Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 141 Still Candy!

Chapter 141 Still Candy!

Shen Wanqing was about to cry again: "What about you? Don't you like me?"

She stepped forward and grabbed his arm, "We were fine before Gu Anxi came back. You said I was beautiful and talented, and you said you liked seeing me peacefully..."

Qin Siyuan didn't make a sound, and didn't tell her, because her quiet appearance had a touch of Gu Anxi's charm, and he didn't tell her that as long as Gu Anxi was willing to nod and say hello, he would resolutely turn back even if it was lost.

But no, Gu Anxi won't...

He thought bitterly again, this is the girl he likes, if she turns around and forgives easily, is she still Gu Anxi, and how is she different from others?

In the end, he still wiped away the tears for Shen Wanqing, and said softly: "Go back, I won't want you."

It's just that it will be done.

Shen Wanqing smiled slightly, until she shed tears, but she knew that Qin Siyuan's thoughts were not on her at all, and she had to find some protection for herself.

"Siyuan, I will help you." She hugged him and whispered.


Going back, it was Bo Xichen's car, and the car stopped in front of the small laboratory building.

Gu Anxi didn't see the car that Feng Mian usually drove, she looked at him, and Bo Xichen unbuckled his seat belt, "Feng Mian will be back tomorrow."

Gu Anxi let out a cry, and the two walked into the guest room together, and Bo Xichen picked up the big bags of snacks: "Miss Spiderman, do you eat this when I'm not here?"

Gu Anxi snatched it from him, and sat on the sofa like a baby: "My mother bought it."

After speaking, pick out a pack to eat.

Bo Xichen walked over and sat down beside her, and smiled, "Are you getting along?"

Gu Anxi was not at ease, and said, "Maybe."

She added another sentence: "When she was here, Feng Mian just transferred your family support."

He put his palm on her heart, and gently rubbed it twice: "Then what does she mean?"

Gu Anxi stared at the TV, her face slightly dizzy: "She said that men have to be tested slowly, and they can't be with their elders at the airport, in the car, in the library... that."

"Which one?" He snatched a piece of snack from her hand and fed it to her.

Gu Anxi's face turned even redder, "It's just that you have to dare to say no to the shameless demands of your elders..."

Bo Xichen snorted softly, "Naughty! The reward is gone."

After speaking, he got up and went to the kitchen, as if preparing to cook.

Gu Anxi was stunned, and slowly digested his words several times while eating snacks, before he was sure what he meant...

She ran over immediately: "Bo Xichen, what do you mean no reward?"

He only gave her a good-looking back, "Gu Anxi, what is an elder's shameless request, huh? Tell me again."

She went over and hugged him from behind.

She didn't do anything, just hugged him, and whispered after a while: "Are we two together?"

He didn't move: "You're holding me, Miss Spider-Man."

"Oh." She leaned her head on his back again, and after a while, she ran back to the living room to eat snacks and watch TV.

Doctor Bo, who was so teased by her, sighed softly——

Gu Anxi is really a passionate and straightforward girl. She will never be hypocritical if she likes you, and she will not be procrastinating if she doesn't like you. That's why Luo Lin is born with this kind of temperament, and there is no limit...

Infinity...Bo Xichen felt a little headache, but there was a hint of sweetness in this headache.As he said, if you like it, you will like it, and if you have a headache, you will still like it. What can I do!


(Sweet or not? There are two more chapters at 10:30~~)

(End of this chapter)

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