Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 173 Hire the Best Divorce Lawyer!Surname Feng?

Chapter 173 Hire the Best Divorce Lawyer!Surname Feng?

Bo Xichen arranged for his family to enter the private room, and the two managers immediately ordered the door to be guarded, not allowing any irrelevant people to come in and disturb them. The people from the Qin family just stood guard at the door, watching dryly.

Qin Silan whispered: "Dad, old man, I think the Bo family doesn't like us very much, and my aunt is also determined to get a divorce."

Qin Han's expression was a bit awkward, just now when he saw Wang Keru's appearance, he seemed to be more charming than before.

He liked her when he was young, and later when the Gu family was in trouble, she asked him for help. He was somewhat swollen, which is also a common problem of men, but now he is still a little bit reluctant to see her. After all, Wang Keru is a very capable wife. .

Mr. Qin had suffered a loss under Bo's mother just now, so he had to scold his son again. There was nothing he could do, so he went back to the hotel to discuss slowly.

A table of people eating, the mood is heavy like going to the grave.

Shen Wanqing had belatedly realized that the Qin family did not treat her as well as they did in the past. When Mr. Qin saw her, he did not call Miss Wanqing, but only nodded lightly when she greeted her.

She was flustered and ate in silence, listening to their talk.

Fortunately, she heard that Wang Keru was determined to divorce. Without Wang Keru and Gu Anxi, she would find a way to hold Siyuan's heart, and she would be able to marry into the Qin family smoothly.

Halfway through the meal, Qin Silan said, "Dad, did you sign any prenuptial agreement?"

When Qin Han heard this, his back was covered in cold sweat.

He actually... forgot!

Looking at his expression, the Qin family's mood became heavier, but Qin Silan quickly made a decision: "Now we have two preparations, one is that Dad, you continue to seek peace with Wang Keru, and if you can't get a divorce, don't divorce, reconcile. After I got it, I coaxed her to sign an agreement, and second, if I divorced, I had to hire the best lawyer."

Her appearance is quite ruthless: "Since she doesn't want to stay in the Qin family, then don't let her take away a piece of the Qin family. She can leave as she came! Cleanse and leave the house."

Qin Han took a few puffs of cigarettes, let out a long breath, and said: "She refuses to live, so no wonder I'm cruel. She wants to go the same way as Gu Yuntian, and I can't help it."

"Qin Han!" Old Master Qin scolded: "Can you say such things casually? Gu Yuntian was in a car accident and has nothing to do with others, let alone our Qin family."

Qin Han was silent.

Qin Siyuan's fingers clenched suddenly.

Shen Wanqing opened her eyes wide, as if she heard something extraordinary, and then pretended she didn't hear anything.

Even Qin Silan opened his mouth slightly, unable to utter a word——

Her father and the old man were talking just now... the car accident between Gu Yuntian and Gu Anxi was related to the Qin family?

The atmosphere was quite heavy, at this time Shen Wanqing said lightly: "I think sister Si Lan is quite right, if Auntie refuses to go back to Qin's house, then she should leave the house completely."

These words were in line with Mr. Qin's appetite, so he chuckled, "Wan Qing is still sensible."

Shen Wanqing was praised, and immediately looked at Qin Siyuan, but the latter was unmoved.

Mr. Qin said again: "Just do what Si Lan says, and go back to Qingcheng if you want a divorce. The strong dragon will not overwhelm the snake. I want to see what the Bo family can do to our Qin family. In addition, Si Lan, you also hurry up. Some, it’s a lawyer surnamed Feng, no matter how expensive it is. Our Qin family is not short of this money!”

Qin Silan nodded: "Don't worry old man, no matter how much it costs, I will definitely hire Lawyer Feng."

(End of this chapter)

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