Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1298 She can't do this kind of thing

Chapter 1298 She can't do this kind of thing

Chu Ci's voice became softer: "If you want to mind, forget it."

He thought for a while and said, "It's all about your feelings."

Yan Yan, is the past, and can be regarded as his relatives.

Maybe asking her to treat Yanyan as her younger sister is making things difficult for her.

She didn't expect him to be so talkative. For a moment, Zhao Moran was a little shaken, thinking that he might be able to live with Chu Ci, but it was only for a moment.

She lowered her eyes, and it took a long time before she said, "Let's eat."

But he still pressed her lightly, "What about the travel?"

As he said that, he lowered his head and rubbed her heart with his chin, which meant being very close.Zhao Moran was forced to lie on his shoulders, her face was itchy from his clothes, she wanted to raise her head but he quickly held her head down, "Huh?"

"I'll think about it." She could only give him this answer.

Chu Ci looked deeply.

He wanted to say something, but he didn't say it in the end, he just smiled slightly: "Let's eat."

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Said it was for dinner, but Chu Ci carried Xiao Xunxun down, and she quickly said, "Let her sleep in the crib."

He looked at her, but he didn't insist. Instead, he helped Xiao Xunxun change the diaper.When he was changing the diaper, she just looked at him... Chu Ci was naturally not very skilled, but the expression on his face was very gentle, like a good father.

She still remembered that when Xun Xun was born, he disliked him very much, dislike was not good-looking...

Chu Ci saw her as soon as she looked up, and then smiled softly: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She walked out first.

Chu Ci didn't go downstairs immediately, but looked at Xiao Xunxun again, and confessed to his aunt.

Then, look a little further.

He's not stupid, he can see her avoidance, but she just doesn't want to go out with him, she is avoiding him and understands that he has to go to work at home and she can have more than 10 hours without facing him, and go If he travels, the whole world will be him... She probably doesn't want this.

But for some reason, Chu Ci just wants to live like this, even if it's only for a week, even if she's unhappy or unwilling, he still wants to...

When sleeping at night, Xunxun was accidentally taken care of by his aunt. Zhao Moran came out of the shower and asked, "Where is Xunxun?"

Chu Ci leaned against the bed, casually took a magazine in her hand: "Let her sleep by herself today, I have something to tell you."

She was silent for a while, went to sit in front of the dressing table to apply skin care products, and asked casually, "Is it about travel?"

Before he could say anything, she spoke again: "Xunxun is really young, wait for her after six months."

Chu Ci stared at her profile carefully, "You think so?"

"How else can you think?" Her eyes fell on the mirror, and she could see him in the mirror.

Chu Ci relaxed and leaned against the head of the bed, and smiled slightly: "I'm just afraid that the night will be long and dreamy, and that you won't think so when the time comes."

Zhao Moran also looked at him, and didn't speak for a while.

"Why don't you talk anymore?" Chu Ci beckoned at her.

She hesitated for a moment, went to sit next to him, and just finished taking a shower and blowing through her hair, her whole body looked very soft, and her hair was slightly wet.

Chu Ci reached out and stroked her hair gently, and said in a hoarse voice, "I will take care of Song Yunfei."

She didn't make a sound.

He sighed: "You can speak out when you are angry."

"No." She was absent-minded, in fact, she was already thinking about going to see Xun Xun before going to sleep.

Her distraction made him a little dissatisfied, he lowered his head and bit her shoulder lightly, his voice was indistinct: "Don't you even want to be angry?"

Zhao Moran lowered her head, trying to gently push him away with her hand, but Chu Ci leaned against her shoulder and smiled... She was a little annoyed: "Chu Ci!"

Chu Ci coaxed in a low voice: "Six months, I'll wait another three months!"

She hummed softly, trying to get up but was held down by him...

The next morning, she woke up very late as usual, and looked in the direction of the French windows after waking up.

The sun shines into the master bedroom, which is very comfortable. Xun Xun sleeps on the small crib beside her, and the surroundings are quiet and even a bit beautiful.

Zhao Moran sat up slightly, and teased the little guy, probably because Chu Ci played with her early in the morning, so the little guy didn't wake up, and still slept soundly on his side.She got up after kissing her, and received a call just after washing. She saw that it was Mrs. Chu calling.

She picked it up, "Mom."

Mrs. Chu said rather coldly and noblely: "I have something to do with you."

Zhao Moran also probably guessed what was going on, but she was a little surprised: "Aren't you in the hospital?"

Mrs. Chu paused before saying: "Yunfei came to see me just now, she is very sensible."

Now, Zhao Moran understood... So she was sensible, but she was not sensible.

pretty good!That's good too, so that she doesn't know how to deal with Chu Ci.

After thinking about it, I booked a place with Mrs. Chu.

When leaving the villa, the servant asked, "Madam, where are you going?"

Zhao Moran held the handbag and smiled faintly: "I'm going to meet a friend."

The servant also smiled: "Mr. Cai just called back and said he would be back early at night."

Zhao Moran was in a daze for a moment, then smiled again, without saying anything, went to get in the car and drove away.After arriving at the place Mrs. Chu said, she stopped the car and looked up at the clubhouse.

It's a high-end beauty club, and it may be more private to talk about things.She reported Mrs. Chu's name at the front desk. The lady at the front desk was a little surprised, but the manager immediately came over with a smile and said, "It's Ms. Zhao, Mrs. Chu and Mrs. Chu are waiting inside."

Mrs. Chu?
Zhao Moran frowned, but immediately understood that it should be Song Yunfei.

It seems that Chu Ci's mother really likes her very much, and even this kind of meeting has to take her with her. On the one hand, she probably wants to show her off and make her feel how bad and unlovable she is.

Zhao Moran was not angry, nor did he explain to the manager, and followed him to a private room.

The door opened, and sure enough, Mrs. Chu and Song Yunfei were sitting on the sofa, making each other affectionate. Song Yunfei, who was pregnant, was still beating Mrs. Chu's shoulders and back... Zhao Moran smiled lightly, no wonder she likes this kind of thing. Just can't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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