Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 147 Sorry, We Are Taking a Private Plane!

Chapter 147 Sorry, We Are Taking a Private Plane!

Gu Anxi gently pulled off the blindfold, her voice sounded milky because of falling asleep: "Are you here?"

Bo Xichen couldn't help pinching her nose: "Yes, we're here."

He suddenly paused, and whispered: "Do you want to invite your mother to have a meal with my parents?"

Bo Xichen was very cautious about Gu Anxi's affairs, and was afraid that he might not do something properly. He is an old-fashioned man, and he pays attention to etiquette.

Gu Anxi thought for a while before speaking: "Forget it this time, she has her own difficulties."

In fact, she is not optimistic about the marriage between Wang Keru and Qin Han, and now there are faint signs of breaking up. In the future, I really don't know if I can make it to the end... At this time, Gu Anxi doesn't want to make it difficult for Wang Keru to be in the Qin family because of herself. .

Bo Xichen nodded understandingly: "I'll pay her a formal visit when I return to Qingcheng." Then he rubbed her hair.

The stewardess came over with a professional smile: "Mr. Bo, Beicheng is here, and the luggage has been sent to the parking lot by someone... Would you like to get off the plane now?"

Bo Xichen nodded, untied Gu Anxi's safety belt, and took her shoulders lightly to get off the plane.

Gu Anxi wanted to buy a tissue, so he walked through the ordinary passage. The two of them were not in a hurry, but they ran into the Qin family's group again at the luggage area.

Qin Silan came to pick him up in person, and brought two servants from the family over to support the appearance. While waiting for the luggage, he said intentionally or unintentionally: "Dad, I booked the best hotel for you, the one that costs more than 5000 a night. You Enjoy it with... Auntie, Siyuan, you and Wanqing, too, Professor Gao, I specially booked the presidential suite for you this time, and it will cost upwards of [-] a night."

Professor Gao felt that the Qin family's daughter was quite sensible, and was very satisfied. Even Qin Han smiled: "Si Lan has done a good job."

Wang Keru doesn't care, she is used to living a good life, but Shen Wanqing is very excited, she has never stayed in a hotel with more than 5000 yuan, it must be very romantic.

I was really happy, but I saw Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen coming from the other side, walking beside them, so I said softly and delicately: "I didn't see Anxi on the plane just now, are they in the economic class?" what!"

Qin Silan fiddled with her fingernails, smiled and said nothing.

Professor Gao felt that he was right, because the Qin family had strong financial resources! ! !

Qin Han was quite reserved, while Qin Siyuan kept silent and only looked at Gu Anxi.

Recently, Gu Anxi has become his demon!

Gu Anxi didn't want to pay attention to them, but Bo Xichen brought her over to greet Professor Gao, and especially nodded to Qin Hanwang Keru, with a personable and impeccable manner.

Qin Silan said lazily: "Dad, we should go, the family's motorcade is still waiting outside."

She looked at Gu Anxi again: "Anxi has also come to Beicheng, I will help you book a first-class cabin when I go back, the business cabin is too crowded."

Before Gu Anxi could speak, Bo Xichen smiled slightly: "Thank you, Ms. Qin, for your kindness, but Anxi and I came here on a special plane, and we will also go back. It's too crowded to squeeze the plane with others..."

Qin Silan was petrified on the spot, she didn't expect a professor to be able to afford a private jet.

She didn't quite believe it and was about to ridicule and refute, when a flight attendant ran over, presented a pen, and said respectfully, "Mr. Bo, this is the pen you dropped on the plane."


(Wow~~I love you~~)

(End of this chapter)

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