Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1275 This child cannot be left behind

Chapter 1275 This child cannot be left behind

Chu Ci thought for a while, "Take it here."

The servant immediately brought over the recipe, still a little nervous.Chu Ci glanced at her, then looked at her casually, and frowned for a long time: "Madam only eats this little staple food?"

She is still feeding the baby.

The servant was a little embarrassed, and said falteringly: "My wife said to keep fit."

Now, Chu Ci was a little surprised, and stared at the servant for a long time before saying, "Did she say that?"

The servant was afraid that he would get angry, so he said, "These recipes are prepared by a nutritionist, and the nutrition is absolutely sufficient. Please rest assured, sir."

It has to be said that Chu Ci was slightly pleased by this. He quickly ate his breakfast, took the car keys and got in the car outside. cell phone.

Upstairs in the master bedroom, she was a little surprised when her phone rang, but answered it quickly.She would not provoke Chu Ci if it was not necessary, because she was afraid of his methods of torture.

Her voice was slightly hoarse: "Chu Ci, have you gone to the company yet?"

Downstairs, Chu Ci was sitting in the car, with a calm smile on his handsome face: "I'll be there in a while, by the way, there is a document in my study, please get it for me."

She was surprised, because the study... She has always avoided suspicion and almost never set foot in it, and he hasn't gone there yet, why didn't he take it himself?
Even though she thought so, she hummed obediently, "Wait for me a moment."

Chu Ci hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Upstairs, after Zhao Moran hung up the phone, he looked at the mobile phone in his hand uncertainly, helped Xiao Xun to cover the blanket, and then gathered his clothes and went to the study.

Chu Ci's study room is nothing special, it's a standard business style, it's all dark wood furniture, it's very clean and there are no extra things, except for a photo frame on the desk.

That's Chu Yan's photo, Chu Yan's smile shows a row of small canine teeth, very sunny.

Zhao Moran picked it up silently, looked at it before putting it down, and then she found the document he was talking about and went downstairs.

Chu Ci's car had already started, one door was open, and he was sitting in the car dressed neatly, playing with his mobile phone.Zhao Moran had to admit that besides his status, Chu Ci was also extremely attractive, even if he didn't spend money, there would still be little girls rushing towards him...

She walked over slowly, and Chu Ci also put down the phone in his hand.

"Is this one?" She handed it to him.

Chu Ci took it over, flipped through it meaningfully, and then smiled: "It's this one."

He still wanted to say something, but then his face changed as if he remembered something, and he looked at her.

Zhao Moran didn't understand, "If yes, I'll go back first."

He suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist, his voice was slightly lowered: "Wait a minute, I still have something to ask you."

She pursed her lower lip, "What?"

He looked at her carefully, not letting go of any changes in her expression, as if thinking for a while before speaking: "Did you see that?"

"What?" She really didn't understand all of a sudden.

Chu Ci originally wanted to ask her about the photo frame, but after thinking about it, she didn't ask any more, and just smiled slightly: "Go back, you're still wearing a nightgown."

The weather in early autumn is not cold, and it is really inappropriate to go outside. The servants in the house are all older women, but there are always gardeners and so on, and Chu Ci still minds very much.

When he said this, Zhao Moran looked down at his clothes, feeling a little strange, he would not be so careful about the details before, but she still gathered her clothes, turned and left.

Chu Ci looked at her quietly, and waited for her to enter the living room before stepping on the accelerator and driving the car out of the other villa...

In the villa, Zhao Moran didn't go upstairs directly, but ate breakfast while Xun Xun was sleeping. She really controlled her diet to keep fit, not for Chu Ci but for herself...

She doesn't know how long this marriage will last, but even if she is Mrs. Chu for the rest of her life, she still has to keep a part of herself, at least she can see herself in the mirror, so that she won't see someone who is neglected and reduced to The appearance of an abandoned woman.

She ate her breakfast carefully, while the servant made fun of her: "Madam, just now my husband was concerned about you and asked you about your daily diet, so I showed him your menu."

Zhao Moran stopped eating immediately, raised his eyes, "What did he say?"

"Sir, you are eating too little." The servant immediately said, "But I said it was formulated by a nutritionist, and it will not affect Miss Xunxun's nutrition."

Zhao Moran hummed lightly, didn't say anything, and continued to eat breakfast carefully.

The servant was a little bit of that, she observed for a while, and then asked cautiously: "Madam, did I say something wrong?"

"No." Zhao Moran smiled kindly: "Don't think too much."

The servant didn't understand, but she was old after all, after thinking about it for a while, she understood why the wife was so cold.It's not that she's angry with her, but that she doesn't care about her husband. In the final analysis, she just has no feelings... that's all.

Perhaps in the eyes of other women, the husband is handsome, wealthy and of noble birth, but the time when the wife and husband got married was really the worst, and the day of delivery is probably something that the wife will never forget.

The maid didn't dare to think about it anymore...

Zhao Moran really didn't blame her. After breakfast, he went upstairs to accompany Xiao Xunxun. By the way, he picked out the books he liked to read and read them all morning.

In the afternoon, something went wrong.Nothing happened at home, but something happened to Chu Ci.

Song Yunfei was pregnant, and asked a reporter to release the news. For a while, all major media outlets were Chu Ci's extramarital affairs, and even some intimate photos with Song Yunfei before came out, some in the car, some in the car. In the restaurant, some are in the shopping mall, no matter how you look at it, they all look like they are in love...

For a while, the Internet was boiling. Although the matter of Song Yunfei had been exposed before, it was so explosive that she was not pregnant. At noon, Secretary Yin's phone was about to shatter...

Standing in Chu Ci's office with her hot phone in hand, she said softly, "Mr. Chu, what should we do now?"

Chu Ci glanced at her.

Secretary Yin pursed her lower lip and asked again, "Do you want this child?"

Chu Ci took a puff of cigarette, then put out the cigarette butt, and said very firmly: "I will not have children outside."

In other words, he only wanted Zhao Moran's legitimate child.

Secretary Yin understood, and immediately said, "Then I'll have someone find Miss Song immediately, and the media..."

Chu Ci said softly: "Give a sum of money to the actor who is filming with her, let him recognize this child and stop Song Yunfei's mouth, and get rid of the child as soon as he finds someone."

(End of this chapter)

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