Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 191: The Score Control Is So Powerful, My Heart Has Changed|Status!

Chapter 191: The Score Control Is So Powerful, My Heart Has Changed|Status!

Wang Keru said very gently to Bo Xichen: "My family, Anxi, is very hardworking. She got four degrees at the age of 16. I am very comforting as a mother."

Bo Xichen's expression was still calm and composed: "Well, I'm teaching Anxi's medical knowledge. Anxi should be able to perform general surgery. I hope that one day, she can operate on my uncle herself."

Wang Keru was stunned.

Then tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn't say anything, just lowered her head and ate silently.

After eating another bowl of rice, she whispered, "Then teach Anxi well."

"I will." Bo Xichen smiled lightly. In fact, it was true. He found that Gu Anxi was very talented in medicine. No, she was talented in all aspects and learned quickly.

Usually geniuses are limited to a certain field, but Gu Anxi is not, she is good at all fields! ! !

Perhaps in the future, her medical attainments will be higher than his.

Bo Xichen chatted with Wang Keru and Grandma Chen for a while, then went up to catch Gu Anxi and came down to watch TV with him for a while. At nine o'clock, Gu Anxi's cell phone rang.

When she picked it up, it was Principal Wang himself who called. At the beginning, she asked, "Anxi, why didn't you pass the exam this time? Where did your usual talent go...every one is just a pass, one point." No more, no less!"

Leaning on Bo Xichen's shoulder, Gu Anxi let out a groan before saying, "Someone said I failed the exam, so I have to pass the exam and let her see."

Over there, Principal Wang has a heart in his heart, he is worried about this brat for nothing, he really changed his mind with such a good point control!

It's not just Xiao Wang who is worried, everyone in Qing University is also worried.

Gu Anxi was in the second grade, took a break from school for a year, and passed the non-professional fourth-grade subjects. Every subject was miraculously stuck on the passing line, which happened to slap Shen Wanqing hard in the face.

Before, student Shen said that Gu Anxi would fail the pass.

That night, all the forums of Qingda University were talking about this miraculous event. Gu Anxi hung up the phone casually and stretched, "Bo Xichen, I'm going to sleep, you go back."

Bo Xichen smiled, "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

She had already reached the middle of the stairs, she stopped and looked at him: "Forget it, you can live here."

But he got up and threw the car keys to her, and said in a slightly lower voice, "I will drive by myself tomorrow! I will do an experiment when I go back tonight, so go to bed early."

He was so serious and gentle all of a sudden, which Gu Anxi couldn't resist the most, so he hummed.

Bo Xichen rubbed her hair: "There's an exam tomorrow, and I'll take you to buy a new car for transportation when the score comes out."

She oh again.

He said, "It's a reward. Don't be naughty and fail the exam."

Gu Anxi raised his head, feeling a bit reluctant to part with him for the first time.

Bo Xichen patted her little head again, he definitely didn't only have that kind of thoughts about her, he liked Gu Anxi, and this kind of liking lasted for a long time, so he wasn't very eager for some things...

He bid farewell to the two elders again, and then went out.

Fengmian's car was already waiting outside, watching Gu Anxi send Bo Xichen out, his whole body was sour...



Early in the morning, when Gu Anxi arrived at school, he was surrounded by crowds.

Chu Yan looked her up and down, "I really can't tell, she really passed."

"I said, I will study hard day and night." Gu Anxi reluctantly dealt with it.

Wang Qin admired him very much, "Anxi, you are really good, and now someone in Qingda University has already bet that you will win."

Chu Yan immediately asked, "What's the ratio?"

Wang Qin carefully raised a finger.

Chu Yan: "[-] to [-]?"

Wang Qin shook his head, "No, it's [-] to [-]...[-] is Qin Siyuan."

Gu Anxi said very calmly, "It's okay, the score will rise to [-] to [-] when it comes out today."

Chu Yan immediately asked eagerly, "How much score are you planning to take in today's test?"

"One point less than Qin Siyuan." Gu Anxi thought for a while and said.

Chu Yan was dumbfounded.

Later, I found my voice again: "How do you know how much he scored?"


(Good night, ask for a ticket~~)

(End of this chapter)

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