Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 217 Jing!Gu Anxi purified successfully!

Chapter 217 Jing!Gu Anxi purified successfully!

Gu Anxi's face was hot, and he opened the door and got in the car.

Bo Xichen just stood there smiling.

After a while, Gu Anxi lowered the car window, "I think you're happier."

He waved his hand: "Uncle, see you tonight."

Bo Xichen just stood there, watching quietly.

Feng Mian floated over: "Reluctant to part with the little friend? The child is grown up and has his own affairs to be busy. I sympathize with you."

Bo Xichen looked sideways: "Don't you deserve more sympathy if you don't have a girlfriend?"

Feng Mian was heartbroken.

Gu Anxi's car did not drive to Qingda, but went to another place.

Clear water and cloudy sky.

The Bishuiyuntian project is located at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain. The original plan was a high-end villa complex area. When the project started, because the place was relatively remote and the land was cheap, the entire mountainous area was bought by the Gu family.

In other words, that mountain area is the site of the Bishuiyuntian project, and now it has been sealed off by the court and cordoned off.

Gu Anxi's car stopped at the foot of the mountain, and after getting off the car, he watched the continuous mountains silently for a while.

She had a premonition that Bishui Yuntian had something to do with her father's car accident.

It is also related to the Qin family.

Walking into the mountains, it is desolate and uninhabited——

In the middle of the mountains, there is a huge lake, the water is very clear, and the emerald green is glowing faintly.

Gu Anxi squatted down, took a few test strips and took a test.

Frowning, he took out a small bottle from his backpack and filled it.

An hour later, her car drove into Qingda University.

The car stopped, and she called Principal Wang: "Lock the laboratory, I want to do an experiment there."

When Principal Wang heard this, he was very excited: "I will start to do it immediately."

Mr. President, it is time to open for business... If there is another award this time, but it will be under their Qing University name, it will be exciting and exciting to think about it.

Cooperate, fully cooperate.

Gu Anxi got off the car and walked towards the laboratory building.

She didn't wear a white school uniform today, but a pair of black slacks with a brown turtleneck sweater emmm on top.

Walking on the road, Wu Mazu looked at her. Gu Anxi, who is usually so cold, touched his neck at this moment, thinking to himself, he will remind Bo Xichen not to do this again! ! !

Gu Anxi entered the laboratory building for a day and did not come out until five o'clock in the afternoon. She finally poured out about [-]ml of light green liquid from a beaker.


Very pure jing!

(Fiction, the table is too serious~~ just cool~~)

Gu Anxi filled it with a smaller bottle, put it in his bag, and walked out of the laboratory.

As soon as they went downstairs, Principal Wang and the head of the department stood there with loving faces.

Unexpectedly, there was Professor Gao.

Professor Gao's expression was as if he had eaten special food, very reluctantly.

Principal Wang spoke first: "Anxi, Professor Gao wants to talk to you, let's have a meal together and learn about painting skills."

Professor Gao said sincerely, "I'm asking for advice."

Gu Anxi rubbed his nose: "Well, I may not have time today, Professor Gao in a few days."

Professor Gao was quite afraid of being rejected and slapped in the face, but he didn't expect Gu Anxi to be so eloquent, and he actually praised him several times.

Gu Anxi suddenly said: "By the way, last time my mother sent over some of my old drawings, which were drawn with my left hand. If Professor Gao doesn't mind, I'll send you two."

Professor Gao was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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