Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1271 Ah!Chu Xunxun pissed on you

Chapter 1271 Ah!Chu Xunxun pissed on you

He stared at her calmly with black eyes, without making a sound.

There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth: "Don't think I don't know, you are pestering me just to show me that you care, well, let me tell you, I have no other thoughts except disgusting... If we must If you are a couple, it would be better for you to have a medical check-up every six months, of course it is best for us to sleep in separate rooms, if you still want to have children, you can also consider test tubes!"

"Test tube?" Chu Ci smiled weakly, "Mrs. Chu, you don't think that I have sent children to this extent, do you? If I use test tubes, why should I marry my wife? I just need to find the best genes."

She glared at him.

Chu Ci still smiled calmly, and after a while said: "Why bother you Mrs. Chu, right?"

Zhao Moran didn't want to say anything more to him, so she closed her eyes, "Chu Ci, I'm tired."

"Okay, take a rest when you're tired." He sat on the sofa, "Call me if you're not feeling well... and I'll just look after this ugly little thing for you."

"She's not ugly." Zhao Moran couldn't help being angry.

Chu Ci has a good temper: "It doesn't matter if you are ugly now, you won't be ugly when you grow up."

His eyes locked on her soft face, thinking that their child would not be ugly.And Zhao Moran was so angry that she stopped talking, she was indeed very tired and tired, and with the discomfort in her heart, she slowly fell asleep.

Chu Ci was reading a magazine at first, but now she put it down and walked over to look at the little guy in the stroller. The nurse also looked at him and smiled and said, "Mr. Chu, the baby is sleeping."

"I want to hug." He said softly, and then reached out and hugged the little guy.

Very light, weightless like a feather, Chu Ci easily hugged and looked down at the little guy in his arms. He was wearing the pink cotton underwear suit prepared earlier, pink but not tender.

He was slightly disgusted, and stretched out his hand to grab her little yellow hair, "Grow up quickly, you can't be so ugly."

Speaking of this, he thought of Bo Xichen's family, Bo An'an, who was very beautiful... and Zhou's family, Wang's family, all of them were very beautiful. He looked at the one in his arms and frowned——

where is the problem?

The nurse watched his expression change, and reminded in a low voice: "Mr. Chu, is the baby still young?"

This father is not satisfied with the child's appearance, does not want it?

Chu Ci glanced at her, and said in a calm voice, "Can't my daughter be hugged?"

The nurse immediately shut up.

Well, you scum, you are amazing!

Chu Ci looked at her daughter, thinking thoughtfully: "What does the mother of the child eat to make the child look whiter and tenderer?"

The nurse forced a smile: "You're still young, so it's useless to raise it. Most of the children are like this in their infancy."

Chu Ci glanced at her again, then didn't say anything, and concentrated on taking the child to sit on the sofa.

The nurse couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Mr. Chu, you can't do this, the baby has to sleep and you will wake her up."

After finishing speaking, the little guy woke up unexpectedly, miraculously did not cry, and stared at Chu Ci with eyes that looked like little black beans, small and ugly.

Chu Ci pinched her face, "Don't you sleep in the middle of the night?"

The nurse was in a panic: "She will cry."

"I'm not crying now." Chu Ci emphasized, expressing her dissatisfaction with the nurse.

But just after he finished speaking, the little guy in his arms burst into tears, and then Chu Ci felt a burst of heat on his legs... He moved the little thing away, and sure enough, it was peeing his pants.

Chu Ci didn't move at all, and he didn't know what to do when he was a father for the first time.Fortunately, the nurse was clever, and immediately took the baby from his hands, put the baby on the crib and changed into a diaper, and said, "The baby is too small, let her sleep by herself."

She paused and said, "She peed on you just because she was dissatisfied with you."

Chu Ci was so straightforward, frowning: "How is it possible. She is only a little bit older."

The nurse fixed the baby and straightened her body: "But she can also feel that you don't like her."

Chu Ci frowned even deeper, "Is there anything I don't like about her?"

The nurse was silent, since the man was hopeless anyway... She went to take a nap, but Chu Ci didn't feel sleepy, she looked at his wife for a while, and that ugly little thing for a while, and didn't go to sleep until early in the morning After a while, when I woke up, the ugly little thing was already comfortably nestled in my mother's arms and eating deliciously.

Chu Ci walked over, stretched out his fingers and gently combed the curly hair, and said in a hoarse voice, "It seems to be a little whiter."

Zhao Moran pursed his lips, "How could it be so fast."

She continued to feed the child without raising her eyes or daring to look at him.

Chu Ci didn't leave this time, and waited until she had finished feeding the child before going to wash her face. Just in time, the servant at home came to deliver the clothes, so she changed into a well-dressed one again.

Secretary Yin came over, talked to Zhao Moran, gave the child a gift, and finally looked at Chu Ci and said, "There are some important matters in the company, Mr. Chu, do you want to deal with them?"

Chu Ci looked at her, then nodded lightly for a while: "Wait for me outside."

Secretary Yin snorted, chatted with Zhao Moran for a few more words, and then left. She was very measured and impeccable, but Zhao Moran could think of anything.After feeding the child, she gained strength after eating something, and then said: "If you want to deal with things, go first."

Chu Ci didn't make a sound, just looked at her.

She smiled faintly: "Actually, Chu Ci, you can really consider it. If you really like it, you can marry and go home. I don't care."

He was so angry that he sneered: "You regard her as the savior, don't you?"Zhao Moran, you really know how to plan. Others think that she has robbed your husband. In fact, you can't wait, don't you, or you just want to bring my daughter and your ex to rebuild the old relationship, but don't forget that you have been My woman gave birth to my child, Gu Fei wouldn't mind the woman I used? '

If it was in the past, she must have been hurt by such an embarrassing tone, but now it won't happen, she is very indifferent: "I didn't think so."

"Then you are thinking about me wholeheartedly?" Chu Ci sneered ironically: "I didn't know you had this kind of heart, but you could still plan for me."

After all, he straightened his clothes: "You don't have to worry about this matter, I will handle it."

He was about to leave after he finished speaking, but Zhao Moran stopped him: "Chu Ci, I'm serious."

Chu Ci turned around and stared at her unkindly.

She pursed her lips, and said softly, "I'm actually tired too, can you please let me go, and yourself too."

She didn't want to lose herself anymore for the love between him and Chu Yan...

Chu Ci stared at her fragile and serious appearance, first pursed her lips tightly, and then raised her lips slightly after a long time, and said in a cold voice: "Why, Zhao Moran, you don't think I spent so much money to invite you Have a baby for me?"

He was always unhappy and left quickly.

At the door, Secretary Yin closed the door for him, and then said in a low voice: "Song Yunfei sent the photo to the media, and I looked at her to mean that she wanted to force the palace."

After she finished speaking, she stared at Chu Ci with burning eyes, wondering what he thought.

Chu Ci didn't speak immediately, and walked directly to the elevator, and said after entering the elevator: "Delete those photos from the entire Internet first, and the person who finds her gags her mouth, by the way, find her family members again." come out."

Secretary Yin said cautiously: "What are you going to do? Send her abroad?"

"Isn't that too cheap for her?" Chu Ci said in a cold voice.

Secretary Yin shook his body and stared at his boss.

Chu Ci didn't say anything more, but her whole body was cold...

Two hours later, Song Yunfei was wearing a tutu skirt and carefully pushed away from Chu Ci's office.

Chu Ci was inside, but he didn't work, but sat behind his desk and smoked lightly, with a stack of documents in front of him.Seeing her come in, he said calmly, "Sit down and talk."

His attitude made her uneasy. She did some outrageous things and relied on him to spoil her, and his wife only gave him a daughter, didn't she? She felt that she had hope, so she released those photos .

She believed that as long as he couldn't bear her, he would divorce and stay with her, then she would be Mrs. Chu and no longer a second- and third-tier starlet.

But he wasn't angry, but she was uneasy. She thought he was going to lose his temper.So after sitting down, without waiting for Chu Ci to speak, she took the initiative to say: "Chu Ci, I didn't mean it, the photo... I sent it by accident."

Chu Ci smiled very gently, "I don't blame you, I have already had people delete all those photos."

She froze and looked at him, feeling a little disappointed not understanding what he meant.

But Chu Ci picked up a stack of materials in his hand, and threw it forward: "This is a new play arranged for you by the company, please take a look."

Song Yunfei didn't want to talk about this with him. She thought he was angry and sent her away with work, so she relied on her youth to be favored, bit her lip and whispered: "I don't want to leave Beicheng, I want to stay by your side."

In the past, when she acted like a baby, he would always hug her and coax her. Even if he misses others through her little face, she... doesn't care, as long as he pets her, as long as he can get substantial benefits , and she will not be satisfied with the life of a pet, she wants to be Mrs. Chu, she wants to be a lady.

She leaned against the desk and acted like a baby, her fingers gently scratching the desk.

She believed that he could abandon his wife and come to comfort herself, which meant that she was better than his wife in his heart, so she had to work harder, and she must not leave Beicheng at this time.

Chu Ci raised his eyes and looked at her calmly, "This is a play arranged for you by the company, Miss Song."

Miss Song's three words hurt the little girl's heart, Song Yunfei leaned against the table unhappily: "I want to be with you."

Chu Ci glanced at her again, and suddenly pressed the inside line: "Secretary Yin, please come in."

Within a minute, Secretary Yin pushed the door open and entered: "Mr. Chu."

Chu Ci lighted a cigarette leisurely, and said softly: "Miss Song may want to terminate the contract early, help her figure out how much she has to pay the company."

Secretary Yin smiled slightly: "Okay, Mr. Chu. '

Song Yunfei was frightened, and looked at Chu Ci absent-mindedly: "I don't want to terminate the contract, I just don't want to leave Beicheng and leave you, Chu Ci... Please, I will be obedient, I will be good, Chu Ci, please don't ignore me."

Chu Ci glanced at Secretary Yin.

Secretary Yin sighed secretly, and then said to the spoiled and spoiled young girl seriously: "Then obey the company's arrangement."

With tears in her eyes, Song Yunfei reluctantly took the script, only glanced at her and she was shocked.

This script was arranged for her when she first came to the company. The characters were not good and there were a lot of such plays. After acting, it was absolutely impossible to destroy her future and then try to take the route of a girl. At that time She may have no choice but now Chu Ci wants her to take on such a scene...

She couldn't believe it.

Chu Ci's voice was flat: "Either obey the company's arrangement, or be regarded as a breach of contract."

Song Yunfei was very excited: "Chu Ci, you can't treat me like this!"

Secretary Yin coughed lightly: "Miss Song, don't get too excited. Boss Chu has his reasons for making such arrangements."

But the young girl couldn't hear the hint, she bit her lips: "Did she mean it, did she want to keep me away from you and ruin my future?"

Secretary Yin secretly rolled his eyes——

Zhao Moran is not a bird at all, okay, don't add drama to yourself, and you have a future, this vase is also held by Mr. Chu, it is nothing without Mr. Chu, a good pet must be the owner, This time it fell hard!Hehe, it's good that the mother and daughter are safe. If something happens, a hundred deaths won't be enough to compensate.

Besides, is it true that Zhao Moran has no place in President Chu's heart?No matter how high he is, it's not like a woman outside can match him. If he is bullied, only Mr. Chu can bully him. How can it be the woman outside to deal with him?

Secretary Yin remained silent all this time, but Chu Ci said calmly: "It's what I mean. I don't like women who make their own decisions and keep their own way. I'll give you two days to think about it."

Song Yunfei still refused.

Secretary Yin reminded softly: "Miss Song, your family owed more than 5000 million debts from gambling for a long time, all of which were repaid by President Chu. It is said that they owe more than 1000 million now. If you think about it carefully, you will know what to do. "

Song Yunfei was stunned for a moment, and then said in a hoarse voice: "But those are... what Chu Ci is willing to do for me."

Secretary Yin added another point: "Now Miss Song, you have done something that annoyed Mr. Chu and made Mr. Chu unhappy."

Song Yunfei didn't realize until now that this was Chu Ci's punishment for her. He didn't laugh off what she did but... wanted to destroy her.

She shook her head, unwilling to believe it: "I don't believe you care about her so much, I don't believe it, you obviously like me so much and my face... Don't leave me alone, Chu Ci, I can go to Korea again, I can go get it done again, this face will definitely look better, I beg you, don't leave me alone, there are so many things at home... all rely on me. "

Chu Ci's expression darkened.

Secretary Yin sighed: "Then you have to know how to be a man! You almost killed Mrs. Chu, that's all right, Mr. Chu has already lenient the net, go out."

Holding the script in her hands, Song Yunfei asked again innocently: "Chu Ci, will you still pay my family's debts? Will you still go to me when I come back to Beicheng?"

Chu Ci smiled coldly: "What do you think?"

Secretary Yin was speechless: Where is this naive little girl?
President Chu's temper is not bad if he didn't kill her immediately...

In a long time, Chu Ci handled her lace scandal cleanly. Although it was almost spread, but due to the power of the Chu family, no one dared to say a word, especially Zhao Moran's ears clean.For the next period of time, Chu Ci stayed in the hospital like a [-]-year-old filial husband. Although she still disliked Chu Xunxun's ugly appearance, she would give her a hug anyway, and would make milk for her to feed her when there was not enough food. , patted and coaxed her to sleep... Occasionally, I would go to see her take a bath, and then let the nurse take the bath...

Zhao Moran didn't know whether he was making up for it or it was new, and she didn't stop her. She stayed obediently when he was around, and let him hold the baby if he wanted to. Fortunately, he is a novice but still knows how to measure, it's just a relationship between husband and wife There are not many words, as if the only support is the child.

A month later, when her body was almost ready, Chu Ci took their mother and daughter back to the villa.In addition to Zhao's mother who came to visit from time to time, that is, Chu Changhe and his wife, in fact, Zhao Moran was a little afraid of their coming. Chu Changhe was too kind to her, and Mrs. Chu was too harsh. Tzu said...

Two months later, at night, after she finished coaxing Xunxun, the name was still reported in the household registration book. This was Chu Ci's insistence, saying that the name was nice... After Xunxun fell asleep, she bent over her little face After kissing her, I went to the bathroom and took a good bath. It is still very tiring to take care of the child by myself, especially this child is very active. Yan Yan.

Zhao Moran looked up at the LCD screen on the ceiling.

It is true that the life of being Mrs. Chu is very comfortable, and Chu Ci did not treat her badly, but to her, it is just a mechanical life, except for the children...

She thought that if she couldn't get divorced, it would be good to have another one, so that she would have something to do.

Just thinking about it like this, I didn't notice a person standing at the door of the bathroom at all.

Chu Ci who came back from the entertainment.

He drank some wine, originally he just came to see Xunxun, the husband and wife are sleeping in separate rooms these days, but when he didn't want to, he saw her in the bathroom, as if she was about to fall asleep...

(End of this chapter)

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