Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 175 Brother is the best brother in the world

Chapter 175 Brother is the best brother in the world

Unexpectedly, the brother and sister Chu Ci and Chu Yan were also there, as usual.

Two buttons of Chu Ci's white shirt were unbuttoned, and she looked sexier than on the screen. Sitting next to him was Chu Yan, hugging her brother's arm and coquettishly praising her, just wanting to take a sip of wine.

Chu Ci looked at her, and then fed the cup in her hand to her lips: "Drink one more sip and I'll break your leg!"

Chu Yan took a small sip, "It's so sweet."

"Idiot!" Chu Ci looked disgusted, took the cup back and drank it in one gulp.

Gu Anxi watched this scene, smiled, and sat down with Bo Xichen.

In fact, it's nothing, but Gu Changqing wants Ding Ning to meet Gu Anxi and make him familiar.

Ding Ning is very decent, he can be regarded as an enhanced version of Wang Keru, so Gu Anxi felt a little close, and said a lot of things, most of which were some interesting things about her in Beicheng when she was a child, so that even Ding Ning with such a cold temper could not help but smile.

Gu Changqing put his arms around her shoulders, with a smile that was not a smile: "It's a hit, so, in the future, Gu Anxi, when you see Ding Ning, call her sister-in-law."

He lowered his head: "Don't you give me anything?"

Ding Ning sighed, thinking that he didn't bring any gifts, he took out a gold card from his wallet, and said very gently: "There are 500 million in it, it's a meeting gift."

Of course Gu Anxi refused to accept it, Gu Changqing took Kasai from her hand: "Take it."

Ding Ning is a very smart person, and she has understood something after seeing this battle, but she is going to marry Gu Changqing in the future, the situation of the Gu family is in chaos, and she and Gu Changqing will stand together even if they have no feelings for each other, so Keep silent.

Gu Anxi took the big red envelope and looked at Bo Xichen.

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "Why don't you thank your sister-in-law?"

This is quite clear, it is impossible for Gu Anxi to understand, plus that piece of Beicheng's birth certificate.

She lowered her eyes and said thank you. Ding Ning had a good impression of her and smiled: "If you have anything to ask me in the future, we will add it when you call back."

Chu Yan said from the side: "I also want an older brother."

Chu Ci said in a cold voice, "Am I not good enough?"

Chu Yan immediately flattered her: "Brother is the best brother in the world."

As she said that, she groaned and plunged her little head into her brother's arms, and then acted coquettishly and praised Rainbow Fart. At this time, Chu Ci'ai heard what she knew best.

Chu Ci pinched her small chin with her slender fingers, and snorted coldly, "Really?"

Chu Yan nodded vigorously with a strong desire to survive: "Brother is the best."

Chu Ci let go of her, ignored her, and entangled her like a younger sister again.

Bo Xichen and Gu Changqing were together, but they drank a couple of glasses. Gu Anxi, who hadn't even touched a drop, was going to drive for a while.

Sure enough, it was eleven o'clock when the show ended, and the men were all slightly fuming.

Fortunately, Chu Ci took her sister and left decisively. Gu Changqing and Bo Xichen and his party left together. When they arrived at the Zhan Court on the first floor of Emperor Color, they had to say a few words...


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(End of this chapter)

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