Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1277 I don't care about you!

Chapter 1277 I don't care about you!
It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when Chu Ci returned to the villa. When she arrived, the servant's face was a bit complicated, and she took the initiative to say, "Madam is in the studio."

Chu Ci threw the coat on the sofa and climbed up the steps.

Naturally, the servants whispered among themselves: "This time the wife is probably really angry."

Chu Ci went upstairs and directly found Zhao Moran in the studio. To his surprise, she was very calm, sitting and drawing.

That scene was peaceful and beautiful.

But it was too beautiful, but it made him very uncomfortable. He felt that it shouldn't be, she couldn't be so calm, and he was her husband, but when something happened, she was indifferent to numb, and didn't care about him at all.

But he knew that he couldn't criticize her for the fact that she didn't love him, so he just knelt down and said softly, "What are you thinking?"

Zhao Moran turned sideways, seemed a little surprised that he would come back, and smiled slightly: "Xunxun fell asleep."

"I said what are you thinking?" he emphasized.

Zhao Moran raised his eyes, stared at him quietly for a moment and then said, "What do you think I'm thinking?"

"Moran." His tone became more serious, "I was going to my parents' house, but I came back to explain to you."

Hearing this, Zhao Moran smiled softly, "Chu Ci, you don't need to explain, just do whatever you want."

His eyes were burning: "Aren't you angry?"

She was very calm until he got angry: "Is it useful to be angry?"

Probably because she was afraid that he wouldn't understand, she said softly again: "Chu Ci, we didn't get married in a normal process, but there is no woman who doesn't care about reputation-husband always steals food outside, and I will lose face, but I can't control it and neither can you." I can only ignore this qualification, so now that something has happened, you come back and explain to me, there is no need, really... I don’t need to explain, I’m just a wife you spend money to marry and have children, in fact, it’s really not that much important."

Her 'sensible' remarks made Chu Ci even more angry and his teeth ached. He stared at her seriously, and after a while he said in a hoarse voice: "What if... I don't have anyone else in the future?"

She looked very surprised, stared at him for a long time before she said softly: "Chu Ci, don't force yourself."

After finishing speaking, Chu Ci's sharp chin was caught, and then, Chu Ci's face darkened, "Are you so generous? Or are you afraid that I will pester you all day and disturb your first love?"

Zhao Moran was forced to look up at him, and gritted his teeth: "Chu Ci, you know it's not true, why every time something happens to you, you put the blame on me, everything is first love... Yes, I am Is it wrong to have liked someone else? At the beginning, you proposed marriage with money, so I want to tell you the details of my love? Have you kissed where, how long, how many times... Even at what point do you have to report to you before you can let me live in peace?"

She said so much in a row, but Chu Ci's face became even more ugly, with a dark face: "Zhao Moran!"

She is not afraid of him, or she has nothing to fear at this point. Since she tore her face, she should just tear it up. There was a sneer on her face: "Your mother wants this child to be born, you You can choose to live, if you want me to move the place, you just ask, I will never rely on you, is President Chu satisfied with this?"

(End of this chapter)

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