Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 149 That Big Buddha is Bo Xichen!

Chapter 149 That Big Buddha is Bo Xichen!

The others were confused and could only look at Qin Silan, Qin Silan nodded: "It should be that Mr. He and the current Patriarch of the Bo family have a good friendship and have frequent contacts..."

When she said this, Qin Siyuan suddenly said in a deep voice, "Professor Bo is also surnamed Bo."

This simple sentence made the people present almost unable to stand——

Yeah, how come they never thought about it! ! !

Bo Xichen's surname is Bo, he is a doctor, he came from Beicheng, he has expensive sports cars, private jets, and the big Buddha on Gu Anxi's birthday night——

That big Buddha is Bo Xichen!

Everyone stayed for a long time before Shen Wanqing asked softly, "Could it be a mistake?"

No one could answer her.

In the end, it was Qin Han who made the decision, "Si Lan is like this. After dinner, you will drive Professor Gao and Wan Qing to wait at the gate of the Siyuan. Be sure to wait until Mr. He."

Qin Silan also waited for Shen Wanqing to be famous so that she could improve her status in the Chu family, so she readily agreed, but she had another question: "If Professor Bo knows Mr. He and is a family friend, we can directly let him Gu Anxi can just tell us, there is no need to wait hard."

Everyone was silent again.

Did Silan selectively lose her memory?Forgot everything before?

Qin Silan also realized it, and then played with her fingernails: "I don't think Professor Bo is from the Bo family. If he was, he would have protected Gu Anxi a long time ago."

Qin Han said calmly, "Isn't this enough protection?"

It's not that Si Lan didn't see the scene on the night of his birthday. The whole Qingcheng queued up to see each other, but Qin Han would never forget that scene.

As a man, he wants to wake up and take power in the world, and that's what he wants.That's why he has to squeeze desperately into the circle of Beicheng. With his ability and the help of Si Lan and Wan Qing, it will be a matter of time...

Wang Keru looked at him obsessed with power, and went back to his room to rest without interest.After a while, Qin Han came in and smiled while closing the door: "Why did you come back without making a sound?"

Wang Keru took a shower, sat in front of the vanity mirror in a bathrobe, and said lazily, "I'm not the protagonist, what are you doing there?"

"What, you feel uncomfortable again?" He held her shoulder from behind, and praised her a few words, which meant that he wanted to pester her, but Wang Keru was upset and refused.

Qin Han didn't care, and smiled: "Are you worried about Anxi? Otherwise, invite her to the hotel for dinner tonight, and our family hasn't had a proper gathering for a long time."

Wang Keru glanced at him in the mirror, and then slowly rubbed the skin care products in his hand, "I don't have the face to ask for it."

Qin Han leaned against her face: "For me, huh?"

Wang Keru stared at Qin Han in the mirror, and said slowly: "If I don't invite you, will you hit me again?"

Qin Han smiled softly and coaxed her: "I drank too much last time, did I really take it seriously? I apologize, okay?"

Qin Han can be regarded as a master in the field of love, and he was entangled again, but Wang Keru was still angry about what happened last time, and he had no choice but to stop resentfully in the end, "It's just one time, you just keep it in mind?"

Wang Keru didn't say anything, Qin Han coaxed a few more words and went out to discuss things with Qin Silan.

Wang Keru was the only one left in the huge room. She was still sitting upright, wiping skin care products with trembling fingers, and weeping silently after wiping...

After a while, she wiped the tears off her face again, she didn't cry, she wanted to laugh.

Her daughter is promising, better than any of them...

(End of this chapter)

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