Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1281 I only want your child!

Chapter 1281 I only want your child!

When Chu Ci said this, Chu Changhe disagreed: "Then you can't do anything wrong just because of this." '

He seemed to have made up his mind: "The child must not stay."

Mrs. Chu was upset: "Changhe, do you want to respect me? This may be the first grandson of our Chu family."

"We have Xunxun." Chu Changhe was displeased: "Don't talk about this matter anymore, there is no need to discuss it."

He turned his head and said to Song Yunfei: "Ms. Song is not from our Chu family after all, so it is really inconvenient to stay in the Song family. In this way, I will arrange for Miss Song's residence, and let me know when Miss Song has figured out what to do. "

"Changhe." Mrs. Chu was anxious.

But she just said a word, Chu Changhe interrupted her, "Shut up!"

Mrs. Chu was stunned. He had never been so rude to her in more than 30 years of marriage, so he couldn't accept it for a while, tears rolled in his eyes for a long time, and he looked at Mrs. Chu again.Mrs. Chu wanted to stand out for her, but she was a little afraid of her husband's anger, so she could only suppress her temper temporarily, and comforted her: "Yunfei, do as your uncle said first... now everyone I can't accept it for a while, in time..."

Seeing her writing a check again, Chu Changhe was naturally angry again: "Don't be like this, don't give people hope for things that have no hope."

Instead, he said a few words to Song Yunfei: "Think about it, there is no need for you to be entangled with Chu Ci when you are young, and I think you will not be good people."

After all, Song Yunfei was sent to a villa with a wink. There was a reason for him to arrange this way. He knew his son's temper very well. He said that he would let people go to the hospital at any time. Forcibly messing with the child, it is better to let the girl retreat in spite of the difficulties than make trouble later on. With his arrangement, Chu Ci took a look at his father more.

Chu Changhe also glanced at his son, and then said to his wife, "That's it!"

Mrs. Chu stopped talking, and she didn't say dissatisfied until after Chu Ci left: "Chu Ci and Mo Ran don't need to divorce, but this child is our grandson after all."

Chu Changhe took a sip of tea very calmly, and said slowly: "You must be sure that this is your grandson. I saw this girl's face is very frivolous. If she is serious, how can she be with a married woman like Chu Ci?" If you want to hold a grandson, you have to see who it is. If it is really the child that Chu Ci forced, then forget it. If it is this girl Hidden other thoughts, so what, didn't you ruin Chu Ci's happiness again?"

These words touched Mrs. Chu's sore spot. She was silent for a while and complained: "Are you blaming me? She doesn't understand Yanyan, and besides, after she came back, I also agreed to their affairs and begged her, yes What can I do if the knife refuses to turn back, I can't tie them together, can I?"

Chu Changhe sneered: "At that time, Yan Yan already had a boyfriend, and Bai Xun was still a relative of our Chu family, thanks to you who figured it out."

Besides, the Chu family owed Yanyan, so how could they force Yanyan for Chu Ci... Chu Changhe was in a complicated state of mind, and couldn't help but miss his little daughter. But I can't see them often in Beicheng... Now it's not easy to see them once or twice a year.

Thinking of this, Chu Changhe felt a little sad, Mrs. Chu was still complaining, Chu Changhe simply went upstairs, Mrs. Chu stopped him: "Don't go, you have to explain about the child."

Chu Changhe got a little annoyed: "Whoever made her belly big, who do you have to explain to, is it not enough for me to wipe her ass now?"

Mrs. Chu cried, looking very depressed, but he didn't bother to care.

After so many years, let alone Chu Ci, even he was tired.After sacrificing the happiness of Chu Ci and Chu Yan, she finally gave birth to her and came again... If he hadn't taken her feelings into consideration, he really wanted to take Song to the hospital right now.

Chu Changhe was angry, but Mrs. Chu sat there and cried again when she saw that she had not achieved her goal. Chu Changhe stopped and looked downstairs. He would probably be coaxed on weekdays, but today he was also affected by it. Enough is enough, and she took another step upstairs... So Mrs. Chu became even more depressed.

Upstairs, Chu Changhe still called Chu Ci and said a few words, nothing more than asking him to solve this matter.

Chu Ci said softly while driving, "I only give it two months."

Chu Changhe was silent for a moment, then sighed: "Chu Ci, I know that you have done everything you can to your mother, but your mother is too stubborn...I will persuade her."

Chu Ci hung up the phone, thought for a while and drove back to the villa. It was already evening when the car drove into the villa.He got out of the car and entered the villa. The whole villa was quiet, and the servants were also very careful: "Sir, you are back."

Without waiting for him to ask, he took the initiative to say: "The wife has been upstairs."

Chu Ci looked up for a while before climbing up the stairs. When he reached the second floor, he stopped and thought for a while before going back to the master bedroom.

Zhao Moran was not there, neither was Xiao Xunxun, Chu Ci looked at it for a while and then walked towards the studio, he guessed that she would be there.After a while, he pushed open the door of the studio, and sure enough she was there, and Xiao Xunxun was also there, sleeping on the crib beside her.

When Chu Ci passed by, Zhao Moran was still drawing and didn't raise his eyes. He could be sure that she knew he was coming and just didn't want to pay attention to him.Chu Ci didn't talk to her first, but went to the crib to tease her daughter first, but unfortunately the little person ignored her, and went to sleep on the little white belly...Chu Ci could only withdraw his hand As soon as he looked up, he saw Zhao Moran put down the paintbrush in his hand and looked at him quietly.

He sneered: "Finally you are willing to talk to me?"

She didn't speak at first, and after a while she said softly: "Does your mother want Song Yunfei to give birth to this child?"

Chu Ci walked over, leaned against the bookshelf beside her, and smiled lightly: "That's right, but I won't let this child be born unless she says that this child is not mine."

Chu Ci is not stupid, but it is only two months now and it is not time for the test, so he gave Song Yunfei another two months, and she will not go straight to amniocentesis again.

Zhao Moran looked up at him.

Chu Ci also looked at her quietly, and after a while she said in a hoarse voice: "Angry? Or are you planning not to forgive me?"

"You think highly of me." She smiled lightly, and said mockingly, "I have no right to forgive or not..."

She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "I only have one request."

"Tell me." Chu Ci's heart jumped unexpectedly, and she didn't know what request she would make.

Zhao Moran raised his eyes again: "If you don't want a divorce, then I don't want Xun Xun to have another half-sister or brother."

In other words, she does not accept his illegitimate children.

In fact, Chu Ci doesn't really want children outside, but when she said this, he still smiled a bit viciously: "Why, being favored by others makes you feel confident?"

He took a step forward, and before she had time to back away, he gently stroked her face with his fingers, and smiled softly, "Don't worry, I won't want a child outside."

Then move a finger to her lips: 'You seem to be getting pregnant easily. '

(End of this chapter)

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