Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 132 Gu Anxi is the only shareholder of Emperor Color!

Chapter 132 Gu Anxi is the sole shareholder of Emperor Color!

All the people were stunned.

Why do these seemingly elite men treat Gu Anxi so respectfully?

Shen Wanqing was also stunned.

Who are these people?

Her lips trembled unnaturally: "Gu Anxi, do you think you can fool people by getting some extras?"

When she said this, one person headed by the elite smiled slightly: "My surname is Gu, Gu Qingcheng. I am from the Gu family in Beicheng. In addition, I have another identity as the person in charge of Qingcheng Emperor Color."

Shen Wanqing smiled coldly: "Don't tell me your boss is Gu Anxi, I don't believe a word of empty teeth."

Gu Qingcheng remained indifferent, "Young Master Gu doesn't have time so let me go."

He took a document bag from his entourage and took out a document, "This is the ownership of Emperor Color. And when Emperor Color was built, Miss Gu Anxi held shares..."

Shen Wanqing interrupted him unreasonably: "Don't tell me that one percent is also considered a shareholder boss."

Gu Qingcheng smiled very politely: "Is this student misunderstanding something?"

He turned sideways, in front of thousands of students in the school, and smiled: "Gu Anxi is the only shareholder of Emperor Color! That means that Emperor Color has only one boss, Miss Gu Anxi. I don't know if I have any doubts about this student. The equity ownership book is here, and if you have any objections, you can check it now."

Shen Wanqing immediately pulled it over, looked at it carefully, and then showed it to Qin Siyuan: "Siyuan, could this be a forgery?"

Qin Siyuan looked at it and said in a calm voice, "It's true."

Afterwards, he looked at Gu Anxi with complicated eyes, "Gu Anxi, why is Emperor Color under your name?"

Gu Qingcheng answered on his behalf: "It's our Young Master Gu's birthday gift to Miss Gu two years in advance, is there a problem, Mr. Qin?"

two years ago?

Qin Siyuan clenched his hands. Two years ago, Gu Anxi had no accidents. Two years ago, Gu Anxi was still living in the land of Qingcheng...

Gu Qingcheng said again: "Our young master treats Miss Gu as a treasure, so Young Master Gu hopes there will be no bad rumors, after all, Miss Gu has a boyfriend."

With that said, the whole school was in an uproar——


Such a great fairy love! ?

Even though the goddess is with someone else, she still doesn't care at all to treat her well as always, and treat her wholeheartedly as a baby! ! !

Isn't it rumored that the fireworks and helicopters all over the city on Gu Anxi's birthday were all written by Gu Changqing?This, this... is really true love!

After Gu Qingcheng finished speaking, Shen Wanqing was completely unrecognizable due to jealousy——

Emperor color, worth hundreds of millions.

Gu Anxi got it easily!

She and Qin Siyuan have reached this point. The most expensive gift is a necklace worth more than 100 million. At that time, she was still too excited. It turned out that the upper class gave gifts in units of [-] million, and she didn't know it.

Shen Wanqing's face couldn't hold back, because she had kept saying that Emperor Color could not be under the name of Gu Anxi, and now she was slapped in the face, and she stood there for a long time without being able to say a word.

Gu Qingcheng finished the matter beautifully, and signaled those elite men to step down first, while he dealt with the leaders and teachers of Qingda University, especially Li Ju, who had made great achievements, and invited them to go to the imperial court.

Director Li was particularly interested. You must know that it was Emperor Color, and usually he didn't dare to dangle the money in his pocket...

(End of this chapter)

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