contact with him if she could. In this regard, Chu Ci still helped her.

She nodded when he said a word, he was a little bored, stared at her for a long time before asking: "Zhao Moran, do you hate me?"

She shook her head: "how come? You are very good to me. "

She said this from the bottom of her heart. He was really good to her despite his sincerity. He took care of every aspect and didn't have an evil mother-in-law to make her angry. His women would not appear in front of her, except After dealing with him, nothing else could be better...

If it is destined to be buried in this marriage, then the current situation is very good.

After she finished speaking, Chu Ci looked at her with probing eyes.

In the end, his voice was weak: "Is it really good? Zhao Moran, you are only good enough for this, so you are satisfied?"

She thinks he's sick again!

She wondered in her heart again if he was unhappy where he was?That's not right, the little guy outside of him just won a big prize, and he even celebrated her in person. The newspapers and the Internet are all sweet about her holding his arm, and Mr. Chu is also very happy and satisfied with his smile...

After balancing, she looked at him: "Chu Ci, how are you doing? Are you satisfied with this kind of life?"

He was still staring into her eyes and didn't make a sound for a while.

Zhao Moran sighed softly: "It's just that you didn't find a complete replacement after you lost it. You're not satisfied, so seeing me live well, you just feel unhappy, but in all fairness, Chu Ci, you are more free-wheeling than I am, so that's okay." What is there to be dissatisfied with? You see, there is nothing you can ask for from me. I will be Mrs. Chu in this life unless you don't want me..."

As she spoke, she smiled bitterly: "Whether life is good or bad, I can't control it. If you must make me fall in love with you, and then desperately make a fool of me with my heart, I really can't do it, because my lover... It’s not that I can force it if I want to, if I can, I’d like to fall in love with you and be hurt by you again, so that we can both be happy and get along better in the future, don’t you think?”

Chu Ci was about to explode.

He stared at her deadly, gritted his teeth and said, "Who do you think you are? Do I care?"

She didn't make a sound, but still looked at him quietly, as if she had seen through his embarrassing heart.

Chu Ci left and took the car keys.

When the car rang, the servant came to deliver breakfast, and when he heard the sound and saw that no one was there, he became anxious: "Didn't the sir say that you want to have breakfast?"

Zhao Moran rubbed his forehead, feeling a little headache: "It will be fine for him to calm down a bit."

She really didn't know why he was desperately asking for it... She had already said it was impossible.

Really, if she can control her and want to love him well, and then obey his will and get hurt, then he will probably become more normal...

However, she is quite optimistic, if he is not comfortable with her, there will always be a woman who will make him comfortable and happy.

(End of this chapter)

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