Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 203 Naixi Online Needs Rewards and Needs Make-up Lessons

Chapter 203 Naixi Online Needs Rewards and Needs Make-up Lessons

Immediately, Gu Anxi's little creamer coughed lightly: "Actually, I still have some deficiencies."

"So?" The uncle smiled slightly, looking like Feng Jiyue.

Gu Anxi nodded vigorously: "I still need Professor Bo to help me make up lessons."

Professor Bo smiled lightly, with a sense of teaching and educating people.

Wang Keru is in a daze.

After a while, my heart was very complicated: You two are enough, don't think I don't know what you are talking about...

Bo Xichen let Gu Anxi go and deal with things by himself, leaving the two of them to talk.

Wang Keru sat next to Gu Anxi, Gu Anxi turned his head and asked softly, "What song do you want to hear?"

Wang Keru reported the title of the song, and Gu Anxi's ten fingers flowed like clouds and flowing water, and the beautiful piano sound poured out...

Wang Keru was drunk.

How nice it sounds!

In the evening, she and Grandma Chen, that is, Gu Rong, talked about the day's affairs, and Grandma Chen said calmly: "It's nothing, it's all Anxi's basic skills."

Wang Keru stared at Grandma Chen anxiously: "And... what else do I not know?"

Grandma Chen changed the subject; "Where's Anxi?"

Wang Keru's expression became suspicious, and he faltered: "Then she's talking about things with Xichen, or making up lessons!"

After finishing speaking, she looked carefully at Grandma Chen, she felt that there was no way out.

Grandma Chen is now the head of the family, and she lives like her grandson... It's still fun to go to school with Anxi, those people looked at her with shock and envy.

After Wang Keru finished speaking, Grandma Chen said, "What are you doing! You have such a big heart."

I heard that Grandma Chen is from the Gu family in Beicheng, and her status is a generation older than that of Gu Ning today. Wang Keru was afraid of her, and felt aggrieved: "Xi Chen's parents said that they would come to Qingcheng in a few days. , that... How can I control Anxi now! She is directly under Xi Chen's control."

Grandma Chen knocked on her: "Bah! No matter how old the child is, it's still your child, you don't care who cares?"

She snorted again: "Don't forget that you are Gu Anxi's mother, so you can't be so cowardly! You didn't lay the egg, but it's always your FU's, right?"

Wang Keru was stunned. It wasn't until Grandma Chen took the initiative to clean up the bowl after the meal that she regained the feeling of being the host.

Back upstairs in the bedroom, everything was the same.

Wang Keru proposed to take Gu Yuntian back to take care of her, but Gu Anxi said that the hospital's facilities are better and the nurses will be more professional.She didn't insist anymore, she just went to see and talk every day.

While thinking about something, Qin Han called.

Wang Keru looked at it for a while before picking it up: "What's the matter?"

The voice was quite cold.

Qin Han said in a calm voice: "Keru, let me ask you one last time, do you have to divorce this marriage?"

"Of course." Wang Keru said firmly, "I think I made it very clear."

Qin Han sneered: "Do you think that if you live back in the Gu family's villa, what can you do with a daughter like Gu Anxi? Bishui Yuntian will belong to the Qin family sooner or later. Besides, Gu Anxi may not have been born by you, so what can you do if she becomes famous again?" Like? But as a person, you need to be more realistic."

Wang Keru sneered: "Do you think our Anxi is as wolf-hearted as you? Qin Han, we will see you in court."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Qin Han on the other side tightened his eyes and stared at the phone for a while.

Qin Silan was a little nervous at the side: "Dad, what's the matter, has she changed her mind?"

Qin Han shook his head.

Qin Silan let out a long breath: "What happened at school today hit Siyuan hard. I really didn't expect Gu Anxi to be capable."

"Is that just a bit of ability?" Qin Han glanced at her, then squinted his eyes: "After getting Bishuiyuntian, we need a chemical genius to make a fortune!"

Qin Silan opened her eyes wide: "Dad, you mean, what secret is Bishui Yuntian hiding?"

Qin Han smiled faintly: "Otherwise, do you think the Qin family will spare no effort to get it?"

There was a trace of strangeness in Qin Silan's eyes: So, the car accident that year was not an accident?


(Good night, babies~~ Don’t forget to vote~~ Tomorrow, send a red envelope of [-] [-] book coins~~ Memoda)

(End of this chapter)

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