Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 139 Gu Anxi, Don't Torture Me Like This

Chapter 139 Gu Anxi, Don't Torture Me Like This

Gu Anxi didn't care about these at all. She only went to the student union once after school to fill out the form for selecting a member of the student union next month. She only ticked the box of student council president in the options, and the person who received her was none other than Qin Siyuan. .

I don't know if it was on purpose, but the two of them were the only ones in the office who were very quiet. After Gu Anxi filled out the form and was about to open it, Qin Siyuan suddenly grabbed her from behind, "Anxi...Gu Anxi..."

Gu Anxi twitched his hand but couldn't pull it away, turned his head to look at Qin Siyuan, "Senior Qin respects himself."

His face suddenly became gloomy, "Self-respect? Is Gu Anxi the only one who can touch you and kiss you at will?"

When he saw the picture, he was mad with envy.

He watched her being held in someone's hand, obediently allowed that person to kiss her, she didn't resist and responded...

Qin Siyuan felt that he was going crazy, he let go of her, and let out a low growl in his throat like an animal would when it was injured: "Gu Anxi, don't torture me like this!"

Gu Anxi watched and listened quietly, as if indifferent.

After a long time, she said in a hoarse voice: "Qin Siyuan, no one tortures anyone, every step is your own choice."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left without a trace of nostalgia.

Qin Siyuan wanted to say something else, but when he raised his head, he saw Shen Wanqing standing at the door of the office. Shen Wanqing's eyes were full of tears, and she stared at him in disbelief and said softly: "Siyuan..."

In fact, Shen Wanqing has always known who Qin Siyuan was pretending to be, but she never thought that Qin Siyuan would be in such pain. Wasn't he happy with her at all? Could it be that he didn't think about her at all when he confessed to Gu Anxi? Do you feel it?

If Gu Anxi turns around, will he be with Gu Anxi?

Shen Wanqing was suddenly very scared, she didn't feel safe at all, she stared at Gu Anxi angrily: "Gu Anxi, do you just like to snatch other people's boyfriends, it's not enough for you to have Professor Bo and Young Master Gu, even Qin Siyuan Don't you let it go?"

Gu Anxi paused, her eyes fell on Shen Wanqing's face coldly, she smiled lightly: "I advise you to be careful before speaking, if you are not sure about your condition, it's better to come out after confirming the diagnosis, otherwise you will be bitten." I don’t even know which subject I should pass!”

"Besides, I don't have the habit of not hitting women." Gu Anxi lowered his head slightly, and looked at Shen Wanqing: "I don't even have the courage to accuse men. Are you really equal to him?"

After she finished speaking, she left, heading towards the library.

Shen Wanqing raised her eyes and saw that Qin Siyuan's gaze was on Gu Anxi's back. She almost gritted her teeth (it was so powerful), but she murmured: "Siyuan, I know she took the initiative."

"No, I took the initiative." Qin Siyuan's gaze was still in the distance, and then he looked at Shen Wanqing, "I'm sorry, I thought I could forget her, but I can't control myself."

Shen Wanqing seemed to be going crazy, she rushed up and hugged him: "Siyuan, you must have been confused by her, it must be... We were not very good before, you loved me so much and did so much for me ..."

Have it?

Qin Siyuan wondered in a daze, why did he think it was easy, why he never felt happy, being with Shen Wanqing, and even feeling guilty towards Gu Anxi...


(Babies, listen to your mother~~)

(End of this chapter)

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