Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 164 1 million, kill all opponents in seconds!

Chapter 164 One hundred million, kill all opponents in seconds!

Qin Hanqiang calmly came to the stage to sign his name, both happy and reluctant——

This painting is really too expensive.

Sixty-five million!

However, he still proved his strength in Beicheng, a place where celebrities gather. Next, as long as he sends the painting to Bo's house, he will be able to do things smoothly in Beicheng.

After stepping off the stage, Qin Han glanced at his wife and felt that she had figured it out.

Women, aren't they all vain, how can they think about it and have trouble with themselves?

Satisfied, he said softly, "It's up to you later."

Wang Keru didn't say anything, just kept staring at the stage.

Qin Han followed her gaze, and then smiled: "Madam, I can't take it again."

Wang Keru glanced at him: "I didn't let you take pictures."

She hadn't talked to him for a long time, and when she spoke softly again, Qin Han was teased a little bit, so he leaned over, "Thank you very much tonight."

Wang Keru smiled coldly.

I'm afraid, you won't be able to thank me by then!

A storm is coming, but she is already fearless.

Qin Han didn't know how his wife felt in his heart, he was still immersed in the man's success and couldn't extricate himself.On the contrary, Qin Siyuan felt that 500 million yuan for a painting was too expensive.

At this time, the auction of the last painting by Luo Lin on the stage began again. Because it was the last painting, the competition was extremely fierce, and the price rose all the way to 500 million...

The host is very excited and in excellent condition——

【Is there any more, 500 million...】

[5000 million here, No. [-] Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang really has vision...]


Shen Wanqing was sitting under the stage, watching quietly, with a dull expression.

After a while, she said softly: "There should be no one to add!"

She had just finished speaking when an elegant voice sounded: "[-] million."

There was silence at the scene.

One... one hundred million?

It wasn't until they came back to their senses that they realized that it was Bo Xichen who held up the sign, and they realized it immediately.

The Bo family has always been flocking to Luo Lin's works, but Mr. Bo's is really a big deal, and he knocked out all his opponents in one fell swoop.

The first family in Beicheng is really rich.

The host is also Eran, he still has a lot of art life at the bottom of the box that he wants to perform, how did it end——

How did it end before it started?

However, one hundred million!

One billion!

He was insanely happy, and his voice became passionate again: "Our young master Bo is really a loyal fan of Luo Lin, I just want to interview why young master Bo didn't win two of Luo Lin's works in one fell swoop today?"

He ran off the stage and came to Bo Xichen's side.

Bo Xichen smiled and said something meaningful, "There will be opportunities in the future."

The host applauded: "Young Master Bo's words are broad and profound!"

Then he asked: "When Bo Shao bought the painting, did he also give it to the beauties around him?"

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "Personal collection."

Shen Wanqing was very happy, it wasn't for Gu Anxi, she remembered what Professor Gao said, that Bo Xichen liked Luo turns out that it was nothing more than that for Gu Anxi.

At this point, the auction is all over, and the biggest winner is naturally Bo Xichen.

Secondly, the Qin family had their joys and sorrows. The joy was that they won a painting by Luo Lin, but the worry was that Shen Wanqing didn't win it, and it sold for [-] yuan. What a shame.

You know, originally the Qin family planned to spend two or three million yuan to support it, but no one followed, so they couldn't HI themselves, right?

(End of this chapter)

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