Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1269 You Can Let Another Woman Live For You

Chapter 1269 You Can Let Another Woman Live For You

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, Chu Ci looked sideways at her.

Gu Anxi patted him on the shoulder, and said softly: "It's been so long, you should start a new life. You have children, don't bother yourself anymore, Yan Yan also has her own husband and children, no It will hurt."

Chu Ci's whole body tensed up.

Gu Anxi sighed softly: "This is the end of the story, in fact, I don't want to take care of the affairs of your husband and wife. After all, I am not familiar with Zhao Moran, but Yan Yan said that she is a good woman, so it is inconvenient for her to say I said it for her. Chu Ci, Yan Yan has long since let go."

Chu Ci stared at her for a long time before saying hoarsely, "I'll talk about it later."

Now, Zhao Moran is giving birth to him.

Gu Anxi hummed, and said, "Okay, treat her well after the baby is born."

Chu Ci subconsciously fumbled for her pocket again, wanting to take out a cigarette but then gave up... Right here in the delivery room, there was an earth-shattering cry, and Chu Ci's heart tightened.

Gu Anxi raised her chin: "It's a baby. Go in and have a look, even if she doesn't want to see you, at least admit your mistake and say a few soft words, and we'll talk about it later."

Based on her understanding of Zhao Moran, she must want to leave Chu Ci or live a very boring life, but she doesn't know what Chu Ci thinks now.

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, he looked at Bo Xichen: "Uncle, let's go back first, there should be nothing wrong."

Bo Xichen nodded lightly, took her by the shoulders and led her away, while Chu Ci turned around and looked at the door of the delivery room. At this moment, Chu Changhe and Mrs. Chu rushed over. Chu Changhe rubbed his hands and said, : "Why is it early, isn't it good?"

Mrs. Chu was also a little uneasy: "Yeah, how does Mo Ran take care of herself? I said let her go to the mansion to raise her baby Chu Ci. You have to say that you are not used to living in it. Now that it's all right, your wife takes care of herself like this."

Chu Changhe couldn't listen to the bad words, so he said to his wife, "Let's say a few words less."

But Chu Ci said softly: "It was the woman outside who sent her the photo, which led to the premature delivery, and it has nothing to do with Mo Ran."

Mrs. Chu was stunned, then looked at her son: "What... a photo?"

Chu Changhe understood immediately, and pointed at Chu Ci furiously: "You really are."

He is also a man, after a careful look, he realized that his son was probably fooling around outside tonight, so he must have rushed here now!
He was furious, "Chu Ci, you are too outrageous."

Chu Ci rubbed his nose, "Things have already happened...the child has been born."

"So what if you were born? How long does it take for your daughter-in-law to panic?" Chu Changhe was heartbroken, and scolded his son again. After thinking about it, he can talk about it. The most important thing now is Moran's mood, so he stopped making a sound.

Seeing that her husband scolded her severely, Mrs. Chu felt sorry for her son, so she said, "Chu Ci didn't think about it either. Who knew that woman was so dishonest."

Chu Changhe laughed angrily: "According to this, if I'm looking for a woman outside, as long as I don't make trouble in front of you, you don't mind pretending that I don't know, so I'm not wrong, right?"

Mrs. Chu was speechless, and it took a long time before she said, "Can this be the same?"

What she didn't say was that she was noble and married to the Chu family, but what happened to Moran... But she didn't say this to make her son unhappy.

The couple felt uncomfortable, and Chu Ci frowned, staring in the direction of the delivery room, finally Director Sun came out, took off the mask and breathed a sigh of relief: "Mother and daughter are safe."

Upon hearing that it was a daughter, Chu Ci showed a smile on her face, while Mrs. Chu was a little disappointed; "It's a daughter."

Chu Changhe looked at her: "It's not the same with my daughter, she still has such a concept now!" ? '

Mrs. Chu was dissatisfied, but she couldn't say anything.

After Chu Ci and Director Sun talked a few words, they entered the delivery room. As soon as they entered, they could smell the smell of postpartum blood. Although it didn't irritate the nose, it couldn't be ignored. It was Zhao Mo's blood, the blood that gave birth to his child.

She was lying on a clean bed, still very weak, and her hair was covered with sweat as if it had been fished out of water. This was the first time a woman had given birth to him. Chu Ci felt a little delicate in her heart. He used to sit on the bed Bian didn't look at the child first, but gently touched her face: "Does it still hurt?"

She closed her eyes and shook her head slightly.

The nurse was packing things aside and said, "How can it not hurt? How can a woman give birth so freely? Do you think it's going to the bathroom?"

Director Sun came in just in time, and reprimanded with a smile: "Speaking is inappropriate."

The nurse muttered again; "I almost had an accident, so I won't tell you. Men are like this now, and wives give birth without pain."

Presumably, the entire delivery room knew about Chu Ci's mess, and Mrs. Chu's face darkened when she came in and heard it immediately.

Chu Ci himself paused, but didn't refute anything, but continued to touch Zhao Moran's face: "You have a good rest, I'll take a look at the child, it's a daughter."

He is very gentle, but she doesn't need such gentleness now.Zhao Moran closed her eyes and nodded her head lightly. She didn't ignore him, but such an attitude was really not good. Chu Ci stared at her for a while, her thin lips tightened.

Then, a small crumpled thing was delivered to him. After reading it, he was stunned, raised his eyes and asked the nurse in a daze, "Is this my child?"

The imaginary white and tender, the ideal black and long straight, the whole body is wrinkled, the hair is slightly yellow or curly, the whole hair is a little curly, it looks very different from his and Zhao Moran's children.

One must know that Zhao Moran's appearance is also very outstanding.

As soon as he said this, the nurse became even more unhappy, "It's not your child, whose child has not been out of the delivery room yet."

She risked her life and said again: "I think Miss Zhao gave birth to a good child, and some women outside may not be able to give birth to such a beautiful child."

Director Sun coughed lightly: "Stop saying a word."

Hehe, the child is not bad, but beautiful... Really not, it is a little wrinkled now, but the genes of the parents are so good, it will grow in a month or two, and it will be beautiful by then, but this hair is afraid From now on, it will be all curls...

Director Sun didn't dare to say anything more after talking about the nurse. After packing up the things, he helped Zhao Moran tidy up the quilt, and said very gently: "Miss Zhao, I will send you to the confinement center now, and the child will On the side, you can sleep and we will feed later."

Zhao Moran was extremely exhausted, and fell asleep with a slight nod of his head.

She didn't wake up until midnight.

The light is warm and yellow, and it is soft everywhere, and there is a milky smell at the end of her nose. She turned her head and saw a small crumpled bun, which was ugly but cute to her. She stretched out her hand and gently Touching the child's hair gently, he smiled silently.

At this moment, Chu Ci's voice sounded beside her ears: "Wake up, let's eat something."

She shook her body, raised her eyes, and saw Chu Ci standing beside the bed.

He was still wearing the light woolen suit he wore during the day. He looked well-dressed, and he didn't look haggard at all from staying up all night. He was very good-looking, with a unique appearance and a noble status, so there would be so many women rushing forward... But at this moment she saw He felt very strange, she could accept their marriage without love, but she couldn't accept that she was going to have a baby and he was still messing around outside, adding those photos...

She lowered her eyes, "I'm not hungry."

"Why aren't you hungry? I heard from Mama Li that you didn't eat at night and gave birth to another child." After Chu Ci finished speaking, she sat down by the bed, with an extra bowl of tonic soup in her hand, "Drink some."

The head of the bed was raised a little higher, and she sat up a little bit, her body still hurt but she could bear it.She didn't want to quarrel with him, so she ate some food. After eating, she lost interest in him and just looked sideways at her daughter.

It was because the mother's love in her eyes was too strong, Chu Ci said with some distaste: "It's so beautiful, I look yellow and thin, and it's still wrinkled, and my hair is curly."

Zhao Moran said softly: "If you don't like it, you can pretend it doesn't exist, and it's fine for me alone."

She raised her eyes and said seriously after a moment of silence: "If you think I can't give birth to your ideal child, you can change someone."

Chu Ci's body trembled.

She spoke again: "I know what kind of daughter you have always wanted to have, but I may disappoint you... My family has inherited curly hair when I was a child, and it will not grow until I am eighteen or nineteen. straight."

Therefore, it is almost impossible for him to want a daughter with the same face. After eighteen or nineteen years, he might as well find a few women to give birth to him severely. Do you want some beautiful ones?
Chu Ci narrowed her eyes, her voice was also cold: "You mean, let me find a woman outside?"

Zhao Moran thought for a while before continuing: "It can be legal."

After she finished speaking, Chu Ci stared at her.

Her meaning was obvious, or she said it in another way, she wanted a divorce.But she changed it to a nice and thoughtful way of saying it. It seems that his wife is not so innocent, or maybe she wanted to say this a long time ago.

Chu Ci put the things in his hand aside, then put his slender and beautiful fingers on her face, and smiled softly: "Just now the nurse took a bite of Ms. Zhao instead of Mrs. Chu, I think you are happy to hear that, why not?" You don’t want to see me so much, is it because of the photos at night?”

She kept quiet and wanted to close her eyes, but in the next second his fingers slightly exerted force: "Zhao Moran, don't pretend to be stupid, I'll only say this once, I didn't mean that tonight, I just drank a glass of wine with something added by mistake, I'm not as scumbag as I was in the mood the night before you gave birth."

She looked at him stubbornly, with mist in her eyes.

He added: "I deleted the photo, don't mention it again in the future, and that woman will never appear in front of you again."

Zhao Moran's lips moved: "You can marry her, she is pure and looks like Yan Yan, maybe she is pregnant with your child now."

Chu Ci was furious: "Zhao Moran, you really think I dare not touch you, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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