Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 151 In fact, 20 is not too young, you can get married

Chapter 151 In fact, 20 is not too young, you can get married

After dinner, move back to the guest house, drink tea and taste paintings together.

Father Bo admired the painting carefully and liked it very much. He has always liked Luo Lin's works, but it's a pity that he has never seen him. Second, there are too few works on the market.

Fortunately, now that my son has taken down both the person and the painting, he can have as much as he wants in the future.

Father Bo was very satisfied, um... very satisfied.

Seeing how intoxicated his old buddies were, Mr. He was particularly proud——

The disciples he taught were naturally extraordinary!

Bo's father admired it carefully for a long time before letting it go reluctantly, and gave Bo's mother a wink——

Parents are naturally prepared. The first time a son brings a girl back, he will naturally give a red envelope as a meeting gift, but the meeting gift given by the Bo family is a bit big.

It's a villa on this hill.

Elder He pretended to be surprised, "Is this a meeting gift or a betrothal gift? Don't take it randomly, my apprentice. If you take it by mistake, you will belong to the Bo family."

Gu Anxi really couldn't bear the master of her family's LBS, but...with her elders around, she could only endure it.

Mother Bo laughed, "Naturally, it's a meeting gift."

Gu Anxi was a little more natural, but Mother Bo then said, "But the dowry is ready."

Gu Anxi really couldn't take it anymore, looking at Bo Xichen, Bo Xichen smiled slightly: "I'll take her to see the environment."

When they left, He Lao leaned over: "Old Bo, how do you look?"

Father Bo looked at his old buddies, "Could Xichen have poor eyesight?"

Then he said: "The appearance is good, not to mention the talent, it looks pretty good."

Elder He was extremely proud again.

Bo's mother drank tea, but said quietly: "Actually, 20 is not too young, you can get married."

Elder He and Father Bo looked at each other...

Over there, Bo Xichen took Gu Anxi for a walk around as a way to digest, and then went to the blue room where he lived.The orchid room is divided into east and west, one is the guest room, and the other is the master room, both with cloakroom, study and guest room, which are very elegantly furnished.

After looking at the guest room, Bo Xichen took her to his bedroom, which was different from other places. His bedroom had a Nordic style, with gray and white main colors, and minimalism... As soon as he entered, a cheerful voice sounded: "Professor Bo is back."

Gu Anxi was taken aback, "Is this Feng Xi?"

Bo Xichen smiled: "It's Fengxi. She is an artificial intelligence designed by me. The main body is installed in the orchid room, but she has many splits that can almost cover my life."

Gu Anxi looked at him.

Bo Xichen stepped forward and gently held her waist: "Occasionally, you can turn her off."

Gu Anxi's face was extremely hot, and Bo Xichen squeezed her cheek: "What are you thinking? That's after marriage."

Gu Anxi bit her lips and stared at him, but he turned her around, hugged her from behind and murmured, "I have long wanted to show you this "Se", your famous work."

His voice became hoarse: ""Se" has been hanging here for four years, Gu Anxi."

Gu Anxi turned his head away: "You... have you known me before?"

Unwilling to punish her, he continued to speak in a low voice: "I always heard Mr. He mentioning you, and I really wanted to meet...the year before last, I had a chance to meet, but I had a car accident on the road, and I will find out about you later. , you have left Beicheng."

Later, Gu Anxi had a car accident and Luo Lin disappeared.

He didn't expect that the little girl he met during his trip to Qingcheng would be Luo Lin, the person he had always wanted to meet but never met...


(Yesterday, I made a typo and wrote that Gu Yuntian passed away. Don’t worry, I have personally helped him revive~~Please ask for a ticket~~)

(End of this chapter)

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